Showing posts with label A Storm of Swords. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Storm of Swords. Show all posts

285 days to go?

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

Good grief!
280 odd days to go until Season V.

So many rumours about locations being scouted in Spain. I think it's for Dorne. And what better locale than Spain?

I'm going through some pretty severe withdrawal. So are hundreds of thousands of fans.

I'm still a little bit ticked about the fact that there was no important dialogue between Jaime and Tyrion in the dungeons.

And of course.....the HUGE question on a lot of people's minds was: WTH was up with the fight between Brienne and the Hound?

And where on earth was Lady Stoneheart?!

Good grief!!

The Children

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , ,

Well. I just don't know what to say. As a book reader, there were many things that were left out of the finale and because of that, I was frustrated and disappointed.

I don't know? Maybe it's me? I'm a book purist at heart? I actually went with some people to watch it in a movie theatre. It was jam packed, too. However, next year, if HBO decides to have the season finale in a theatre, I am going to forego it.

I am really hoping that Dan and David include a few MAJOR THINGS in the next season because the more I think about it...the more disappointed I am. Loose ends weren't tied. Certain things that took place in the finale DID NOT take place in the books...which leaves fans bewildered.

I am hoping that The Winds of Winter will come out sometime next year as a consolation.

Another Season Over...

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

I just don't know what to say.

I knew this day was coming. Time has a funny way of marching to a quicker pace when you are truly enjoying something, and at other times, goes at a snail's pace when you are bored stiff.

Tomorrow night is the season finale of Game of Thrones. I have purchased tickets to go see it at a movie theatre. I plan on going early, because the hysteria and mass fandom that will occur, I want to be in the front of the line, rather than the back of it.

I feel as though this season went by so fast - so many plot changes and a lot of things deviated from the books. Friends and colleagues have asked me - "What do you think is going to happen next?" I wish I could answer them, but the truth is that I can't.

I have read all the books but because a lot of material has been cut from the series, it's hard to tell where the focus will be for the season finale.

The title is called "The Children." I have a couple of good ideas as to what will take place. I have 3 big ideas in my head but I will not place any spoilers on my blog.

Here's to the Imp. Long may he live.

Here's to the young wolf pup, Arya. May she grow to be a tremendous assassin and avenge House Stark.

Here's to the Kingslayer. May he stray far away from the evil clutches of his depraved sister.

Here's the to flower of Highgarden. May Margaery best Cersei, personally and politically.

And who knows: maybe the White Walkers are completely misunderstood. Maybe they are meant to clean up the scourge and filth in the Seven Kingdoms.

Still miss Oberyn Martell, tho.

The Watchers on the Wall

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

A lot of people were lamenting about why an entire episode was devoted to a big fight.

If you're a book reader, you understand how important that event was and what happens next. If you are not a book reader, well, all I can say to you is that you don't have the whole picture and are missing out on a lot of detail.

Read the books. Don't ask book readers for spoilers. There is simply too much detail that goes on and it would either confuse you or maybe it would bore you. The point is that an entire episode needed to be aired strictly about the attack on Castle Black and just how beleaguered the Night's Watch is because you have to look at it from a few perspectives: Mance, Jon, Sam and the Wildlings and just how fierce the attack was going to be.

My personal opinion is that the series should have 12 episodes instead of 10. There is more than enough material to use and it would actually be a good thing; certain plot lines and character arcs would be explained in more detail. Not to mention the added bonus of having 2 more episodes to watch.

The battle was hard fought and hard won, but the Brothers of the Night's Watch barely made it. They incurred some serious damage and unfortunately, Jon's good friends Pip and Grenn were killed by some of the Wildings. That just stinks but then again, they have to make it so that way the audience feels more pity, sympathy and anger for both Sam and Jon.

And to think, this was just the first round of attacks. If the Brothers think that they've won the war against the Wildlings, that was only the first round. There is plenty more coming their way.

June 15 Season IV Finale Screenings

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

If you are a die hard fan and want the chance to watch the Season IV finale on the big screen, then Google Cineplex and Season IV screening. There are a number of movie theatres that are participating around the Greater Toronto Area, so get your tickets early!!!!

I am so stoked for this!!!!

RIP The Red Viper

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

I have told many people - friends, family members and colleagues - NOT to get attached to any characters in Game of Thrones. I guess I don't take my own advice very well.

What a tragic, painful and very grotesque death Oberyn Martell experienced at the hands of that brutal killer, Gregor Clegane.

To quote Ben Kenobi from the very first Star Wars (1978) - "I felt a great disturbance in the force. It was as if a million voices cried out in terror."

So many people are devastated, and with good reason. I have been very cranky since Sunday evening. This was the "Ned Stark" moment of Season III for so many people. I wait on this and trust my gut instinct, for there may be more revealed.

