Showing posts with label House Targaryen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House Targaryen. Show all posts

Storm Born

Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: , , , , , , , , , ,

So, we're all over the place with this season. With budget constraints and a time line to follow, plots are amping up at warp speed. Dany and Company discuss where to go, how to go about it and plans are set in motion.

Now, even though Tyrion is a fan fave and I adore him (he's my fave character, tied with Arya) - he's a political guy and great at reading people and sniffing out plots BUT he doesn't really have the military training. I know that Jaime has the upper hand here.

Now, interesting because I think seeing Sam operate on Jorah, that's going to set two wheels into motion: Sam is going to be successful in curing Jorah and Jorah will make his way to Dany. A win win if you ask me. And of course, we are treated to Missandei and Grey Worm as they consummate their relationship. And I am all for the portrayal of two characters in love. This is, after all, Game of Thrones: people die at any given moment and war rages at every possible corner of Westeros. Seeing a little happiness is a good thing and should be embraced.

Now, we see the Sand Snakes, Lady Olenna and the Greyjoys supporting Dany in her quest to take King's Landing - but Dany is counselled not to go straight for the kill, but utilize a more subtle approach: the Dothraki and Unsullied will go to Casterly Rock and take it while the Tyrell army and the Greyjoy fleet take King's Landing and lay siege to the city. But it's the sage advice from Lady Olenna to Dany - 'Are you a sheep? No. You're a dragon. BE a dragon,' that sets up some pretty serious foreshadowing.

Jon receives two missives from Sam (about the huge amount of Dragon glass on Dragonstone Island) and Tyrion (asking that he come to see Dany and possibly align himself with her). Jon is going, and much tot he chagrin of his bannermen and Sansa, he decides to head to Dragonstone with Ser Davos in tow. Sansa is left in charge of Winterfell in her absence.

Arya meets Hotpie at the Inn at the Crossroads and after scarfing down some pie and ale (a nod to the Hound if you ask me) she finds out that House Bolton is dead and Winterfell is back under the rule of House Stark. The look on her face when Hotpie was telling her all this good news was one of shock. No more going to King's Landing - she turns left and heads north. Along the way, she encounters a pack of direwolves, and one in particular, has grown to three times its' size. The heart breaking reunion between Arya and Nymeria is fleeting BUT I for one am happy that Nymeria is alive, well and leading her own pack of what looked like about 8 direwolves. She's on the prowl for Frey or Lannisters in the Riverlands. Nymeria and Arya have both spent so much time apart that they both recognize they are wild and free - nothing will change that. Nymeria just can't be a pet to Arya. Arya can't be a little lady doing needle point. "That's not you." An homage to Season One, to the time when her father had that famous chat about what Arya will do when she grows up. Nymeria and Arya part and the sounds of hearts breaking was collectively felt around the world.

It sounded good BUT......we all knew Dany wouldn't be able to take King's Landing or take over the Seven Kingdoms that easily. We need to see Dany and Co. go through some horrendous losses, to see Cersei score one victory after another, in order for fans to built to a fever pitch to the point where we're all losing out minds over it.

Euron completely obliterates Yara, Theon, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes. Two of them are killed ruthlessly and Yara taken prisoner. Theon is caught between a rock and a hard place. No matter what he did, he was screwed. No reinforcements, nobody to help him, under experienced, ships burning all around him and watching in horror as Euron's men are slitting the throats, cutting out teeth and tongues of the dying soldiers from Yara's and Theon's crew. He jumps overboard, after having a bad attack of PTSD.

He lives today, he has the chance to get back to Dany, Tyrion and Varys in order to regroup and plan another attack. Enough with all the Theon hate already.

I shut down about four people on Instagram with some very well thought out, eloquently written responses. Live today, fight for tomorrow!


Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: , , , ,

Okay, that opening sequence was off the charts!

