Less than a month away!!
Trailers and leaks are dropping like crazy! Fans are going nuts! Can't wait!
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: Clegane Bowl Hype Train, Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones, HBO, House Greyjoy, House Lannister, House Mormont, House Stark, House TargaryenThe Winds of Winter Season Finale
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Direwolf, Dragons, House Greyjoy, House Mormont, House Stark, House Targaryen, Jon Snow, Lord Walder Frey, Samwell Tarly, Tyrion Lannister, White WalkersGreed.
Lust for power.
Alliances forged.
Alliances broken.
Armies gathering.
Ships getting ready.
Families torn asunder.
Kings and Queens die.
A reign of terror is about to begin - with a Mad Queen at its' heart.
An old prophecy almost completely fulfilled.
A list with many names.....and those names being stroked, off one at a time by a young rogue wolf.
The magic of the weirwood trees and visions and flashbacks being shown to us all.
A world of knowledge at a soon to be maester's fingertips. Knowledge is power.
Enemies lurking in all corners of the Seven Kingdoms.
A small mocking bird aligns himself with the North (knowing that the key to the North is the eldest daughter).
A once proud garden of roses now reduced to one single bloom. And this particular rose knows how the game is played. She has thorns.
Snakes slither around, protecting themselves in the garden of roses, combining forces....readying their aim to strike.
The young bear cub shows her grit, spunk and tenacity whilst declaring her allegiance to the North. A new King in the North proclaimed, the white wolf.
A cynic is now the second most powerful man in the East, placing his belief in his undoubted Queen. Hand of the Queen. Long may she reign.
Dragons fly around, intimidating and powerful, to help guide the way of the massive forces headed West.
The men may be the brawn in the season BUT it is the women that rule politically. And it was about DAMN TIME that the women have a say in their lives - personally and politically.
And yet.....
In the North, where winter has finally come, a nameless fear is spreading. A terrible army to behold is amassing soldiers, horses and terror.
A terror in the North is the greatest threat to the Seven Kingdoms. And the dead don't stop....
Author: Anonymous / Labels: House Mormont, Lyanna Mormont, The Battle of the Bastards, The Knights of the ValeCAN WE GET THREE CHEERS FOR LADY LYANNA MORMONT OF BEAR ISLAND?!
What an awesome little girl.
I think there should be some sort of marriage alliance between her and Jon in the future.
Ramsay and company were soundly defeated but not before tragic losses were endured.
RIP Rickon and Wun Wun.
Musical Selections
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Game of Thrones, House Arryn, House Baratheon, House Bolton, House Frey, House Greyjoy, House Lannister, House Mormont, House Stark, House Targaryen, House Tully, House Tyrell, Music, WesterosSo, I was on a brief road trip with my husband to Niagara County, Ontario and we were listening to the Classic Vinyl and Classic Rewind stations on my Sirius XM radio when a wave of inspiration hit me: there are so many amazing songs out there, that perhaps I could blog about many of them, but that they should be classified according to their appropriate House.
There are, of course, many songs in different musical genres, so this provides me with an outstanding variety of songs to choose from.
Are there any songs out there, that you, my blog visitors, can think of for any of the Houses in Westeros? Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.
I'm going to go through all of my MP3 files and Cd's to see what songs would be appropriate.
Now that I think about it, Florence and the Machine's "Seven Devils" was such an appropriate choice for one of the Season II trailers....that I often wonder what they'll do for the Season III trailers that will be out for spring 2013?