Showing posts with label trial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trial. Show all posts

Give Him the Second Emmy

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , ,

After watching May 14's episode, and sitting on the edge of my seat seeing Peter Dinklage unleash fury and vitriol on the court masses of King's Landing, all I have to say is:


As an aside, I am starting to get a little annoyed with the Meereen and Daeneyrs storyline.

Mad respect to Ser Davos. He got the gold!

Littlefinger & Lysa: A Match Made in...

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,


Those two are just so evil, and they totally deserve each other! Fans finally find out just exactly who murdered poor Jon Arryn.....his darling, devoted wife, Lysa Arryn. And how she basically started the lies and the machine that created hostilities between House Stark and Lannister.

Can we say 'green eyed monster?' Not for a second did I believe anything that came out of her mouth when she was speaking to Sansa, who will be going by Alayne. How convenient that Lysa and Petyr are together now, and we find out that long ago, they had been intimate with each other. Except that Lysa is a poor substitute for Catelyn and (ew) Sansa. And HOW creepy was it to watch Lysa flip out on Sansa?! Jealous, much? Controlling and insecure, hmm that sounds like the Lady of the Vale. Although, I have to say that I am finally starting to warm up to Sansa. She is learning the value of deception. If she can continue to lie and put on one heck of a performance, then perhaps she will start to develop a love of intrigue. And get good at it.

And how about Cersei, sucking up to Margaery, Tywin and....Oberyn (!). It doesn't take much to realize why....because she wants Tyrion dead and also because (gasp!) House Lannister NEEDS House Tyrell on their side. Something about the Iron Bank of Braavos. I wouldn't want to be in debt to them, that's for sure.

They sound pretty omninous.

Dany staying behind makes sense, as she needs to rule those she means to liberate and show that she can and will develop good leadership and diplomatic skills. You have to wonder how it is that the folks in King's Landing are made aware of her every, perhaps there is a spy in her midst?

Hopefully Tommen and Margaery get married REAL soon. As for Arya, loved the water dance sequence but totally disliked the Hound for smacking her. I have a feeling that the next batch of episodes are going to get really interesting....