Arya has also helped to avenge the Red Wedding. I am so pleased that House Frey is nothing, dirt in the ground, thanks to Arya's assassin skills. Listen, to all the haters out there who are constantly prattling on about the time travel and how the time it takes to cover certain ground, how some characters have access to horses, armies, ships etc. - let's just enjoy the season while we can.

Bran is back at Castle Black with Meera. Poor Meera, can you imagine how hard that's been to push and pull Bran around in the northern landscape? All the while being scared because you're left open and vulnerable to attack? Edd and the Brothers bring the two of them in, with Edd looking off in the distance....we know what's out there and so does he.

We caught a glimpse of the army of the dead right before Bran and Meera make their arrival at Castle Black. The army of the dead has gotten HUGE. And.....3 giants?! OMG.

Good to see Jon doing things a little bit different in the North. Yes, Sansa - please challenge your brother in front of all the bannermen; because creating inner tension in a public place is what will solidify the North together. Hello?! You're not quite as smart as scumbag Littlefinger and Cersei. You've survived and endured horrible things (mental, physical and sexual abuse) and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But come on, if you have something to say to your brother, please do it in private and be respectful about it. ALL HAIL LADY LYANNA MORMONT, for continuing to be a little badass and a champion of girls and women's rights in the North. #yes #ladymormont

Cersei and Jaime continue to be disgusting - she's paranoid, mentally unstable and clearly needs her head checked. You're the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?! Yeah, okay, let me know how that works out for you. Keep drinking and rambling on about how your son betrayed you, Olenna betrayed you, Sansa is a murderer, etc etc. You're gonna get yours, and not soon enough!

Sam - having a good time at the Citadel yet? Poor guy - he wants to go there to get a higher education, only to find himself the lowest man on the totem pole. I suspect all the incognito things he does (swiping keys, getting access to forbidden books) will help out in the long run. After all, Jorah Mormont being there - with the grey scale spreading, no less - well, Sam is going to take care of it. I know he is going to find some sort of medicine, come up with an antidote or will have to do a surgery on Jorah himself - but he's going to prove very versatile.

The Brotherhood without Banners continues to travel north in the freezing weather along with Sandor Clegane. Sandor is still telling it like it is - blunt and without apologies. They stop at an abandoned house and Sandor is distinctly uncomfortable. Turns out it was the farm house he went to with Arya a couple of years ago (Season Four). We get a glimpse at the Hound's humanity - he shows remorse about the man and his daughter starving to death. We see him looking into the flames at Thoros' behest. Sandor can actually see a chilling picture of death, ice and an army of dead soldiers in the North. Creepy as hell.

And then we see Dany, Tyrion & Co. make their way to Dragonstone and land. FINALLY!

"Shall we begin?"


Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: , , , , , , , ,


Less than a month away!!

Trailers and leaks are dropping like crazy! Fans are going nuts! Can't wait!

HBO - Possibility of a Prequel to Game of Thrones?!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

Okay. How freaking AMAZING would it be if Game of Thrones were to continue.....yes, I know. Fans are only getting eight seasons. I will be crying when that day sadly arrives (2018, wah wah wah).

However, I've read several articles that have given me....dare I say? A little trickle of hope? There's been some talk at HBO and apparently the producers and folks at HBO are open and interested, along with GRRM, in the possibility of doing a prequel story line.

You know, A Tale of Dunk and Egg? For those of you who don't know, Google it or order the graphic novels. It's an amazing collection of prehistory before all of the junk about Robert's Rebellion going down.

I would be pretty damned happy with seeing this come to fruition. Yes, it wouldn't be Game of Thrones, but it would be the history of certain events and it would give us a lot better insight to the way the Seven Kingdoms ran politically, economically and socially.

I'm okay with this!!

The Winds of Winter Season Finale

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , ,


Lust for power.




Alliances forged.

Alliances broken.

Armies gathering.

Ships getting ready.

Families torn asunder.

Kings and Queens die.

A reign of terror is about to begin - with a Mad Queen at its' heart.

An old prophecy almost completely fulfilled.

