Lands of Fire & Ice Book!

Author: Anonymous /


I will be purchasing the Lands of Fire & Ice map book that will be coming out tomorrow!

Super duper stoked. After all, it's still around the 150 days left to go mark and I need something to help me through the winter!

I also got a full time job, so I apologize if there seems to be long gaps between posts. When new and exciting news pops up, I'll be back blogging!


Rhaegar & Lyanna Casting Ideas?

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

While I was working over the weekend, the subject of Rhaegar and Lyanna came up.

An important question was posed to me: "Who would you like to see cast as Rhaegar and Lyanna?"

I thought about this for some time. I know that in "A Feast for Crows" there is a lot of reference to Rhaegar and Lyanna.

My husband chimed in with his suggestion - "Monica Belucci for Lyanna Stark. Just pop on some blue contacts and presto! Hotness, guaranteed." (typical man, although I have to agree, Monica Belucci is gorgeous and I am sure that a lot of men would tune in to see her on A Game of Thrones)

I thought of Charlize Theron. I read a while back that she is a huge Game of Thrones fan and would absolutely love the opportunity to get a part, even if it was a small part, on the show. If you've seen Aeon Flux, you'll know she can carry off having dark hair. She certainly is attractive enough! For those of you who've read the fourth book, you'll know that Cersei always had a jealous streak to her and didn't appreciate that the late Lyanna Stark was held to be one of the most "beautiful women in Westeros." I think Cersei was very threatened, because Lyanna was well liked and respected, stunning and came from a noble household.

The fact that Robert Baratheon was in love with her AND Rhaegar presented her with the rose wreath at one of the tournaments says something. Two men, from equally famous houses are in love with this woman? I also think that they need someone who can pull off the flashbacks, in terms of age and looks. Charlize Theron is 36, I believe. Not that she looks 36. She could easily pass for 28 or 29.

Now, in terms of who I'd like to see cast in flashbacks, as Rhaegar, the first person that came to mind was Tom Hardy. He's built, has blue eyes, can carry a melancholy disposition and is gorgeous. I mean, hello?! If you don't believe me, just look him up on Internet Movie Database and check out his roster of movies. I think he could carry it off. I'd LIKE to see him cast! Many women would thank me for my suggestion in the long run. Another actor that came to mind was Jack Huston, also known as Richard Harrow, on Boardwalk Empire. He has an impressive body of work and I think he could carry the part off rather well.

Who would you like to see cast as Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, if A Feast for Crows gets green lit and they incorporate flashback sequences? Suggestions, anyone?

Number Nine

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

We are now down to 165 days and counting. I've read a lot of articles about the filming of the infamous 'Red Wedding' scene. There's been all sorts of pictures of set designs and productions over in Croatia. I can't wait!!

I also read that the Red Wedding is going to be episode 9 in the first half of A Storm of Swords next year.

If memory serves correct....episode 9 in Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings were really intense and action packed. Is it just me, or does George R R Martin like the number 9?

I was born of the ninth of April. So of course, you know I'm not biased! Right?! (*wink wink nudge nudge*)

I love weddings and all....but this is one that I would've skipped...had I been invited! Yikes!

Bran Stark: The Broken Wolf

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

HBOWatch has published another one of my character pieces. Bran Stark is close to my heart. Why?

I have worked with students with special needs in the last decade and I have found that there is something special about those kids. I am drawn to them like a lodestone. I am looking forward to Season III and seeing how the writers are going to fit in several major events for Bran.

I think this young wolf pup is going to have several challenges ahead of him BUT I think he's going to persevere!


Happy Name Day Lena Headey!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , ,

Happy name day to the only woman who could so convincingly portray the steely cold, equally calculating Cersei Lannister.

I can't stand the character, because she is evil personified (same with Joffrey). But I do appreciate the time when she said how awful it was to have such high intellect but have to suffer all because you are a woman.

I like to think that Cersei Lannister, in some very backward weird way, is a feminist. I appreciate her frustration in the sense where she feels trapped by her gender. All major decision are made by either her son, her father or the small council. It's just a formal courtesy that they let her sit on the privy council.

It must have totally sucked to be a woman back in Westeros. The positions of womanhood vary quite sharply: you are either a lady, a prostitute, an indentured servant, a nun, an outcast, a pawn, a sister, a mother or a daughter. You can't outright be a powerful woman, otherwise you are regarded as a threat. Cersei has, quite possibly, the most powerful title that a woman can obtain in the Seven Kingdoms. Yet, for all the wealth and privilege, she is downright miserable.

I'm glad I live in today's society.