So, the teaser trailer offered us a small glimpse into what could potentially happen in Westeros.
Does Jon truly want to sit on a throne?
Will Dany reclaim what is rightfully hers, even though she has not lived in Westeros for many, many years?
And what is up with Cersei? Taking that throne because all of her children are dead? Setting fire to the Sept and blowing everyone and everything in it to the high heavens? Well, that's one way of getting rid of your competition. Not the best way, but for Cersei, the most dastardly and effective.
Lots of fan threads going crazy with regards to the characters' clothing, the thrones they respectively sit on and what this all means for the Seven Kingdoms.
Anyone, but Cersei, should sit on the Iron Throne.
She'll be worse than the Mad King.
The Winds of Winter Season Finale
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Direwolf, Dragons, House Greyjoy, House Mormont, House Stark, House Targaryen, Jon Snow, Lord Walder Frey, Samwell Tarly, Tyrion Lannister, White WalkersGreed.
Lust for power.
Alliances forged.
Alliances broken.
Armies gathering.
Ships getting ready.
Families torn asunder.
Kings and Queens die.
A reign of terror is about to begin - with a Mad Queen at its' heart.
An old prophecy almost completely fulfilled.
A list with many names.....and those names being stroked, off one at a time by a young rogue wolf.
The magic of the weirwood trees and visions and flashbacks being shown to us all.
A world of knowledge at a soon to be maester's fingertips. Knowledge is power.
Enemies lurking in all corners of the Seven Kingdoms.
A small mocking bird aligns himself with the North (knowing that the key to the North is the eldest daughter).
A once proud garden of roses now reduced to one single bloom. And this particular rose knows how the game is played. She has thorns.
Snakes slither around, protecting themselves in the garden of roses, combining forces....readying their aim to strike.
The young bear cub shows her grit, spunk and tenacity whilst declaring her allegiance to the North. A new King in the North proclaimed, the white wolf.
A cynic is now the second most powerful man in the East, placing his belief in his undoubted Queen. Hand of the Queen. Long may she reign.
Dragons fly around, intimidating and powerful, to help guide the way of the massive forces headed West.
The men may be the brawn in the season BUT it is the women that rule politically. And it was about DAMN TIME that the women have a say in their lives - personally and politically.
And yet.....
In the North, where winter has finally come, a nameless fear is spreading. A terrible army to behold is amassing soldiers, horses and terror.
A terror in the North is the greatest threat to the Seven Kingdoms. And the dead don't stop....
The Book of the Stranger
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Brienne, Daenerys Targaryen, Edd, Jon Snow, Margaery, Sansa Stark, Tormund, YaraSQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Stark Sibling Reunion in da house!!
Marg and the High Sparrow talking.
Sansa, Marg and Yara being Boss ASS BITCHES.
Brothers gearing up for way.
Scumbag Baelish lying as per usual.
Robyn Arryn is an idiot.
Dany is burning down the house. LITERALLY.
Tormund and Brienne NEED TO HAPPEN.
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Arya Stark, Castle Black, Flashbacks, Game of Thrones, House of Black and White, Jaqen H'gar, Jon Snow, Melisandre, Queen of Thorns, TormundANOTHER AMAZING EPISODE.
Now this is more like it! Yes, I was disappointed with the season premiere, but I have to say that the second and third episodes have really picked up the pace.
Which is great because there is so much turmoil going on in King's Landing at the moment, that I really can't wait to see the outcome.
Anyone else feel a smug sense of satisfaction when Lady Olenna throws some MAD SHADE towards Cersei? Oh MY GOD. They don't call her the "Queen of Thorns" for nothing!! Uncle Kevan Lannister can barely conceal his contempt for his niece. Well, I kind of don't blame him.
Margaery and Loras are still in a pickle. Theon is slowly shedding his Reek persona and starting to remember what it was like to be Theon Greyjoy, before he made so many mistakes. I think going through all that trauma has really made him see the light; let's hope that Theon will remember to be true to himself and remember that his adopted sister Sansa is alive and well. And Dany is just lingering around in Vaes Dothrak, with the other widowed Khaleesi's. We know she is not suited to that life, but she is just biding her time.
