Showing posts with label Stannis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stannis. Show all posts

Things Happen in Three's

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

So, we've come to the point where Tyrion and Sansa have now been united in holy matrimony. Or unholy. I guess it depends on how you look at it. I feel for the both of them - being used as political pawns at the behest of Tywin and Joffrey. I really wish Sansa would grow up and start showing a little more maturity - after all, it's Tyrion she's wedded to and not Joffrey. She also needs to develop a sense of cunning and keen wit. How else will she survive?

Joffrey was insufferable, as usual. However, for all the fans that can't stand him: I counsel patience. He will get his soon enough.

I find Shae annoying and a real idiot. When she said "Your father does not rule the world," to Tyrion when the news broke of Tyrion's impending nuptials, I thought what an absolute fool she was! Mind you, I've read the books and I didn't like her character to begin with, so I was on red alert with her.

I totally dug how Lady Olenna was trying to breakdown the very complicated and six degrees of separation relationships that both her grandchildren were going to have through marriage. Classic - she is the female version of Tywin, although her strength does not come from armies or brute force, but from wicked wit, intrigue and knowledge.

Cersei is nothing but a power hungry drunk. Funny, all those times she chastised Robert for drinking, eh? Her little speech to Margaery has really not endeared her to me. Mind you, I never liked Cersei to begin with. She thinks she has power and thinks she has the female gender's interests at heart but she does not. I've never seen a poorer example of a feminist being portrayed. Hence, I don't feel sorry for her and everything that she has coming to her, well, frankly, she deserves. The wedding banquet scene was priceless. I'm glad Tyrion insulted his nephew under the guise of being drunk. Or was he? Was that a spot of acting on Tyrion's part? And Tywin - very cleverly intervening - in order to save face in front of their guests and to disarm Joffrey's sadistic nature - was well timed. Who's playing who, you have to wonder...

Love Arya and the Hound. He doesn't get enough credit. He's kind of like Jaime. You can't stand them both equally and hope they get their just desserts. It's kind of weird - that moment where you actually start to like a character that you couldn't stand previously! The Hound is an observant, deep thinker. Nobody gives him credit.

The introduction of Daario Naharis into the fold is timely. He sure is nice eye candy to look at. I could feel the sparks fly between him and Dany. About time, too! And what about Melisandre? She's freaky! I'm glad Ser Davos is back in the fold, counselling Stannis. Someone needs to have some clarity and common sense where she's concerned! And let us not forget, the ravens, the hut, the dark frigid north and that eerie Weirdwood tree with all the noise from the ravens. And of course, Samwell the Slayer! Samwell has finally broken out of the timid shell. He attacked that White Walker first with his sword (but was unsuccessful), then with the Obsidian. Boo yeah! The White Walker cracked, as if made of glass, and shattered! Awesome! Three cheers for Samwell.

I'm bracing myself for the second wedding, which should take place over the final two episodes.

This wedding is not for the faint at heart - readers of the books will know exactly what I am talking about.

I have a feeling the royal wedding with Joffrey and Margaery will take place next season.

After all, I think Weiss and Benioff want to leave fans shocked, angry and above all, hungry for more!


Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,



What is there left to say?!

I was riveted in my seat from the moment the episode "Blackwater Bay" started, right up until the end. I yelled at the television a few times (I have a realllllly big flat screen television). A few times I cheered Tyrion on. At times I insulted Joffrey (what else is new). I had my "Clash of Kings" book beside me. I had my Twitter feed going and could see all the hashtag trending going on, with respect to the Game of Thrones Twitter feed.

Joffrey, you are a moron. The Hound, you have a soft side for Sansa but are loathe to admit it. Besides, you've had it with the Lannisters. Can't say that I blame you, either (with the exception of Tyrion). Tyrion, you had to take over and become the figurehead of support, to instill some bravado in the army, seeing as how Joffrey tuck tailed and ran off like the coward he was.  Stannis, you fool. While I understand that you have a good claim to the Iron Throne, was it necessary to sacrifice so many men, all for the sake of domination? Ser Davos, you're a practical and brave man, but unfortunately, all your years of experience couldn't save your son. Shae, I have to give you credit where it's due. You have a steely exterior, most likely in part of trying to survive your tender years and growing up in Westeros. I kind of have a grudging admiration for you now....but don't forget, I've read almost four books in the series.

Tywin, you clever, sly fox. You have the Tyrells in your midst and have them fighting for you. Hmm. I think you liked Littlefinger's rationale from a few episodes back. I hope Loras has good sense to see in time, he'll end up paying down the road for joining ranks with the Lannisters. Varys, you set a sombre tone. More like ominous. Bronn, you're a pretty tough guy. You and the Hound have unfinished business.

Sansa, you still want to believe that people have good intentions. The Hound offered you your freedom. As well as some pretty blunt advice.  Even though you went to pray for everyone and told Tyrion you'd pray for his safe return, c'mon, did you really think the Imp totally believed you? Mind you, the look on Tyrion's face was one of amusement and belief. I think he understands that Sansa has to do and say what she must, to stay alive. And of course, I can't forget to mention that immoral drunk (no, not Robert, because he's dead) Cersei. What a pathetic woman. She has stooped to new lows, even when I thought she couldn't get any lower. Such touching concern she showed for all in Maegor's Keep. My favourite is how she just kept on drinking and telling Sansa what would and could potentially happen, should King's Landing fall. Disgusting. She is the last person that I would keep the faith with!

Tyrion. What can I say? I'm glad that Podrik slew Ser Manden. Of course, what can you expect from Joffrey's personal Kingsguard? Backstabbers!

Hard to believe there is only one more episode left. Then, us fans will have to wait until April 2013 for Season III...

Blackwater Bay!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I've been thinking, while I was driving around today, running some errands. When I think of Game of Thrones, my mind is filled with all sorts of possibilities. But that's a whole other blogspot.  In honour of tomorrow night's EPIC episode, "The Battle of Blackwater Bay," two songs come to mind.

The first was Thin Lizzy's, "Jail Break," because there are several lyrics that are very appropriate for tomorrow night's battle sequences. The second song - and probably more ominous - is AC/DC's "Hell's Bells." Why that one, you ask? Well, um, hello?! Seven Gods in Westeros - the Old and the New....and because there is going to be a lot of action that goes down tomorrow night.

Some of the characters are going to survive. Others won't be so lucky. Certainly...some characters deserve to go to the deepest, darkest hell in Westeros, for all the misery and destruction they've caused in the last two seasons.

(I am aware that by rooting for the Lannisters, I am leaving myself open to criticism) I want to make it perfectly clear that I am NOT rooting for Prince Joffrey. Tyrion, show your animal side. After all, your sigil is a lion!

T-minus 34 hours and counting!