This episode - tempers flaring, fighting, armies, Cersei being a total hag, forces being wiped out, hope fading, many where do I even begin?!
The meeting of Ice and Fire took place and it was chilly, to say the least. Dany got all arrogant and condescending towards Jon and Davos. Loved how Tyrion was trying to do his best at damage control and how Davos more or less gave one of the best speeches - 'If we don't set our enmities aside, then it won't matter who's skeleton sits on the Iron Throne' - the man has a point. So Dany wants Jon to bend the knee, Jon is not going to do so and they are at an impasse. However, I rather got the impression that they were sizing each other up and quite frankly, checking each other out.
Cersei gets her gifts from Euron: Ellaria and Tyene Sand. Yara stands there, bloodied, beaten and chained. The mob in the throne room jeer and taunt the Snakes. Cersei's face is a mask of hatred. Euron Greyjoy makes it very clear what he wants from Cersei Lannister and even makes lewd remarks to Jaime about it. What's worse is the revenge she exacts on Ellaria: she taunts her in the dungeon then kisses Tyene, poison laced on her lips. The horror knowing that Ellaria is powerless to stop the poison from working on Tyene must be a mother's nightmare. She's forced to watch her daughter die a terrible, slow death. Personally, I was more disgusted with the scene right after with the Lannister twins. Ugh!
The Iron Bank is in town to collect their money. Wouldn't you just know, Cersei is acting all like she Tywin or something. Whatever, Cersei. You're nowhere NEAR the intellect of your late father. You're egotistical, mentally depraved and power hungry. You make rash decisions instead of waiting and biding your time, replenishing your resources. She promises the Iron Bank their money within two weeks' time. We all know Lannisters pay their debts but I'm kind of hoping that there's going to be a serious kink in Cersei's plans because this monster has to go down and she needs to be stripped of her power, her wealth and all her resources. BIG TIME.
Bran returns to Winterfell. It's a bittersweet reunion - Bran is no longer Bran, but the Three Eyed Raven and Sansa has great difficulty understanding the full meaning of his role. Of course, count on Littlefinger, who's ever present, to try and stir shit up. He tries to counsel Sansa and she is shutting him down at every opportunity. Finally! Bran reveals that he now has visions - he can see things that have passed - both pleasant and disturbing.
Plans to take Highgarden are in full force. Randyl Tarly and his army take the castle along with Jaime Lannister. The Unsullied get a hollow victory by taking Casterly Rock but unfortunately, more of their ships are damaged or burned by Euron's forces. Damn it! Dany has suffered some pretty bad losses. With the Lannister forces approaching, Olenna looks out her window and knows the end is near. All I'm going to say is that at the very end, Lady Olenna Tyrell basically made Jaime look like a chump. She insulted him over and over again and he sat there and took it. She chugged that poisoned wine LIKE A CHAMP.
Who else wins at death? Nobody - Lady Olenna made death her bitch. She also made Jaime her bitch. Insulting Cersei, calling her a disease and that Jaime is a fool. Oh yeah, let's not forget that she saved the best for last. Who else gets to drop a bomb - "I killed your son. Tell Cersei it was me" - and goes out LIKE A BOSS?! You don't get to being in your 80s in Westeros by being a fool or weak willed.
RIP Lady Olenna Boss Ass Bitch Tyrell, the OG of Westeros.
Hoping to see Sandor, the Brotherhood or Bronn soon!
The Queen's Justice
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: Bran Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Dragons, Game of Thrones, HBO, House Greyjoy, House Lannister. House Stark, House Tarly, Iron Bank of Braavos, Lady Olenna Redwyne, Littlefinger, Samwell TarlyStorm Born
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: Daenerys Targaryen, Direwolf, Dragons, Game of Thrones, HBO, House Stark, House Targaryen, Nymeria, Queen of Thorns, Samwell Tarly, Season 7So, we're all over the place with this season. With budget constraints and a time line to follow, plots are amping up at warp speed. Dany and Company discuss where to go, how to go about it and plans are set in motion.
