Showing posts with label Jaqen H'gar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jaqen H'gar. Show all posts


Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,


Now this is more like it! Yes, I was disappointed with the season premiere, but I have to say that the second and third episodes have really picked up the pace.

Which is great because there is so much turmoil going on in King's Landing at the moment, that I really can't wait to see the outcome.

Anyone else feel a smug sense of satisfaction when Lady Olenna throws some MAD SHADE towards Cersei? Oh MY GOD. They don't call her the "Queen of Thorns" for nothing!! Uncle Kevan Lannister can barely conceal his contempt for his niece. Well, I kind of don't blame him.

Margaery and Loras are still in a pickle. Theon is slowly shedding his Reek persona and starting to remember what it was like to be Theon Greyjoy, before he made so many mistakes. I think going through all that trauma has really made him see the light; let's hope that Theon will remember to be true to himself and remember that his adopted sister Sansa is alive and well. And Dany is just lingering around in Vaes Dothrak, with the other widowed Khaleesi's. We know she is not suited to that life, but she is just biding her time.

As for Arya Stark, or as she is now known as, No One, I REALLY want to see her mad ninja Rocky Balboa Jedi assassin skills come in handy. Like, as in NOW. I want her to beat the Waif so bad that the Waif will NEVER lay a hand on her again.

And can we just say YOUNG NED, tho?! Holy ^%$##@!!!!! These flashbacks are frickin' awesome. D & D should have incorporated them starting in season 3. Let's be honest, they have more than enough material that they could've started years ago. Oh well. I suppose as a massive fan, I will just have to be content with what is presented. And how about that Ser Arthur Dayne? And that fight sequence? And Howland Reed.....that dude is LOYAL.

And OF COURSE.......Ser Davos and Melisandre find Jon has risen from the DEAD. BOOM MF's!

February Fuzzies

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

We're a month closer. That's what I'm talking about! Double digits in our countdown. And I'm all for that. I was a bit busy with work, hence why my blogging has been light as of that past few months.

Lots of speculation and HBO released a trailer.....very dark, very ominous and it's located in the House of Black and White. What does this mean? Why do we hear the dead speaking? Is this to provoke us? To bring back those suppressed feelings of rage and sorrow at seeing some of the best people die?!

Except Joffrey. I hated him and was thrilled to see him choke to death.

We're still patiently waiting for a trailer TRAILER, if you know what I mean. It's simply not ENOUGH for us to get a snippet of faces on the wall inside the House of Black and White.

Then again, fans have been freaking out over this. Why, you ask?! Well, duh. When a man or woman is given the "Gift" from someone inside the House of Black and White, then that means they're dead and gone.

Or are they........??

September Squeals

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

More Game of Thrones Funko Pop figures have been ordered.

Yes. I know. I already have 24 in my collection.

But.....but....I just want to order a "few more" in 8. LOL

I am STILL WAITING for my Jaqen H'gar Funko doll!!!!

I want to Believe....!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

I swear to GOD, either the folks at HBO are the worst when it comes to keeping a secret OR it's just sheer coincidence that Kit Harrington has been sighted in Belfast.

As in, he was on the same flight as our sexy assassin, Jaqen (Tom Wlaschiha) and has been seen walking around the streets with the actor who portrays Dolores Edd.

C'mon, already!!!!!!! I REALLLLLY want to believe Jon will be coming back in one form or another?!

Jon Snow?

Jon Stark?

Mother's Mercy

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

Another season has ended.

Many fans have felt that the Dorne plot was the weakest link. I agree. Nothing but voyeurism at its' best. No characters to really draw me in, with the exception of Prince Doran, Aero Hotah and Ellaria Sand. The Sand Snakes were a complete bore. But whatever. And anyone who thought Ellaria had submitted her will to Prince Doran, well, come on already! You KNOW she was acting all the way. Revenge is something that does not go unfulfilled, especially with the paramour of the late Oberyn Martell.

The prophecy still stands true: Marcella paid the ultimate price for that, unfortunately. It's always the innocent that pay in blood for the games that other people play. Jaime now knows what it feels like to have a child die in his arms.

Happy to see Tyrion put at the helm of a large and ancient city - Meereen. And happy to see Varys and Tyrion teamed up again. "I did miss you."  "I know." (doesn't that sound like a #StarWars throwback to Leia and Han?)