As for Arya Stark, or as she is now known as, No One, I REALLY want to see her mad ninja Rocky Balboa Jedi assassin skills come in handy. Like, as in NOW. I want her to beat the Waif so bad that the Waif will NEVER lay a hand on her again.
And can we just say YOUNG NED, tho?! Holy ^%$##@!!!!! These flashbacks are frickin' awesome. D & D should have incorporated them starting in season 3. Let's be honest, they have more than enough material that they could've started years ago. Oh well. I suppose as a massive fan, I will just have to be content with what is presented. And how about that Ser Arthur Dayne? And that fight sequence? And Howland Reed.....that dude is LOYAL.
And OF COURSE.......Ser Davos and Melisandre find Jon has risen from the DEAD. BOOM MF's!
Teaser Trailers
Author: Anonymous / Labels: April, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Direwolf, Dragons, Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, prophecy, revenge, Rickon, Sansa Stark, Season VI, Ser Arthur DayneCould it be possible that additional flashbacks are taking place in Season 6?!
Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning???
Bran having visions - his eyes going white and flashbacks to his siblings and their respective fates?!
Jon!!! Sansa!! Arya!!! WTF is happening to all the beloved Starks?
I hate you Ramsay!! And as for Cersei, I pray to the old Gods and the new that she gets what's coming to her!!! BIG TIME!!!
I heard a little birdie say that Margaery is released by the Faith Militant....has she gone over to their side or is it a ruse to survive?!
Can't wait to see Tyrion, Jaqen, Arya, Bran, Jon and all the awesome flashbacks in April!
They don't call it a teaser trailer for nothing!
With so many Kit Harrington sightings in Belfast and on current production sets, the question remains: is Jon Snow dead or alive?
Spoilers've been warned.
If you go to or Watchers on the Wall, let's just say that there's plenty of photos to suggest that *maybe* Jon is going to be present in Season 6.
Here's hoping!!!!
I want to Believe....!!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, Jaqen H'gar, Jon Snow, undeadI swear to GOD, either the folks at HBO are the worst when it comes to keeping a secret OR it's just sheer coincidence that Kit Harrington has been sighted in Belfast.
As in, he was on the same flight as our sexy assassin, Jaqen (Tom Wlaschiha) and has been seen walking around the streets with the actor who portrays Dolores Edd.
C'mon, already!!!!!!! I REALLLLLY want to believe Jon will be coming back in one form or another?!
Jon Snow?
Jon Stark?
Mother's Mercy
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Arya Stark, Jaqen H'gar, Jon Snow, Samwell, Sansa, Ser Davos Seaworth, Theon Greyjoy, Tyrion Lannister, Varys, White WalkersAnother season has ended.
Many fans have felt that the Dorne plot was the weakest link. I agree. Nothing but voyeurism at its' best. No characters to really draw me in, with the exception of Prince Doran, Aero Hotah and Ellaria Sand. The Sand Snakes were a complete bore. But whatever. And anyone who thought Ellaria had submitted her will to Prince Doran, well, come on already! You KNOW she was acting all the way. Revenge is something that does not go unfulfilled, especially with the paramour of the late Oberyn Martell.
The prophecy still stands true: Marcella paid the ultimate price for that, unfortunately. It's always the innocent that pay in blood for the games that other people play. Jaime now knows what it feels like to have a child die in his arms.
Happy to see Tyrion put at the helm of a large and ancient city - Meereen. And happy to see Varys and Tyrion teamed up again. "I did miss you." "I know." (doesn't that sound like a #StarWars throwback to Leia and Han?)
Daario and Jorah are off to find Dany, who's sailed halfway across Westeros on Drogon's back. Poor dragon - he's wounded and tired. And she's an idiot. There, I said it. I'm tried of her storyline. It only got interesting for me once Tyrion came into the picture. Kind of wondering, how the grayscale is going to affect Jorah in the long run. And as for Dany dropping her ring, in a sea of tall grass, before the Dothraki horde comes charging about, I felt that was a bit lame. Of all places, you're going to drop your ring in there?!