Now, even though Tyrion is a fan fave and I adore him (he's my fave character, tied with Arya) - he's a political guy and great at reading people and sniffing out plots BUT he doesn't really have the military training. I know that Jaime has the upper hand here.
Now, interesting because I think seeing Sam operate on Jorah, that's going to set two wheels into motion: Sam is going to be successful in curing Jorah and Jorah will make his way to Dany. A win win if you ask me. And of course, we are treated to Missandei and Grey Worm as they consummate their relationship. And I am all for the portrayal of two characters in love. This is, after all, Game of Thrones: people die at any given moment and war rages at every possible corner of Westeros. Seeing a little happiness is a good thing and should be embraced.
Now, we see the Sand Snakes, Lady Olenna and the Greyjoys supporting Dany in her quest to take King's Landing - but Dany is counselled not to go straight for the kill, but utilize a more subtle approach: the Dothraki and Unsullied will go to Casterly Rock and take it while the Tyrell army and the Greyjoy fleet take King's Landing and lay siege to the city. But it's the sage advice from Lady Olenna to Dany - 'Are you a sheep? No. You're a dragon. BE a dragon,' that sets up some pretty serious foreshadowing.
Jon receives two missives from Sam (about the huge amount of Dragon glass on Dragonstone Island) and Tyrion (asking that he come to see Dany and possibly align himself with her). Jon is going, and much tot he chagrin of his bannermen and Sansa, he decides to head to Dragonstone with Ser Davos in tow. Sansa is left in charge of Winterfell in her absence.
Arya meets Hotpie at the Inn at the Crossroads and after scarfing down some pie and ale (a nod to the Hound if you ask me) she finds out that House Bolton is dead and Winterfell is back under the rule of House Stark. The look on her face when Hotpie was telling her all this good news was one of shock. No more going to King's Landing - she turns left and heads north. Along the way, she encounters a pack of direwolves, and one in particular, has grown to three times its' size. The heart breaking reunion between Arya and Nymeria is fleeting BUT I for one am happy that Nymeria is alive, well and leading her own pack of what looked like about 8 direwolves. She's on the prowl for Frey or Lannisters in the Riverlands. Nymeria and Arya have both spent so much time apart that they both recognize they are wild and free - nothing will change that. Nymeria just can't be a pet to Arya. Arya can't be a little lady doing needle point. "That's not you." An homage to Season One, to the time when her father had that famous chat about what Arya will do when she grows up. Nymeria and Arya part and the sounds of hearts breaking was collectively felt around the world.
It sounded good BUT......we all knew Dany wouldn't be able to take King's Landing or take over the Seven Kingdoms that easily. We need to see Dany and Co. go through some horrendous losses, to see Cersei score one victory after another, in order for fans to built to a fever pitch to the point where we're all losing out minds over it.
Euron completely obliterates Yara, Theon, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes. Two of them are killed ruthlessly and Yara taken prisoner. Theon is caught between a rock and a hard place. No matter what he did, he was screwed. No reinforcements, nobody to help him, under experienced, ships burning all around him and watching in horror as Euron's men are slitting the throats, cutting out teeth and tongues of the dying soldiers from Yara's and Theon's crew. He jumps overboard, after having a bad attack of PTSD.
He lives today, he has the chance to get back to Dany, Tyrion and Varys in order to regroup and plan another attack. Enough with all the Theon hate already.
I shut down about four people on Instagram with some very well thought out, eloquently written responses. Live today, fight for tomorrow!
The Winds of Winter Season Finale
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Direwolf, Dragons, House Greyjoy, House Mormont, House Stark, House Targaryen, Jon Snow, Lord Walder Frey, Samwell Tarly, Tyrion Lannister, White WalkersGreed.
Lust for power.
Alliances forged.
Alliances broken.
Armies gathering.
Ships getting ready.
Families torn asunder.
Kings and Queens die.
A reign of terror is about to begin - with a Mad Queen at its' heart.
An old prophecy almost completely fulfilled.