A list with many names.....and those names being stroked, off one at a time by a young rogue wolf.

The magic of the weirwood trees and visions and flashbacks being shown to us all.

A world of knowledge at a soon to be maester's fingertips. Knowledge is power.

Enemies lurking in all corners of the Seven Kingdoms.

A small mocking bird aligns himself with the North (knowing that the key to the North is the eldest daughter).

A once proud garden of roses now reduced to one single bloom. And this particular rose knows how the game is played. She has thorns.

Snakes slither around, protecting themselves in the garden of roses, combining forces....readying their aim to strike.

The young bear cub shows her grit, spunk and tenacity whilst declaring her allegiance to the North. A new King in the North proclaimed, the white wolf.

A cynic is now the second most powerful man in the East, placing his belief in his undoubted Queen. Hand of the Queen. Long may she reign.

Dragons fly around, intimidating and powerful, to help guide the way of the massive forces headed West.

The men may be the brawn in the season BUT it is the women that rule politically. And it was about DAMN TIME that the women have a say in their lives - personally and politically.

And yet.....

In the North, where winter has finally come, a nameless fear is spreading. A terrible army to behold is amassing soldiers, horses and terror.

A terror in the North is the greatest threat to the Seven Kingdoms. And the dead don't stop....

Season IV Trailer is OUT

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , ,



TEARS OF JOY (okay, perhaps that is a wee bit of an exaggeration on my part...or is it?)

Let the speculation begin! It'll be interesting to see how closely they follow the latter half of the book.

I could see clips of Jon, Arya, Sansa, the Hound, Margaery and Joffrey at their wedding. Tywin and Jaime with a new sword, Jaime getting fitted for a new hand, Tyrion in a bit of a pickle, Tyrion talking to Oberyn Martell (who, by the way, looks like a total badass), the Wildlings, Yara, Brandon and Hodor near a Weirwood tree, etc etc.

April 6 is officially 82 days away!

Did I mention that Arya looks awesome and one has to wonder, is that Needle in her hands??!! Hope so!

A Little Site Called Etsy...

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

Well, just when I thought I had completely paid off my Visa, I heard about this site called "Etsy."

Truth be told, I saw an article about these gorgeous, hand made custom designed Game of Thrones hoodies and I wanted to order them.

Yikes! At $200 per hoodie, that means I have to rethink my strategy. I will not be purchasing the Baratheon or Targaryen hoodies. Yes, I know, it's still an expensive endeavour for me to follow through with but I will be purchasing the House Stark and House Lannister ones.

The seller is on Etsy under the name of "Rarity's Boutique." She sold out her first order. Perhaps this is a good thing. I'll have to wait 2 months to place my order. That will be after the holiday season, so my debts will be paid off!



Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,





This Game of Thrones Exhibit at the Design Exchange surpassed the one that I attended last year at the Bell TIFF Lightbox centre.

In total: 399 pictures were taken.

Submitted my review of the exhibit to the good folks at HBOWatch.

Will post some new pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Less than three weeks! Hip hip HOORAY!

GoT Cake!!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Okay. I saw the BEST Game of Thrones inspired cake EVER!!!!

My birthday is basically a week after Season III premieres (actually, my wedding anniversary is the day before my birthday). So, it's only fitting that I have a three tiered cake, with the top layer being dedicated to House Targaryen, the middle layer being dedicated to Arya, Jon, the Wall and House Stark and the bottom tier being dedicated to House Baratheon and Tyrion Lannister.

Top layer: double chocolate with chocolate butter cream filling.

Middle layer: marble with chocolate and strawberry butter cream filling.

Bottom layer: lemon with strawberry filling.

I just gained 20 pounds and my birthday is not for another 91 days!!!!

Rhaegar & Lyanna Casting Ideas?

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

While I was working over the weekend, the subject of Rhaegar and Lyanna came up.

An important question was posed to me: "Who would you like to see cast as Rhaegar and Lyanna?"

