Showing posts with label Sansa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sansa. Show all posts

Mother's Mercy

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

Another season has ended.

Many fans have felt that the Dorne plot was the weakest link. I agree. Nothing but voyeurism at its' best. No characters to really draw me in, with the exception of Prince Doran, Aero Hotah and Ellaria Sand. The Sand Snakes were a complete bore. But whatever. And anyone who thought Ellaria had submitted her will to Prince Doran, well, come on already! You KNOW she was acting all the way. Revenge is something that does not go unfulfilled, especially with the paramour of the late Oberyn Martell.

The prophecy still stands true: Marcella paid the ultimate price for that, unfortunately. It's always the innocent that pay in blood for the games that other people play. Jaime now knows what it feels like to have a child die in his arms.

Happy to see Tyrion put at the helm of a large and ancient city - Meereen. And happy to see Varys and Tyrion teamed up again. "I did miss you."  "I know." (doesn't that sound like a #StarWars throwback to Leia and Han?)

 Daario and Jorah are off to find Dany, who's sailed halfway across Westeros on Drogon's back. Poor dragon - he's wounded and tired. And she's an idiot. There, I said it. I'm tried of her storyline. It only got interesting for me once Tyrion came into the picture. Kind of wondering, how the grayscale is going to affect Jorah in the long run. And as for Dany dropping her ring, in a sea of tall grass, before the Dothraki horde comes charging about, I felt that was a bit lame. Of all places, you're going to drop your ring in there?!

Fave part: Arya finally got her hit list kill and Ser Meryn Trant deserved all the agony that he was put through. A violent man, prone to beating under age girls and a pedophile to boot, I felt elated to see Arya BAMF Stark return with a vengeance. The only problem is....well, she kinds took a face from the House of Black and White and sort of kinda didn't say anything to Jaqen about it. Whoops. Well, lovely girl, only death can pay for life. Your eyesight is now forfeit - but don't lose hope fans. Something bigger is in store for our awesome Stark Jedi padewan apprentice.

Stannis wasn't having a good day, good month or a good year for that matter. His wife commits suicide; half his men deserted him and he ends up getting killed by none other than Brienne of Tarth. I'm glad that Ser Davos was at Castle Black but boy is he going to be p***ed off once he finds out the REAL truth about poor Princess Shireen. How fitting that Melisandre rides to Castle Black and says nothing of how it all went down. And no witnesses to challenge her, either.

Reek/Theon finally snaps out of his pathetic slump and pushes that sociopath little cur, Myranda, off the battlements. SPLAT! Music to my ears. Sansa and Theon hold each other's hands and make a leap of faith off the steep castle walls. Not to worry, my friends. It's *snowing* in the north and Winterfell has plenty of snow around the castle, the portcullis and the outer grounds. Lots of fluffy, white snow.

Glad that Sam, Gilly and baby Sam got the hell out of Dodge! As for Jon Snow, well, hard to truly say if he met his demise or not. According to some pictures I saw, he's lying there, blood seeping out of his body. The next frame is his eyes - they got completely white - as in warging. I hope and pray something happens because let's face it, if Melisandre is there (how convenient that she is) and she has the ability to resurrect someone back from the dead, well, she'd better GET ON THAT. FAST!

My second fave part was watching Cersei go through the ultimate humiliation - being forced to walk naked through the streets of King's Landing, while the people watch on the sidelines, screaming and throwing rotten food and excrement at her. I felt absolutely ZERO pity for her.

My beef with this finale is that we did not see Margaery or Loras; nor did we see Lady Olenna or Littlefinger. Guess we'll just have to wait until March 2016.

And now, the long watch begins...

Points to Consider

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

I find it difficult to turn my brain off of Game of Thrones.

Just ask my husband, he hears it all the time.

At any rate, I have a few theories that might make sense, regarding Arya, Tyrion, Dany and Sansa.

First: the whole thing about the three headed dragon. I think it could be that Arya, Tyrion and Dany are destined to join forces. That would actually be pretty cool, considering that all three of those characters have been through the ringer and then some.

Of course, it would also be super cool if Arya found someone to stand with. As in a romantic interest. Not one that would match her battle skills, her wit and her stubbornness. This is where some minor spoilers are going to take place, so you've been warned. Aegon would be her match, he's a few years older than her, has had to struggle and fight and use his wits to survive the harsh world of Westeros. After all, there is that prophesy that Cersei is going to be taken down by someone younger and more beautiful than her.

While I would love to see it be Margaery, I wonder if it could be Sansa or Arya? After all, both Stark girls have suffered under Cersei's political and personal scheming. It would only make sense that Cersei suffers so bad to the point where she loses everything. And at the hands of a Stark daughter.