A list with many names.....and those names being stroked, off one at a time by a young rogue wolf.
The magic of the weirwood trees and visions and flashbacks being shown to us all.
A world of knowledge at a soon to be maester's fingertips. Knowledge is power.
Enemies lurking in all corners of the Seven Kingdoms.
A small mocking bird aligns himself with the North (knowing that the key to the North is the eldest daughter).
A once proud garden of roses now reduced to one single bloom. And this particular rose knows how the game is played. She has thorns.
Snakes slither around, protecting themselves in the garden of roses, combining forces....readying their aim to strike.
The young bear cub shows her grit, spunk and tenacity whilst declaring her allegiance to the North. A new King in the North proclaimed, the white wolf.
A cynic is now the second most powerful man in the East, placing his belief in his undoubted Queen. Hand of the Queen. Long may she reign.
Dragons fly around, intimidating and powerful, to help guide the way of the massive forces headed West.
The men may be the brawn in the season BUT it is the women that rule politically. And it was about DAMN TIME that the women have a say in their lives - personally and politically.
And yet.....
In the North, where winter has finally come, a nameless fear is spreading. A terrible army to behold is amassing soldiers, horses and terror.
A terror in the North is the greatest threat to the Seven Kingdoms. And the dead don't stop....
Teaser Trailers
Author: Anonymous / Labels: April, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Direwolf, Dragons, Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, prophecy, revenge, Rickon, Sansa Stark, Season VI, Ser Arthur DayneCould it be possible that additional flashbacks are taking place in Season 6?!
Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning???
Bran having visions - his eyes going white and flashbacks to his siblings and their respective fates?!
Jon!!! Sansa!! Arya!!! WTF is happening to all the beloved Starks?
I hate you Ramsay!! And as for Cersei, I pray to the old Gods and the new that she gets what's coming to her!!! BIG TIME!!!
I heard a little birdie say that Margaery is released by the Faith Militant....has she gone over to their side or is it a ruse to survive?!
Can't wait to see Tyrion, Jaqen, Arya, Bran, Jon and all the awesome flashbacks in April!
They don't call it a teaser trailer for nothing!
Dangerous Women
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Books, Dragons, Funko, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, Graphic Novels, Map, Vinyl FiguresI have been thinking lately of all the times when I used to make fun of my older brothers. They were and still are huge Stark Trek and Star Wars fans. While I totally loved Star Wars, I couldn't get into the Trekkie thing. Both of my brothers collected the toys, figurines, magazines - anything with the Star Trek crew.
The turn of the tide has come full circle - as I look back on the past few years and look at the incredible amount of A Song of Ice and Fire collectibles that I have purchased. I have spent a small fortune on books, magazines, graphic novels, exhibition tickets, drinking steins, magazines, detailed map books, Funko Vinyl figures mugs, shot glasses, hats, graphic prints, framed portraits, essay books and plushie dolls.
If that wasn't bad enough, I read last night on 109 We Come from the Future an article about GRRM and hos he weaves yet another compelling tale about the politics of war and how much dragons play a part in his newest novella, "Dangerous Women."
My poor husband. I already told him that he has to order the third round of Funko Dolls for Valentine's Day next year. Now this.
Dangerous, indeed, for a woman like me!
Fabulous Funko Figures!!!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, Brienne, Dragons, Funko, Game of Thrones, Ghost, Hodor, Joffrey, Tywin Lannister, YgritteOH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just what the doctor ordered: a new wave of Game of Thrones Funko Vinyl figures!
Right in time for Valentine's Day (or a few days thereafter) but the point is - I will have more to add to my ever expanding collection!
This is INSANE! Better than my Barbie collection!
I am going to order the Brienne of Tarth, Tywin, Hodor, Ghost, Drogon and Ygritte figures!
Not too keen on ordering the Prince Joffrey one, though.
This just made waiting for the Season IV premiere a little better!
I keep paying down my Visa but, it's so hard to get it all the way down to nothing. Especially when the folks at Funko go and release more Game of Thrones figures!
