Dangerous Women

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

I have been thinking lately of all the times when I used to make fun of my older brothers. They were and still are huge Stark Trek and Star Wars fans. While I totally loved Star Wars, I couldn't get into the Trekkie thing. Both of my brothers collected the toys, figurines, magazines - anything with the Star Trek crew.

The turn of the tide has come full circle - as I look back on the past few years and look at the incredible amount of A Song of Ice and Fire collectibles that I have purchased. I have spent a small fortune on books, magazines, graphic novels, exhibition tickets, drinking steins, magazines, detailed map books, Funko Vinyl figures mugs, shot glasses, hats, graphic prints, framed portraits, essay books and plushie dolls.

If that wasn't bad enough, I read last night on 109 We Come from the Future an article about GRRM and hos he weaves yet another compelling tale about the politics of war and how much dragons play a part in his newest novella, "Dangerous Women."

My poor husband. I already told him that he has to order the third round of Funko Dolls for Valentine's Day next year. Now this.

Dangerous, indeed, for a woman like me!


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