 Daario and Jorah are off to find Dany, who's sailed halfway across Westeros on Drogon's back. Poor dragon - he's wounded and tired. And she's an idiot. There, I said it. I'm tried of her storyline. It only got interesting for me once Tyrion came into the picture. Kind of wondering, how the grayscale is going to affect Jorah in the long run. And as for Dany dropping her ring, in a sea of tall grass, before the Dothraki horde comes charging about, I felt that was a bit lame. Of all places, you're going to drop your ring in there?!

Fave part: Arya finally got her hit list kill and Ser Meryn Trant deserved all the agony that he was put through. A violent man, prone to beating under age girls and a pedophile to boot, I felt elated to see Arya BAMF Stark return with a vengeance. The only problem is....well, she kinds took a face from the House of Black and White and sort of kinda didn't say anything to Jaqen about it. Whoops. Well, lovely girl, only death can pay for life. Your eyesight is now forfeit - but don't lose hope fans. Something bigger is in store for our awesome Stark Jedi padewan apprentice.

Stannis wasn't having a good day, good month or a good year for that matter. His wife commits suicide; half his men deserted him and he ends up getting killed by none other than Brienne of Tarth. I'm glad that Ser Davos was at Castle Black but boy is he going to be p***ed off once he finds out the REAL truth about poor Princess Shireen. How fitting that Melisandre rides to Castle Black and says nothing of how it all went down. And no witnesses to challenge her, either.

Reek/Theon finally snaps out of his pathetic slump and pushes that sociopath little cur, Myranda, off the battlements. SPLAT! Music to my ears. Sansa and Theon hold each other's hands and make a leap of faith off the steep castle walls. Not to worry, my friends. It's *snowing* in the north and Winterfell has plenty of snow around the castle, the portcullis and the outer grounds. Lots of fluffy, white snow.

Glad that Sam, Gilly and baby Sam got the hell out of Dodge! As for Jon Snow, well, hard to truly say if he met his demise or not. According to some pictures I saw, he's lying there, blood seeping out of his body. The next frame is his eyes - they got completely white - as in warging. I hope and pray something happens because let's face it, if Melisandre is there (how convenient that she is) and she has the ability to resurrect someone back from the dead, well, she'd better GET ON THAT. FAST!

My second fave part was watching Cersei go through the ultimate humiliation - being forced to walk naked through the streets of King's Landing, while the people watch on the sidelines, screaming and throwing rotten food and excrement at her. I felt absolutely ZERO pity for her.

My beef with this finale is that we did not see Margaery or Loras; nor did we see Lady Olenna or Littlefinger. Guess we'll just have to wait until March 2016.

And now, the long watch begins...

Jaqen's BACK!!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , ,


Women all over the realm are rejoicing that our favourite Faceless man is BACK!

What's up with Sansa?! Is she playing at being still so clingy and naive or is she playing up to Littlefinger? Hopefully she is turning to the dark side and learning to use her feminine wiles to hide a more devious side.

Arya + Jaqen = AWESOMENESS.

Jon and Sam = the Men in Black.

Dany......I just don't know what to say about you anymore. You're lost, confused and not doing a very good job at ruling people that you quite frankly don't know and don't understand. This is what happens when you are ignorant and try to carry out something noble. Without doing your background work and learning about the people you mean to rule, it blows up right in your face. Hell, your dragons don't want anything to do with you.

I am totally loving the Tyrion and Varys roadshow.


Dear Cersei: KARMA.

Am I forgetting anything else?!

SOOOO looking forward to Margaery and Tommen getting married. And hopefully seeing more of sassy Grandmother Olenna. BOOM

Arya Stark: Warrior Princess

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

Yes, I used the word 'princess' and the word 'Arya' in the same sentence.

Make no mistake, I use it with the greatest respect, in the sense that Arya is a fierce little princess, capable of holding her own against the big boys, in fact, anyone who crosses her path. I don't mean princess in the way everyone thinks of - long gowns, sweeping hairstyles, jewels, fine needle point and an air of genteel breeding.

Hell, no! I mean a young girl who is suddenly thrust into the vicious Game of Thrones, who is able to read people's intentions, train with a sword, learn a few ancient and noble languages, defend her House's honour, stand up and fight for herself and take off in order to survive, study other people, what they say and what they try to hide, accept her growing power as a warg and ultimately, learn how to become one of the most skilled assassins in Westeros. THAT is the type of princess I'm talking about - armed with chain mail, daggers, Needle, shape shifting powers, be multilingual and above all - conquer her fears and take down her enemies.