I guess I better not purchase any Walking Dead ones, right?
I can't wait until they make the Margaery and Lady Olenna Tyrell figures!
E's Game of Thrones, by the Numbers!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Direwolf, Dragons, Elio and Linda, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, GoT Exhibition, Graphic Novels, HBO Exhibits, HBO Watch, Pinterest, plush toysJust a breakdown:
1 subscription to HBO so I can watch my favourite show!
1 Pinterest board - "A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones" board with almost 4,000 pins.
5 "A Song of Ice and Fire" books.
4 of them signed by the man himself, GRRM!!!!!! (nobody is allowed to touch them but me...lol)
1 extra set of "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels for my mother. :)
1 extra set of "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels that people can ask to borrow from me.
2 "A Song of Ice and Fire" graphic novels.
9 Funko Vinyl dolls.
2 Rolling Stone magazines with Peter Dinklage on the cover.
2 Entertainment Weekly magazines with the Lannisters and Jon/Dany on the covers.
10+ articles on HBO Watch (most of them pertaining to Game of Thrones).
1 Hand of the King pin.
2 Game of Thrones drinking steins (House Lannister and House Baratheon).
1 Winds of Westeros BlogSpot.
1 Twitter account with lots of links to HBO Watch and Game of Thrones events, news and updates.
2 Seasons of Game of Thrones on regular DVDs.
2 Season of Game of Thrones on Blu-ray DVDs.
1 Season III of Game of Thrones Blu-ray special edition pending order.
1 USB stick full of gawd knows how many Game of Thrones things.
1 e-mail to the makers of Trivial Pursuit and 1 response that "at this time, they are not currently looking into making an edition especially for Game of Thrones." (from 2011)
1 e-mail to Crayola with the idea to make "Game of Thrones" Crayola crayons (from 2011).
2 "The Wit and Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister" books impending order.
3 Game of Thrones calendars.
2 tickets from 2012 and 2013's HBO's Game of Thrones Toronto exhibitions.
4 Game of Thrones shot glasses.
3 Game of Thrones essay style books.
1 on-line membership to "Westeros.org" - the friggin' PHENOMENAL on-line community built by Elio and Linda!
Too many pics from the March 13, 2012 meet George RR Martin book signing downtown at Indigo.
3 Game of Thrones styled cakes (one for birthday and wedding anniversary - April 2012 and 2 for season premiere party 2013, with countless more to go for 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017).
3 Plushie Dragon Eggs on order.
6 Plushie Direwolves on order.
I don't even want to think of what my next Visa bill is going to look like or how thick the envelope is going to be!
A Dance with Dragons
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Dance with Dragons, Arya Stark, Dragons, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, Jaime, Jon Snow, Nymeria, survival, Tyrion LannisterIn light of the fact that the school year is coming to a close and that HBO's Game of Thrones is winding down (*sigh*), I've decided to pick up where I left off from last year.
I have been reading A Dance with Dragons.
And BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it ever a meaty read!
Action! Adventure! Betrayal! Surprise journeys! Power! Crime! Intrigue!
And ONE VERY BIG glitch that I did not see coming.
New characters. Shady pasts. Possible hope for a better future.
A lost, forgotten member of a House.
And that's all I'm going to say right now.
Happy reading to me! :)
Recently, I ordered two books from Amazon Canada. The first one was "Season One Essays from Game of Thrones" by Pearson Moore. I've already read a few chapters. Pretty impressed with that book, but it is "The Ice Dragon" by George R R Martin that really got me going.
As in, this is a children's book he wrote in 1980 (I was a wee little thing) and a 2006 edition has been produced, complete with beautiful pictures by Yvonne Gilbert.
Yes, it is a children's storybook but approach with caution: this is George R R Martin we're talking about; therefore there is bound to be some heartache in it somewhere.
I cried. I cried like a little girl. Like the time I watched "Watership Down." I've NEVER had such a visceral reaction to a children's storybook before! Of course, I am drawn to anything that GRRM has written, so it's no surprise that I had to add this children's book to my already growing collection.