Fave part: Arya finally got her hit list kill and Ser Meryn Trant deserved all the agony that he was put through. A violent man, prone to beating under age girls and a pedophile to boot, I felt elated to see Arya BAMF Stark return with a vengeance. The only problem is....well, she kinds took a face from the House of Black and White and sort of kinda didn't say anything to Jaqen about it. Whoops. Well, lovely girl, only death can pay for life. Your eyesight is now forfeit - but don't lose hope fans. Something bigger is in store for our awesome Stark Jedi padewan apprentice.
Stannis wasn't having a good day, good month or a good year for that matter. His wife commits suicide; half his men deserted him and he ends up getting killed by none other than Brienne of Tarth. I'm glad that Ser Davos was at Castle Black but boy is he going to be p***ed off once he finds out the REAL truth about poor Princess Shireen. How fitting that Melisandre rides to Castle Black and says nothing of how it all went down. And no witnesses to challenge her, either.
Reek/Theon finally snaps out of his pathetic slump and pushes that sociopath little cur, Myranda, off the battlements. SPLAT! Music to my ears. Sansa and Theon hold each other's hands and make a leap of faith off the steep castle walls. Not to worry, my friends. It's *snowing* in the north and Winterfell has plenty of snow around the castle, the portcullis and the outer grounds. Lots of fluffy, white snow.
Glad that Sam, Gilly and baby Sam got the hell out of Dodge! As for Jon Snow, well, hard to truly say if he met his demise or not. According to some pictures I saw, he's lying there, blood seeping out of his body. The next frame is his eyes - they got completely white - as in warging. I hope and pray something happens because let's face it, if Melisandre is there (how convenient that she is) and she has the ability to resurrect someone back from the dead, well, she'd better GET ON THAT. FAST!
My second fave part was watching Cersei go through the ultimate humiliation - being forced to walk naked through the streets of King's Landing, while the people watch on the sidelines, screaming and throwing rotten food and excrement at her. I felt absolutely ZERO pity for her.
My beef with this finale is that we did not see Margaery or Loras; nor did we see Lady Olenna or Littlefinger. Guess we'll just have to wait until March 2016.
And now, the long watch begins...
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Army of the Dead, Hardhome, Jon Snow, The Night's Watch, Tormund, Westeros, White Walkers, WightsOMG.
That episode, tho!
First half was very informative.
The second, action packed.
I can truly say that I was literally on the edge of my seat watching the panic and chaos that surrounded the Wildlings and the Brothers of the Night's Watch.
Being a book reader, I more of less can predict what's going to happen next. Mind you, I got to thinking about where Hardhome is located, geographically. Watching the episode, I got that very eerie feeling that something awful was going to turn up. Yes, of course, so many people run off the mouth and make these kinds of claims and statements.
I can honestly say that I felt like this for two strong reasons: where they were situated, in terms of the geography of Westeros and the fact that conditions were prime. Those Wildlings were so stuck in their mentality about not joining forces with the "Crows" that they just couldn't see the forest for the trees. Here, you had Tormund and Jon speaking very bluntly about what is going to take place. Who cares about that stupid Iron Throne, especially when an army that is more horrific and more powerful than anyone could ever imagine, was coming to claim everyone's lives.
The Army of the Dead doesn't care if you are a man, woman or child. They don't care if you're poor or rich. They don't care what House you belong to. They don't care if you actually have any kind of claim to that stupid throne.
They don't care. Period. End of story.
And if you're armed with Dragon glass or Valyrian steel, than maybe you have a slim chance of survival.
If not, may the Seven have mercy on your wretched soul.
Jaqen's BACK!!!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Arya Stark, Braavos, Bronn, Daenerys Targaryen, Faceless Men, Jaqen H'gar, Jon Snow, LittlefingerYES!