Now, the stage is set for the Sand Snakes. And, as a book reader, let's just say that Oberyn didn't raise his daughters to be pale, shy wallflowers. No, sir. He raised them to be vicious, sly and very cunning.
Speaking of cunning, Sansa was finally learning to take part in the game, rather then be an abused pawn in it.

Arya and the Hound....well, there was ironic comic justice there. Tyrion and Jaime: two heads are better than one and they will have to remain like this in order to outwit, outsmart and outdo that scheming witch, Cersei. And where the wild things, wildlings!!! Ygritte, having a moment of compassion towards Gilly and baby Samwell, well, I was surprised. VERY surprised.

Two more episodes to go. I can't believe it's almost the end!

Don't Let the Moon Door Hit You on the Way Down!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

OH SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of goodies in this episode.

First off, I am getting annoyed with the Daenerys Targaryen story line. Although, I did not mind seeing a little more of Daario Naharris. Ladies, do you agree?!

The Hound and Arya: nice to see some personal interaction. It makes the Hound a more empathic character. Yes, he's a cold blooded killer but don't forget: look at who is father and brother were. He was brought up in a household that praised brutality. His own brother disfigured and scarred him for life. His own father defended the Mountain for burning him. How would you feel if you were on the run, a price on your head, with hatred in your heart for anything related to the Lannisters or your psychotic brother?!

And Arya: learning to kill without a shred of remorse. A girl needs to do what has to be done in order to survive the harsh brutality of Westeros.

And can I just say how much I ADORED the scene between Oberyn and Tyrion? Talk about raw, unbridled emotion. Tyrion is at his lowest point. He knows that everyone has lost faith and have turned their backs on him. He knows his head could potentially be severed from his neck. And during the darkest hour of the night, a visitor comes calling. Oberyn Martell: from the beginning he saw through Cersei's lies and saw her cruel treatment of Tyrion, right back to when they were children.

And he wants vengeance against those who killed his sister, Elia Martell, and his late niece and nephew.

"I will be your champion."

There had better be Emmy nominations for both Peter Dinklage and Pedro Pascal!

And Sansa and that kiss.....ewww.....with Littlefinger! And of course, the jealous aunt Lysa. Well, she should have thought it through because having Littlefinger as your husband doesn't necessarily mean that you are 100% safe from any, 'accidents.'

Yeah. A little late for that one!

Oath Keeper!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

Well, while I enjoyed some aspects of last night's episode....I was rather confused.

As in, I went back to my book to see if I had forgotten any minor plots.

Nope, it looks like I didn't. So, last night's episode had a lot of changes. To be honest, I didn't mind some of them (the scene between Margaery and Olenna really cracked me up, I howled with laughter). I loved the Bronn, Jaime and Tyrion scenes.

Again, some of the other changes....well, I don't know why they were made. I'm guessing for the time constraints and having to shave off a lot of material.

I am STILL waiting for something major to happen....hinting at a female character.

I get that change can be a good thing. But, what if some of these changes confuse book readers?!

On that note, I am totally looking forward to next week's episode.

REALLY hoping that Margaery wipes that smug look off Cersei's face!




SEASON IV Premiere

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

April 6 arrived.

Season IV, episode I "Two Swords" premiered.

It was 59 minutes in length.


While not every single character was showcased, we have to remember that you can only have so many people featured. Highlights included meeting Prince Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand. They are HOT with a capital "H."

Tyrion is excellent; showing us the nature of sympathy and empathy as he tries so hard to be kind to Sansa and all she does is cry and recoil from him. Yes, I get it - she is grieving for what happened to her mother, sister in law and brother. However, Tyrion did not know about it and did NOT give the command. He is the best Lannister, in my opinion.

Jaime and Cersei seem to have become alienated, which is a good thing: hopefully Jaime will realize his twin sister has not been quite so faithful and he'll grow distant from her. She is a malevolent influence on him.

Tywin melting down House Stark's sword "Ice" was symbolic: it shows the fact that House Lannister has crushed House Stark. Or have they?

All sorts of spies abait in King's Landing: Shae longs for Tyrion and doesn't realize that the other handmaid is a spy. Qyburn is the maester of preference, at least with Cersei. I don't blame her in that respect.

Can we say that grandmother Olenna has got major swag? Sending out all the little handmaids of House Tyrell to get the best jewellery was a sly move on her part: House Tyrell will have the best of the best jewels for the Purple Wedding and everyone else will be in the shade. Love that woman. Love Brienne, too, for speaking with Olenna and Margaery. And for holding Jaime responsible to his vow about protecting both Stark girls.

Speaking of which, can we get totally frenzied over Arya and The Hound?!