Of course, it would also be awesome if Sansa were to somehow, someway, get rid of Littlefinger and assume control of the Vale. I kind of want her and Tyrion back together. That would get under Cersei's skin so badly.....and for Tyrion, he gets a wife of noble blood and also he can claim Winterfell through Sansa. He could also bring some political savvy to the realm. If Arya and Sansa were to be reunited, it would be bittersweet. But at least the two girls would have each other, which is one way of looking at it.

I also would love to see Margaery and Sansa take down Cersei with any means at their disposal.

I think a lot of fans would love to see that! 

"M" is for Margaery Tyrell

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Here is one of my favourite female characters: Margaery Tyrell. The lovely Natalie Dormer portrays her in HBO's Game of Thrones.

Margaery is the only daughter from House Tyrell. She has three older brothers - Willas, Lord Garlan and Ser Loras. As a female, she is destined to marry into a great house and unite two families, securing wealth, political ties and forging new alliances.

In A Clash of Kings, we see that Margaery Tyrell has married Renly Baratheon and by rights, has become his Queen. We all know that Loras and Renly are having a secret relationship. This does not bother Margaery, as she has married her King, knowing what she was getting into and what was expected of her in this political arrangement.

For a female in Westeros, she is very well educated and pretty shrewd. I like to think that she gets that blunt and shrewd streak from her grandmother, Lady Olenna Redwyne. Margaery possesses looks and wit and understands the necessity of deception, especially to those in the court. What would've been a strategic marriage soon comes undone, as Renly is murdered by his brother and the red priestess from Asshai.

Margaery understands that being in the right position at the right time means that unrivalled power could be in her grasp. We see her pleading her case to King Joffrey, that she has become enamored of him and all his feats. Just watching Natalie Dormer state her intentions to Joffrey with that seductive twinkle in her eye and her regal wardrobe, well Joffrey pretty much likes what he sees and discards Sansa Stark in favour of Lady Margaery Tyrell.

Season III looks pretty exciting and I cannot wait to see how Margaery's character begins to show some real teeth and some edge. Margaery is savvy enough to know that she wants to be aligned with the most powerful man in Westeros, because it means prestige for her family and a secure position for her in court and for any future heirs. I don't think she will buckle under Joffrey the way Sansa did.

Perhaps she will use her sultry wiles on Joffrey to get what she wants. I say whatever she needs to do to get ahead, do it. The men of Westeros never flinch at having to wage weapons, threats and seize opportunities, when presented.

So if a woman chooses to make love instead of war to obtain power, it doesn't make her weaker. Pen is mightier than the sword. No man alive can withstand the alluring, tantalizing siren call from a woman. Especially Natalie Dormer's Margaery Tyrell. Watch her in the Tudors. Then you'll know exactly what I mean.

"Valar Morghulis" ~ All Men Must Die

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

From the moment the lights dimmed in my basement, the tension and suspense hung in the air.

I'm talking about THE season finale event of the year on HBO. "Valar Morghulis" - the Valeryian phrase that Jaqen H'gar says to Arya Stark has a deeper meaning, but that will make itself known in A Storm of Swords, which will debut April 6, 2013.

Where to begin: Tyrion. He was grievously injured at the hands of the late Ser Manden Moore, the Kingsguard captain to Joffrey. Only it was that witch, Cersei, who instructed Ser Manden to strike Tyrion down if the opportunity presented itself. Tyrion put a wall up around himself in this episode, not wanting pity and not wanting to leave King's Landing because he knows how to outwit, outfox and survive the rest of the people that play the Game of Thrones. Bronn was released from his post of Captain of the Kingsguard by Tywin or Cersei. His warriors from the Mountains of Vale went back home, paid off by his father. His sister wants his dead. He recieved no credit for the attack on Blackwater Bay. Varys informed him of the many changes that took place while he was unconscious. None of the changes were particualrly good or to his benefit, either. The only consistent person so far has been Podrick Payne, his loyal squire. Even Grand Maester Pycell was acting like a total jerk, making fun of Tyrion's size and commenting on how he does not need a spacious living quarter. I can't stand that Maester. He is an awful man and I hope karma comes back to him! Shae wasn't particularly happy with his decision to stay, but that just builds up more tension for Season III.