Women all over the realm are rejoicing that our favourite Faceless man is BACK!
What's up with Sansa?! Is she playing at being still so clingy and naive or is she playing up to Littlefinger? Hopefully she is turning to the dark side and learning to use her feminine wiles to hide a more devious side.
Arya + Jaqen = AWESOMENESS.
Jon and Sam = the Men in Black.
Dany......I just don't know what to say about you anymore. You're lost, confused and not doing a very good job at ruling people that you quite frankly don't know and don't understand. This is what happens when you are ignorant and try to carry out something noble. Without doing your background work and learning about the people you mean to rule, it blows up right in your face. Hell, your dragons don't want anything to do with you.
I am totally loving the Tyrion and Varys roadshow.
Dear Cersei: KARMA.
Am I forgetting anything else?!
SOOOO looking forward to Margaery and Tommen getting married. And hopefully seeing more of sassy Grandmother Olenna. BOOM
Tell Tale Games - Game #2
Author: Anonymous / Labels: February, House Forrester, Jon Snow, Lady Margaery Tyrell, Tell Tale Games, Tyrion LannisterFebruary is literally around the corner. With it are thoughts of Valentine's Day cards, flowers, dinner reservations and other equally romantic things to do.
Everybody be like, "Oh Valentine's Day is getting closer" and I'm here, like - "Tell Tale Games is releasing their second Game of Thrones game on February 5th!!!!!!!!!"
Whehoooooo!!! Clapping and lots of wolf whistles ensue!!!
Merry Christmas GoT Fans
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Arya Stark, Braavos, Cersei, Game of Thrones, HBO, Jon Snow, Tyrion LannisterWishing all the fans in the realm a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
As of December 25, there will be 108 days to go!!!
And 108 days is way better than 208! And by the time January 2 rolls around, we will officially be into a double digit countdown (99 days to go).
Have you checked out HBO's Year Ender trailer?
You see Cersei walking with some of the Kingsguard; Jon back at Castle Black; Arya standing on a the shore (which I presume she has safely landed in Braavos) and Tyrion looking pretty grim and disguised with longer hair and a full on beard. It's only 8 seconds long but it is better than nothing!
More Funko Action Figures
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Arya Stark, Brienne, Funko, Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, YgritteWell, I had nothing on my credit card.
Then, I saw the ads for the newest action figures from Funko. Some of them look pretty decent. And well, guess what I'm going to be ordering now.
I'm going to try really hard not to get carried away.
Maybe I'll only buy the Arya Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Ygritte, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister and Eddard Stark ones.
I've purchased almost all of the Funko dolls and portraits from Society 6. I've bought all the DVD Blue Ray sets of each season, plus all the graphic novels and have 2 sets of the books. I've purchased almost every single accompanying book on the subject that I am running out of room in my house.
I'm going to need a much bigger bookcase.
I'm still going to purchase some of the ceramic steins because they are great for drinking coffee and tea in.
I could be spending money on other things, such as pricey brand name clothing or purses or perfumes. But I don't. I prefer to spend it on Game of Thrones stuff.
Now, if only I could convince someone to come with me to next year's SDCC....
The Children
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, Arya Stark, Braavos, Bran Stark, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, Jon Snow, Mance Rayder, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, VarysWell. I just don't know what to say. As a book reader, there were many things that were left out of the finale and because of that, I was frustrated and disappointed.
I don't know? Maybe it's me? I'm a book purist at heart? I actually went with some people to watch it in a movie theatre. It was jam packed, too. However, next year, if HBO decides to have the season finale in a theatre, I am going to forego it.
I am really hoping that Dan and David include a few MAJOR THINGS in the next season because the more I think about it...the more disappointed I am. Loose ends weren't tied. Certain things that took place in the finale DID NOT take place in the books...which leaves fans bewildered.
I am hoping that The Winds of Winter will come out sometime next year as a consolation.
The Watchers on the Wall
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, Castle Black, Game of Thrones, Grenn, Jon Snow, Pip, Samwell Tarly, Wildlings, YgritteA lot of people were lamenting about why an entire episode was devoted to a big fight.
