That episode, tho!
First half was very informative.
The second, action packed.
I can truly say that I was literally on the edge of my seat watching the panic and chaos that surrounded the Wildlings and the Brothers of the Night's Watch.
Being a book reader, I more of less can predict what's going to happen next. Mind you, I got to thinking about where Hardhome is located, geographically. Watching the episode, I got that very eerie feeling that something awful was going to turn up. Yes, of course, so many people run off the mouth and make these kinds of claims and statements.
I can honestly say that I felt like this for two strong reasons: where they were situated, in terms of the geography of Westeros and the fact that conditions were prime. Those Wildlings were so stuck in their mentality about not joining forces with the "Crows" that they just couldn't see the forest for the trees. Here, you had Tormund and Jon speaking very bluntly about what is going to take place. Who cares about that stupid Iron Throne, especially when an army that is more horrific and more powerful than anyone could ever imagine, was coming to claim everyone's lives.
The Army of the Dead doesn't care if you are a man, woman or child. They don't care if you're poor or rich. They don't care what House you belong to. They don't care if you actually have any kind of claim to that stupid throne.
They don't care. Period. End of story.
And if you're armed with Dragon glass or Valyrian steel, than maybe you have a slim chance of survival.
If not, may the Seven have mercy on your wretched soul.
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Army of the Dead, Hardhome, Jon Snow, The Night's Watch, Tormund, Westeros, White Walkers, Wights"W" is for White Walkers!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Benjen Stark, Castle Black, Commander Mormont, evil, Rangers, undead, White Walkers, Wights, winterThere are things that go bump in the night.
There's a feeling of impending doom...and an evil presence stirs from its' slumber.
The first time you see them, you notice the piercing blue colour of their eyes. Their skin is discoloured, bordering between white and grey. They don't speak. They omit an eerie set of wails and howls.
These aren't the grumpkins and snarks that your nanny warned you about. The threat is real, not imagined. And the people of Westeros are going to find out the hard way, come Season III.
The two Brothers of the Night's Watch found out the hard way in the very first season premiere. The third Brother ran faster then lightning, south beyond the Wall, only to be caught and be branded a deserter. But he saw what he saw. He was no mad man. Too bad the late Eddard Stark and company didn't pay attention to what this poor ranger was trying to warn them about.
The next people to encounter the White Walkers are Green, Dolores Edd and Samwell. Well, I should point out that in the second season series finale, the three of them heard the horn blow three times. The first two fled the scene, with the wind and snow whipping around them, thus making visibility extremely poor.
Samwell, terrified and trying to escape, runs to seek shelter by a jagged rock. It doesn't matter, you can't outrun an army of them. Their blue eyes glow with evil intent, their bodies rotting and torn, wander aimlessly about. Once you are killed by a wight, you become infected and turn into a White Walker. You are no longer human, but a monster who sleeps for hundreds or thousands of years until it is time to wake up. When the White Walkers wake from their wintry nap, they have but one task: to roam and conquer anything that befalls their path.
Only two things seem to be an effective defence: fire and obsidian. We saw how Jon Snow burnt one by tossing the oil lamp, thus saving himself and Lord Commander Mormont from being killed.
Samwell, being well versed in Castle Black's military defence and history, had indicated that the bodies that they had found earlier be burnt as an added precaution. Lesson learned!
Which makes fans wonder: who did the black cloak and shield belong to? Where did Benjen Stark disappear to? And will Samwell survive his encounter with the army of White Walkers?!