I thought about this for some time. I know that in "A Feast for Crows" there is a lot of reference to Rhaegar and Lyanna.

My husband chimed in with his suggestion - "Monica Belucci for Lyanna Stark. Just pop on some blue contacts and presto! Hotness, guaranteed." (typical man, although I have to agree, Monica Belucci is gorgeous and I am sure that a lot of men would tune in to see her on A Game of Thrones)

I thought of Charlize Theron. I read a while back that she is a huge Game of Thrones fan and would absolutely love the opportunity to get a part, even if it was a small part, on the show. If you've seen Aeon Flux, you'll know she can carry off having dark hair. She certainly is attractive enough! For those of you who've read the fourth book, you'll know that Cersei always had a jealous streak to her and didn't appreciate that the late Lyanna Stark was held to be one of the most "beautiful women in Westeros." I think Cersei was very threatened, because Lyanna was well liked and respected, stunning and came from a noble household.

The fact that Robert Baratheon was in love with her AND Rhaegar presented her with the rose wreath at one of the tournaments says something. Two men, from equally famous houses are in love with this woman? I also think that they need someone who can pull off the flashbacks, in terms of age and looks. Charlize Theron is 36, I believe. Not that she looks 36. She could easily pass for 28 or 29.

Now, in terms of who I'd like to see cast in flashbacks, as Rhaegar, the first person that came to mind was Tom Hardy. He's built, has blue eyes, can carry a melancholy disposition and is gorgeous. I mean, hello?! If you don't believe me, just look him up on Internet Movie Database and check out his roster of movies. I think he could carry it off. I'd LIKE to see him cast! Many women would thank me for my suggestion in the long run. Another actor that came to mind was Jack Huston, also known as Richard Harrow, on Boardwalk Empire. He has an impressive body of work and I think he could carry the part off rather well.

Who would you like to see cast as Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, if A Feast for Crows gets green lit and they incorporate flashback sequences? Suggestions, anyone?

Musical Selections

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

So, I was on a brief road trip with my husband to Niagara County, Ontario and we were listening to the Classic Vinyl and Classic Rewind stations on my Sirius XM radio when a wave of inspiration hit me: there are so many amazing songs out there, that perhaps I could blog about many of them, but that they should be classified according to their appropriate House.

There are, of course, many songs in different musical genres, so this provides me with an outstanding variety of songs to choose from.

Are there any songs out there, that you, my blog visitors, can think of for any of the Houses in Westeros? Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

I'm going to go through all of my MP3 files and Cd's to see what songs would be appropriate.

Now that I think about it, Florence and the Machine's "Seven Devils" was such an appropriate choice for one of the Season II trailers....that I often wonder what they'll do for the Season III trailers that will be out for spring 2013?

"T" is for Targaryen

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

The only three Targaryens we've actually seen on screen are Viserys, Daenerys and Aemon (who revealed his lineage to Jon Snow towards the end of Season I).

There are some differences in the books. Dany is much younger in the books, for one thing. Her brother is a pompous jerk, for another. But we already knew that. We know that they fled Westeros and came across the Narrow Sea to Pentos, where they sought refuge with Magister Illyrio Mopastis, as wealthy merchant.

We know that their father, the Mad King, Aerys I, was murdered by Jaime Lannister (hence, the nickname 'Kingslayer'). We know that they had an older brother, Rhaegar, who was married to Elia Martell. They had two children. Rhaegar was a melancholy, but studious young man who showed great promise. He was in love with Lyanna Stark. We all know what happens next: the crowing ceremony that took place at a tournament, in which Rhaegar crowned Lyanna Stark the 'Queen of Love and Beauty' instead of his lady wife. Oh, and Lyanna just happened to be engaged to Robert Baratheon at the time. I'm sure that action set more then a few tongues wagging! What happened after is anyone's guess, really. Rhaegar and Lyanna disappeared for quite some time. Tragically, Rhaegar was killed by Robert, after Lyanna had died.