If you're a book reader, you understand how important that event was and what happens next. If you are not a book reader, well, all I can say to you is that you don't have the whole picture and are missing out on a lot of detail.
Read the books. Don't ask book readers for spoilers. There is simply too much detail that goes on and it would either confuse you or maybe it would bore you. The point is that an entire episode needed to be aired strictly about the attack on Castle Black and just how beleaguered the Night's Watch is because you have to look at it from a few perspectives: Mance, Jon, Sam and the Wildlings and just how fierce the attack was going to be.
My personal opinion is that the series should have 12 episodes instead of 10. There is more than enough material to use and it would actually be a good thing; certain plot lines and character arcs would be explained in more detail. Not to mention the added bonus of having 2 more episodes to watch.
The battle was hard fought and hard won, but the Brothers of the Night's Watch barely made it. They incurred some serious damage and unfortunately, Jon's good friends Pip and Grenn were killed by some of the Wildings. That just stinks but then again, they have to make it so that way the audience feels more pity, sympathy and anger for both Sam and Jon.
And to think, this was just the first round of attacks. If the Brothers think that they've won the war against the Wildlings, that was only the first round. There is plenty more coming their way.
Vamps, Villains & Victors
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Arya Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, Lady Olenna Redwyne, Margaery, Samwell Tarly, Tyrion LannisterWho do you consider to be the sexiest vamp on Game of Thrones?
Who, in your humble opinion, is the most dastardly of men, in the Seven Kingdoms?
Who do you think will reign supreme and come out on top - proving many people wrong and perhaps raising a few eyebrows?
I think Margaery is the sexiest vamp to hit the screen. Cunning, lethal and seductive, not only does she know how t play Joffrey like a lute, she dresses to accentuate her womanly curves and titillates with her come hither eyes.
The most vile, dastardly of men....well, this is a tough one! I asked my husband and his answer (right away, without hesitation) was Roose Bolton's bastard, Ramsay Snow.
I agree with his choice. I also want to add Walder Frey and Petyr Baelish in that club, too. Dirty rotten scoundrels! And yet, these men seem to be outlasting a lot of other people!
As for who will come out on top, well, I would love to see this happen: I would love for Arya Stark to somehow, someway, meet up with Dany Targaryen and become a member of her Queen's Guard. In fact, I would love to see those two women team up and have each others' back. Dany with her dragons and Arya with her street smart, assassin savvy skills, well, what more could you ask for?! Well, of course, I would love to add Tyrion Lannister to the mix. He would be the political advisor to Dany Targaryen. That would be SO awesome!
I'd also like to see Jaime say, "Eff you, Cersei!" and never, ever be under her malignant influence again! He should go off in search of Tyrion, beg his forgiveness and restore the bonds of brotherhood. I'd also like to see Jon Snow become the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch with Samwell Tarly by his side, as his most trusted confidant. I'd love to see Margaery rule - through Tommen and have her grandmother at her side as a political force to be reckoned with. BOOYEAH.
I'd like to see Cersei get her JUST DESSERTS. I would also like to see Bran and Rickon reunited with Jon, somehow, someway, with the Reeds, Osha and Hodor intact, too!
I know, I know. Perhaps this is just wishful thinking on my part...
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Funko, Jaime Lannister, Jon Snow, Khal Drogo, Robb Stark, Sandor Clegane, Vinyl Figures, White WalkersOops!
I did something bad.
I kind of ordered 6 of those Funko vinyl figures. You know, the ones for Game of Thrones. Can't imagine how that happened?!
Somehow, as if by magic, or by unseen forces, the Hedge Knight, volumes one and two, were also ordered.
Um, the next Visa bill is going to be pretty interesting!
I think I need more shelf space.
Or an entire room in my house. :)
Game of Thrones Season Finale
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, Arya Stark, Hodor, Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly, Sandor Clegane, The Hound, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin LannisterWell, we have to wait another 290 days or so until Season IV, which begins March 2014. Man, is it going to be a very long winter.