Oh Adara, your Ice Dragon will always be with you!
"U" is for Undying
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Daenerys Targaryen, Dragons, House of the Undying, Pyatt Pree, QarthAs in, the House of the Undying. If you read "A Clash of Kings" and watched the HBO series, you'll know that the House of the Undying was portrayed differently.
Daenerys goes through an almost nightmarish type of journey, when wandering through the House. In the series, the warlock Pyatt Pree kidnaps her dragons, in an attempt to lure her and force her to stay in Qarth forever. Big mistake. The mother of dragons was not some little girl that could be bullied and pushed around. In the end, Daenerys found them, got rid of Pyatt Pree and discovered the treachery in Qarth.
"T" is for Targaryen
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Daenerys Targaryen, Dothraki, Dragons, Fire and Blood, House Targaryen, Khal Drogo, Mad King Aerys, Maester Aemon Targaryen, Viserys TargaryenThe only three Targaryens we've actually seen on screen are Viserys, Daenerys and Aemon (who revealed his lineage to Jon Snow towards the end of Season I).
There are some differences in the books. Dany is much younger in the books, for one thing. Her brother is a pompous jerk, for another. But we already knew that. We know that they fled Westeros and came across the Narrow Sea to Pentos, where they sought refuge with Magister Illyrio Mopastis, as wealthy merchant.
We know that their father, the Mad King, Aerys I, was murdered by Jaime Lannister (hence, the nickname 'Kingslayer'). We know that they had an older brother, Rhaegar, who was married to Elia Martell. They had two children. Rhaegar was a melancholy, but studious young man who showed great promise. He was in love with Lyanna Stark. We all know what happens next: the crowing ceremony that took place at a tournament, in which Rhaegar crowned Lyanna Stark the 'Queen of Love and Beauty' instead of his lady wife. Oh, and Lyanna just happened to be engaged to Robert Baratheon at the time. I'm sure that action set more then a few tongues wagging! What happened after is anyone's guess, really. Rhaegar and Lyanna disappeared for quite some time. Tragically, Rhaegar was killed by Robert, after Lyanna had died.
Rhaegar's wife and children were killed by the monster, known as the Mountain that Rides, Ser Gregor Clegane. That filthy and vile man assaulted Elia and killed her, then proceeded to kill the young children. It's no wonder why Targaryen loyalists whisked the two remaining children out of Westeros.
Viserys is a power hungry, condescending man who thinks of nothing but revenge. He wants the Iron Throne back. I'm glad that he didn't get the chance to retake it because his cruel nature and petty character would've translated to worse things, should he have actually sat on the Iron Throne. He would've been a nightmare. I had an inkling the first time I saw Maester Aemon, the first time I caught a glimpse of him at the Wall. Yes, I know he is old and blind, but he had that pale, ethereal quality and I couldn't help but wonder....could this be a long lost Targaryen relative who sought refuge in another part of Westeros? The Wall is a pretty far place to go!
I'm glad that Daenerys was married off to Khal Drogo, because the ancient practice of Targaryens marrying brother to sister is sickening, if you ask me. The idea of incest is so abhorrent!
The Targaryens are known for their pale complexions and silvery white hair, along with blue or lavender coloured eyes. Daenerys sure is a beautiful woman. I'm just sad that she never got the chance to rule with the Dothraki tribe, alongside her husband, who fell ill and died, because of a witch. Her unborn son, Rhaego, died prematurely. It tugged at my heart strings that this poor girl, who had already been through so much, seemed as if she was destined to live a life of sadness and depression.
Daenerys appeared to be a tough cookie, come Season II. If you're anything like me and have read four of the books so far, you'll agree with me that whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger and this adage seems to apply to Daenerys Targaryen. She walked into that funeral pyre at the end of Season I, only to survive and come back out unscathed, with three brand new baby dragons. Season II saw her travelling a great length of the Red Waste, onto Qarth, battling intrigue and deception but hey! She managed to come back out on top!