WHAT UPPPP Hound! The man is a BEAST. He just happens to be 'mentoring' Arya, even if he doesn't consciously realize it. And ARYA!!!!! OMG!!!!

She got her horse AND got Needle back. So, the episode started with two swords: both from House Stark. Will Arya be the Stark that rises from the ashes?

One can only cling to hope.


Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Alright, Ladies and sers!

Two more days! So many articles being posted on the Internet. Not that I'm complaining!


More Trailers!!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Yes yes yes!!! The feels!  The epic wins! Fans of the realm, rejoice!

Several artisan trailers and more teaser trailers for all to enjoy!

Under 40!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

No, I'm not referring to my age.

We are now under 40 days left to go until Game of Thrones Season IV premieres! I don't know about you, but winter here in Ontario has been absolutely wretched, to say the least. Copious amounts of snow and horrible windchills have made this one of the worst winters, ever.

Not exaggerating. Just Google Toronto Ice Storm 2013 and you'll know I am not exaggerating.

38 days left in the realm. The intensity is building up. The excitement is raging through our veins.

HBO just put out little teaser trailers and posters.

It's right around the corner.

Valar Dohaeris!

Funko Funko FUNKO!!!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , ,

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will be arriving really really soon!!!!

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I so don't want to see my Visa bill. I paid it off. I was a good girl. But then, I saw that Funko made the next series of Game of Thrones vinyl Pop figures. What's a girl to do?

I also pre-ordered the 3rd graphic novel that comes out this March. Totally stoked to get that delivered. And of course, I ordered a few Game of Thrones accompanying essay type books.

My husband gave me a Valentine's Day note last night that sums it up perfectly:

"I love it freak out over anything GAME OF THRONES."

Oh, bless his heart. It takes a patient man to put up with the stubborn, sassy likes of me!

50 days, fan of the realm!!!

New Season IV Game of Thrones Pictures

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

More eye candy to admire!

New faces!

New storylines! Amazing locations and gorgeous costumes.

61 days, people. 61.

Now Recruiting!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , ,

I have successfully recruited three colleagues to the realm.

I know.

Either I'm awesome or I am kind of borderline obsessed/crazy.

I prefer to think of it as having an extreme level of enthusiasm.


PS - I am totally liking Oberyn Martell.

I'm going to Dorne!

Season IV Trailer is OUT

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , ,



TEARS OF JOY (okay, perhaps that is a wee bit of an exaggeration on my part...or is it?)

Let the speculation begin! It'll be interesting to see how closely they follow the latter half of the book.

I could see clips of Jon, Arya, Sansa, the Hound, Margaery and Joffrey at their wedding. Tywin and Jaime with a new sword, Jaime getting fitted for a new hand, Tyrion in a bit of a pickle, Tyrion talking to Oberyn Martell (who, by the way, looks like a total badass), the Wildlings, Yara, Brandon and Hodor near a Weirwood tree, etc etc.

April 6 is officially 82 days away!

Did I mention that Arya looks awesome and one has to wonder, is that Needle in her hands??!! Hope so!

Season IV Premiere Date Confirmed

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , ,

APRIL 6, 2014.

9 PM.


It's so awesome, that it's CRAZY INSANE how hyper I am at this moment.

I put it all over my Facebook page and Twitter accounts.

Oh man. While I wanted it to be in March (7 less days of waiting), I think fans in the realm can now breathe a sigh of relief, as we now know for sure that April 6 is THE date.

And y'all know I already called my cake lady for the cake, like last month, right?!

Heh heh heh!

Fabulous Funko Figures!!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just what the doctor ordered: a new wave of Game of Thrones Funko Vinyl figures!

Right in time for Valentine's Day (or a few days thereafter) but the point is - I will have more to add to my ever expanding collection!

This is INSANE! Better than my Barbie collection!

I am going to order the Brienne of Tarth, Tywin, Hodor, Ghost, Drogon and Ygritte figures!

Not too keen on ordering the Prince Joffrey one, though.

This just made waiting for the Season IV premiere a little better!


I keep paying down my Visa but, it's so hard to get it all the way down to nothing. Especially when the folks at Funko go and release more Game of Thrones figures!

I guess I better not purchase any Walking Dead ones, right?

I can't wait until they make the Margaery and Lady Olenna Tyrell figures!

Less is More!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Alright, I admit that math is not my strong suit but apparently, there's less than 134 days left to go!

How sweet is that??


A New Daario?

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , ,

Hmmmm. More internet buzz. The actor who portrayed Daario Naharris has been recast.

I was just starting to get used to him, too!

Michiel Huisman, who has been on Treme, is now set to play Daario. Will he live up to the fan's expectations? Only time will tell!