I want to state that I am a HUGE Game of Thrones fan, as evidence of my blog, my articles for HBO Watch and my memorabilia are all proof. :)
I have to say that I was slightly disappointed with the season finale. To be more specific: the ending. I really thought that ending it off with Dany - once again - was a let down and totally burst my balloon.
I was left yelling at the television after the credits had started to roll. As in, "Give me a break already! What the hell is this?! The Dany Targaryen show?! Last time I looked, the title of the episode was called "Mysha." Yes, Dany is the 'Mother of Dragons' but there are other mothers in the Game of Thrones series.
You have every one's favourite wicked witch of Casterly Rock, Cersei.
Of course, we can't forget the totally awesome grandmother, Olenna Tyrell, who with a look, could freeze a person in their tracks and run roughshod over the strongest or sliest person. After all - you're talking about a woman who had the balls to stand up to Tywin. And live to tell the tale, too! Grandma got game!
Gilly the Wilding is starting to come out of her shell since escaping her cruel and depraved father.
There was mother to be Talisa Stark. May she rest in peace.
What about Catelyn Stark?! Now, there's a woman and a mother who had been thoroughly robbed of her purpose to live! There could have been a spectacular (or spooky way) of ending the season finale with her...
I loved everything in the season finale except the final scene.
Highlights: Tywin and Tyrion. And how Tywin totally intimidated Joffrey. Jaime and Brienne coming back to King's Landing. Davos risking his life to free Gendry. Bran and company meeting with Sam and Gilly. That was bittersweet. Hodor being Hodor. Yara standing up to her father and suiting up to go get Theon back and (hopefully) whipping Ramsay Snow to death. Sam being reunited with Jon! Arya and The Hound. ARYA!!!!!
Lows: Walder Frey and Roose Bolton gloating in the aftermath of the Red Wedding. SHAME ON YOU BOTH! They are MONSTERS!! Ygritte crying after shooting Jon with a few arrows. Really, Ygritte?! Ramsay Snow taunting Theon. Gross! C'mon, you knew he would flee! Showing Dany as the saviour of yet another city, Yunkai. While I am happy that she is finally acquiring some girl power and trying to right a few wrongs in a tough, unforgiving world, this ending was a huge let down. I can't recall a time where I was so unbelievably frustrated that I actually had a fandimonium tantrum!!!
Okay, end rant. I just wanted to get that off my chest! I respectfully state my opinion and that I totally respect other people's opinions about the story lines and endings.
A Dance with Dragons
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Dance with Dragons, Arya Stark, Dragons, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, Jaime, Jon Snow, Nymeria, survival, Tyrion LannisterIn light of the fact that the school year is coming to a close and that HBO's Game of Thrones is winding down (*sigh*), I've decided to pick up where I left off from last year.
I have been reading A Dance with Dragons.
And BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it ever a meaty read!
Action! Adventure! Betrayal! Surprise journeys! Power! Crime! Intrigue!
And ONE VERY BIG glitch that I did not see coming.
New characters. Shady pasts. Possible hope for a better future.
A lost, forgotten member of a House.
And that's all I'm going to say right now.
Happy reading to me! :)
Author: Anonymous / Labels: House Bolton, House Frey, House Lannister, House Stark, Jon Snow, Red Wedding, The HoundI don't know how else to say this: but I am truly distraught.
Last night's episode just broke my spirit. I feel for House Stark, I really do. How much suffering can one House endure?!
I am NOT happy with House Frey or House Bolton at the moment and hope in time, that they find themselves in less than kind circumstances. As in fall on VERY hard times.
Ah, Arya. My heart just breaks for you. Ironically enough, your only source of comfort is the presence of the Hound.
Bran and Rickon: you must seperate to stay safe. It's going to be a hard journey.
Sansa, your husband will be bringing you bad news in next week's episode, I am sure.
I have to remember, this is Game of Thrones. Don't show weakness. Don't drop your guard.
You win or die. :(