Arya always knew that she was different from other girls her age. She knew she would never be like her older sister and somehow, that did not disappoint her. She knew it, felt it and accepted it. She was surprised and shocked to learn and understand from her father that she was just like her late aunt, Lyanna Stark. Shocking because Lyanna was considered to be a great beauty in the Seven Kingdoms and surprised because Lyanna had the same spirit and had a rebellious streak in her. It's as if the ghost of Lyanna has come back to guide her niece. And this is a notion that I want to believe in.

I adore Arya Stark - she wants to believe in justice and equality and yet is canny enough, at a young age, to know that Westeros is made up of very dangerous men and women who will lie, cheat, steal and kill to get what they want. We all know that power is an aphrodisiac. Arya doesn't seem to be tainted by it, say the way that Joffrey and Cersei are. No, she knows that anyone can be killed and that you have to be very careful and play the game well and make allegiances with the right sort of people in the Seven Kingdoms. Otherwise, you will find yourself swinging from a rope or have a sword go through your belly.

None of those options are what Arya has in mind for herself. No, not this young wolf pup. She has to go through some very frightening and challenging times in order to grow as a young woman and as an individual, who is trying to survive and learn the skills she needs to - because in time we know what she will use them for.


And it is my feverent hope that Arya Stark not only survives many assassins and outlaws, but that with each passing day, she remembers that she is a survivor. That she is strong minded and tougher than most.

That she is a Stark.

That she is not a victim.

When the time comes to exact her revenge on the world, may the Seven Old Gods and the New have mercy on her enemies.

For I will not.

The North Remembers.

Valar Morgulis ~ Valar Dohaeris.

"J" is for Jaqen H'gar

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

The baddest  - yet coolest - assassin on Game of Thrones is none other then Jaqen H'gar. You have to admit, there was something aloof...mysterious...dangerous about him, especially when we first caught a glimpse of him in that small cart, on the way to the Wall.

Anyone who can keep a calm composure and talk in third person without breaking a sweat is worth noting. Especially in Westeros, where there are so many characters and you really don't know who is a good guy or a bad guy until a few episodes have been shown.

Jaqen H'gar makes his debut in Season I, when Arya Stark had been disguised as a boy and was smuggled out of Kings Landing by Yoren, for her own safety. He is sitting in a small cart, apparently a prisoner and on his way to the Wall with the rest of the recruits that Yoren has found. He has red hair, with several streaks of white in it. He has the most hypnotic blue eyes I've ever seen. He doesn't bark or harass Arya, the way the others do. His quiet demeanour suggests that this man has some sort of secret power or ability that has yet to reveal itself. Yoren scoured the dungeons and prisons of Kings Landing, in search of new recruits for the Brotherhood of the Night's Watch. Apparently, other prisoners feared Jaqen H'gar. Perhaps with good reason, as we find out that he is a part of a secret troupe called the "Faceless Men" - they have the abilities to take on the physical appearance of others, and when that person's persona is no longer of use, they shape shift to become an entirely different person altogether! Which explains how he can take down so many people and not get caught.

When Arya meets up with him again in Season II while stationed at Harrenhal, she finds out that he is now serving Tywin Lannister's forces. She has a chance meeting with him and becomes upset, making her feelings known, stating that she should've just left him in the cart after being attacked by the Kings guard at the end of Season I. He doesn't flinch, nor does he deny what he is. He very calmly explains to her that he is now in debt to her. He asks her to name three people, because Arya owes the "Red God" three lives. Pretty sweet exchange, if you ask me, because this girl has a wicked agenda. She has a very long list and any help to getting rid of her enemies is just pure genius!

Jaqen H'gar helps out Arya Stark in ways she didn't even think of were possible. At first, she is skeptical of his abilities. Once the Tickler and Ser Amory Lorch are assassinated, she realizes that Jaqen H'gar is a force to be reckoned with and a very valuable ally. He also happens to arrange her escape from Harrenhal late one night, by simply stating to walk out of the gates at midnight. If you've seen the final episode, you'll know just how he took care of all the guards. At the end of Season II, Jaqen reveals all to Arya and asks that she go with him. Unfortunately, she rejects his offer, but not because she is scared or fears for her life, but because she needs to reunite with her brothers, sister and mother. He gives her a very strange but valuable coin with the phrase - "Valar Morghulis" - meaning "All men must die."

They part, Jaqen turns around to say goodbye to Arya and has completely changed looks! I am hoping and praying we see a little more of the elusive Jaqen H'gar in Season III or Season IV (I know, I'm being a bit pretentious when I say that, but hope springs eternal)!