Less than a month away!!
Trailers and leaks are dropping like crazy! Fans are going nuts! Can't wait!
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: Clegane Bowl Hype Train, Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones, HBO, House Greyjoy, House Lannister, House Mormont, House Stark, House TargaryenOoops.....
According to a few press junkets and rumours.....Ian McShae may have accidentally let something out of the bag. A certain character, who we all thought was dead....will be making an appearance. And he said in an interview, "It's either Jon Snow or The Hound. It's not the former, it's the latter." BOOM!!!!
Sophie Turner revealed at the Oscars that her character is still very much alive in Season 6, which we are all thankful for because if one more Stark dies, I am going to seriously lose my %#@^&&!!!!!
And HBO will NOT be releasing any episodes to the press for prior viewing, in an attempt to squash down the extreme pirating that has been going on.
Listen, I wouldn't be upset if the first 4 episodes leaked like last year.
YES. I said that. Do what you will with that.