Showing posts with label Valar Morghulis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valar Morghulis. Show all posts

Another Season Over...

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

I just don't know what to say.

I knew this day was coming. Time has a funny way of marching to a quicker pace when you are truly enjoying something, and at other times, goes at a snail's pace when you are bored stiff.

Tomorrow night is the season finale of Game of Thrones. I have purchased tickets to go see it at a movie theatre. I plan on going early, because the hysteria and mass fandom that will occur, I want to be in the front of the line, rather than the back of it.

I feel as though this season went by so fast - so many plot changes and a lot of things deviated from the books. Friends and colleagues have asked me - "What do you think is going to happen next?" I wish I could answer them, but the truth is that I can't.

I have read all the books but because a lot of material has been cut from the series, it's hard to tell where the focus will be for the season finale.

The title is called "The Children." I have a couple of good ideas as to what will take place. I have 3 big ideas in my head but I will not place any spoilers on my blog.

Here's to the Imp. Long may he live.

Here's to the young wolf pup, Arya. May she grow to be a tremendous assassin and avenge House Stark.

Here's to the Kingslayer. May he stray far away from the evil clutches of his depraved sister.

Here's the to flower of Highgarden. May Margaery best Cersei, personally and politically.

And who knows: maybe the White Walkers are completely misunderstood. Maybe they are meant to clean up the scourge and filth in the Seven Kingdoms.

Still miss Oberyn Martell, tho.

My Top 10 for Season III

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I have 10 good reasons as to why I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to March 31, 2013.

Y'all know, the season premiere of Game of Thrones third season?!

10. The Hound. A scarred warrior. A tremendous fighting machine. A man who told the King where to go and how to go about doing it. I have a new found respect for him, despite his past transgressions.

9. The Blackfish, Brynden Tully. Being introduced to the Blackfish of House Tully will help explain the family's origins, motives and military allegiances.

8. What's going to happen to Tyrion Lannister! He's the best one of the bunch! Need I say more on the subject?!

7. The Reed siblings. This should be interesting and as a fan, I am hoping that certain historical elements will be revealed to Bran and Rickon, especially about how their late father rescued their late aunt Lyanna, right before she died. Could unlock one of the greatest mysteries about why Lyanna was alone and what the cause of her death was.

6. The White Walkers!! Holy crap! What is going to go down at the Fist of First Men? And what will happen to Samwell Tarly?

5. Ygritte and Jon Snow. C'mon, I'm just going to say it like it is: we ALL can't wait to see what Ygritte is going to 'teach' Jon up in the frigid lands north of the Wall. She's a redhead, she's fiery and she calls Jon on his ignorance and naivete. I have a feeling that Jon Snow is going to be quite the apt pupil. If you catch my drift.

4. Bran and Rickon Stark. I have a tender spot in my heart for these two young Stark children, forced to grow up, to deal with their father's death, their mother's separation and the shocking execution of Ser Rodrick Cassel and having to say goodbye to their beloved Maester Luwin. I am looking forward to the dreams and the transformation of wolf and man. Dreams and visions are pretty powerful things, and Bran must come to terms with this new found ability.

3. Lady Olenna Redwyne. I've been looking forward to seeing who would be cast for this role. Yes, she's an old lady but grandma's got game! She's wise, cunning and quietly dominates her family. Sure, she lets her son think he rules the Tyrell roost. But come on, now. WE all know that the quiet power behind the Tyrell family sigil of "Growing Strong" isn't a male: it's Olenna. And with her sharp eyes and cutting wit, she is molding and shaping one far more beautiful as her protegee: her granddaughter, Margaery. Margaery Tyrell: shrewd, seductive, survivor. I can't wait to see what the writers have in store. Margaery isn't just another pretty face. You GO GIRLS!

2. Arya Stark. Let's see the mercenary skills begin to emerge. She's sassy enough to dress like a boy. She's got the basic fundamental sword and fencing skills down pat. She's made an important ally: Jaqen H'gar. Valar Morghulis, anyone?

1. Mance Raydar, King Beyond the Wall. CIARAN HINDS. That's my rationale. Does a woman need to say anything else?

"J" is for Jaqen H'gar

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

The baddest  - yet coolest - assassin on Game of Thrones is none other then Jaqen H'gar. You have to admit, there was something aloof...mysterious...dangerous about him, especially when we first caught a glimpse of him in that small cart, on the way to the Wall.

Anyone who can keep a calm composure and talk in third person without breaking a sweat is worth noting. Especially in Westeros, where there are so many characters and you really don't know who is a good guy or a bad guy until a few episodes have been shown.

Jaqen H'gar makes his debut in Season I, when Arya Stark had been disguised as a boy and was smuggled out of Kings Landing by Yoren, for her own safety. He is sitting in a small cart, apparently a prisoner and on his way to the Wall with the rest of the recruits that Yoren has found. He has red hair, with several streaks of white in it. He has the most hypnotic blue eyes I've ever seen. He doesn't bark or harass Arya, the way the others do. His quiet demeanour suggests that this man has some sort of secret power or ability that has yet to reveal itself. Yoren scoured the dungeons and prisons of Kings Landing, in search of new recruits for the Brotherhood of the Night's Watch. Apparently, other prisoners feared Jaqen H'gar. Perhaps with good reason, as we find out that he is a part of a secret troupe called the "Faceless Men" - they have the abilities to take on the physical appearance of others, and when that person's persona is no longer of use, they shape shift to become an entirely different person altogether! Which explains how he can take down so many people and not get caught.

When Arya meets up with him again in Season II while stationed at Harrenhal, she finds out that he is now serving Tywin Lannister's forces. She has a chance meeting with him and becomes upset, making her feelings known, stating that she should've just left him in the cart after being attacked by the Kings guard at the end of Season I. He doesn't flinch, nor does he deny what he is. He very calmly explains to her that he is now in debt to her. He asks her to name three people, because Arya owes the "Red God" three lives. Pretty sweet exchange, if you ask me, because this girl has a wicked agenda. She has a very long list and any help to getting rid of her enemies is just pure genius!

Jaqen H'gar helps out Arya Stark in ways she didn't even think of were possible. At first, she is skeptical of his abilities. Once the Tickler and Ser Amory Lorch are assassinated, she realizes that Jaqen H'gar is a force to be reckoned with and a very valuable ally. He also happens to arrange her escape from Harrenhal late one night, by simply stating to walk out of the gates at midnight. If you've seen the final episode, you'll know just how he took care of all the guards. At the end of Season II, Jaqen reveals all to Arya and asks that she go with him. Unfortunately, she rejects his offer, but not because she is scared or fears for her life, but because she needs to reunite with her brothers, sister and mother. He gives her a very strange but valuable coin with the phrase - "Valar Morghulis" - meaning "All men must die."

They part, Jaqen turns around to say goodbye to Arya and has completely changed looks! I am hoping and praying we see a little more of the elusive Jaqen H'gar in Season III or Season IV (I know, I'm being a bit pretentious when I say that, but hope springs eternal)!