Rhaegar's wife and children were killed by the monster, known as the Mountain that Rides, Ser Gregor Clegane. That filthy and vile man assaulted Elia and killed her, then proceeded to kill the young children. It's no wonder why Targaryen loyalists whisked the two remaining children out of Westeros.

Viserys is a power hungry, condescending man who thinks of nothing but revenge. He wants the Iron Throne back. I'm glad that he didn't get the chance to retake it because his cruel nature and petty character would've translated to worse things, should he have actually sat on the Iron Throne. He would've been a nightmare. I had an inkling the first time I saw Maester Aemon, the first time I caught a glimpse of him at the Wall. Yes, I know he is old and blind, but he had that pale, ethereal quality and I couldn't help but wonder....could this be a long lost Targaryen relative who sought refuge in another part of Westeros? The Wall is a pretty far place to go!

I'm glad that Daenerys was married off to Khal Drogo, because the ancient practice of Targaryens marrying brother to sister is sickening, if you ask me. The idea of incest is so abhorrent!

The Targaryens are known for their pale complexions and silvery white hair, along with blue or lavender coloured eyes. Daenerys sure is a beautiful woman. I'm just sad that she never got the chance to rule with the Dothraki tribe, alongside her husband, who fell ill and died, because of a witch. Her unborn son, Rhaego, died prematurely. It tugged at my heart strings that this poor girl, who had already been through so much, seemed as if she was destined to live a life of sadness and depression.

Daenerys appeared to be a tough cookie, come Season II. If you're anything like me and have read four of the books so far, you'll agree with me that whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger and this adage seems to apply to Daenerys Targaryen. She walked into that funeral pyre at the end of Season I, only to survive and come back out unscathed, with three brand new baby dragons. Season II saw her travelling a great length of the Red Waste, onto Qarth, battling intrigue and deception but hey! She managed to come back out on top!

"D" is for Dothraki

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

The Dothraki are the nomadic tribe of fearsome warriors that we see (and read about) in Game of Thrones. They know how to ride a stallion, charge into battle, wield pretty scary looking swords, daggers, sabres and spears and conquer any civilization that is weak (and unfortunately, in their way).

The leader of the Dothraki tribe is Khal Drogo. In the series, he is played by actor Jason Momoa. He is a tall, powerfully built and sexy as hell warrior. I looked forward to seeing him during season I. His demeanour came across as frightening and dominant, as the same time. His hair was the longest - as is Dothraki custom. Until a warrior is defeated in battle, his hair grows very long. His ponytail was the longest.

The Dothraki roam from one coast to another and live across the narrow sea, far beyond Pentos. They live in the vast lands of Essos, north of the Red Waste. Their chief city is Vaes Dothrak. Their language is particularly difficult to master. Their way of life is almost prehistoric: men rule with an iron fist and women are subservient. It's not a life that I would freely choose. When Khal Drogo married Daenerys Targaryen, it was as if two worlds were about to collide. He was tall, built, undefeated in battle and had a well known reputation for being a violent warlord. She was a delicate, ethereal exiled princess who knew little of the ways of men.

The beginning of their marriage was a trial - Dany did not know the language, Dothraki customs and was not at all happy at sharing the marriage bed with Khal Drogo. Once tutored by a Dothraki handmaiden, she came to understand and value the power of female sexuality to enslave her warlord husband. It certainly worked and because she learned the language, adopted the mannerisms and the traditional garb of the Dothraki women, Khal Drogo came to respect his wife and cherish her.

It made me so sad to see that their union would not produce any children and that she would be left a widow, heart broken and lost in the world. All Dany was left with was her three petrified dragon eggs and the memories of her beloved Khal Drogo. You have to hand it to this woman: she still led a small horde across the Red Waste in order to try and save them and start anew. In her heart, no one will ever take the place of her beloved Dothraki prince, Khal Drogo.

"My sun and stars, moon of my life."