Meanwhile, back the throne room, Tywin Lannister was proclaimed 'Saviour of the City' and official Hand of the King, now that Tyrion is out of commission. In another bold move, Littlefinger became Lord of Harrenhal, for his shady dealings of bringing House Tyrell into the Lannister fold. Ser Loras, in a stunning move, asked King Joffrey to make sure his sister, Margaery, was wed to a noblemen of House Lannister...and who more fitting and high then the good King himself? But wait, Joffrey the Sweet remembers he is affianced to Sansa Stark. Once the small council reveals that he is free to break off with Sansa, due to the fact her father was a traitor and her brother is in open rebellion against the Lannister faction, a new alliance is forged. There is more to Margaery then meets the eye. Cersei may regret having Margaery Tyrell as a daughter in law. Sansa, thinking her troubles are now over, turns from the throne room, smiling and crying over her good fortune. Littlefinger quickly comes to tell her the reality of her new found freedom: Joffrey will not let her go back to Winterfell, in fact, she is now at the mercy of the King, both physically and sexually. She is repulsed and frightened. Littlefinger promises to try and help her. He also sees right through her act and informs her that everyone in the Lannister court is a much better liar.

Varys the Spider pays a visit to Littlefinger's brothel in order to procure information from Roz. He knows that Roz is scared of Littlefinger, as she should be but Varys is more interested in protecting her and making her somewhat of a spy. Together, they could find out Littlefinger's weaknesses and make him pay dearly. And I totally like the sound of that!

Brienne of Tarth is escorting Jamie Lannister back to King's Landing. Brienne has to put up with Jaime's stupid and rude endless rantings and ravings. One their way they see three dead bodies hanging from a tree. She wants to the do the honourable thing of burying them when three men approach, wanting to know their business. Quick witted Brienne and Jaime come up with a plausible tale that he is being brought back to Riverrun on a theft charge when one of the men recognizes the Kingslayer.  What happens next is that two of the men are quickly dispatched at the hands of Brienne, who is extremely skilled with the sword, knife and dagger. The last man does not fare so well. After all, he was the loud mouth who boasted that, "Two of them we gave quick deaths." Meaning the last woman hanging was probably raped before she was killed. Well, what goes around comes around and Brienne kills the man slowly, with precision. Jaime looks on, stunned at her stealth and skill. Perhaps the Kingslayer will watch what he says from now on.

Ayra, Hot Pie and Gendry are long gone from Harrenhal when they spot the mysterious Jaqen H'gar standing on top of a small hill. He tells her that she should consider coming to Braavos with him. As much as she really wants to, and learn his mysterious and powerful skills, she really wants to find her brothers, mother and sister. This young girl has been through the ringer, being separated from her family, seeing her father being executed and suffering from the constant threat of violence or starvation at the hands of cruel Lannister guards. Instead, he gives her a very unique coin and should the day come that she needs to seek him out, she is to give that coin to any man from Braavos and repeat the key phrase, "Valar Morghulis." Only then will she be able to connect with him again. In a seamless display of his magical talents, she repeats the phrase one more time and as he turns to leave, he looks back at her one more time. Only it isn't Jaqen's face she sees. It is another man, but his voice. Jaqen is dead. Valar Morghulis.

Robb is suffering from a burning love for the Lady Talisa Migear. This does not sit well with his mother, Lady Catelyn Stark. After all, there is that little thing called a 'betrothal contract' that was made in Season I. They needed House Frey's support and the wily old man made sure to arrange betrothals of a son and daughter of his house to Robb and Arya of House Stark. This is one time where Robb REALLY should've listened to his mother, no matter how upset he was over her releasing Jaime Lannister. Typical man, he was thinking with his loins, instead of his brain. This is another example of yet another Stark starting another war because of a very stupid error. First it was Catelyn, by accusing Tyrion of trying to kill her son Bran, based on circumstantial evidence. Now, it is Robb, who wants to marry for love. He has brought impending doom for his House by marrying Lady Talisa.

Dany, Ser Jorah and her Dothraki comrade go to the House of the Undying, in order to rescue her dragons. She finds a way in but the two men do not. She goes up a winding staircase and hears her dragons. She enters one room, only to see a few doors. She picks the one to the right. She enters what looks like King's Landing, but it's been partially destroyed and it is snowing inside. She walks towards the Iron Throne and almost touches it. In the background, she hears her dragons. She moves towards another exit and finds herself in the midst of a snowstorm up in the north, at the Wall. The snow is almost blinding. She sees what looks like a small dwelling and slowly approaches. As she gets closer, it resembles a Dothraki tent. In a startling discovery, she finds her beloved Khal Drogo sitting there, waiting for her with their son, Rhaego. She thinks she is already dead and that this image is not possible. He tells her she is his everything. They both look down in wonder at their child. Alas, sadly it is not meant to be. She tells him, "Until the sun rises and sets in the east, you will always be my moon and stars." The dragons beckon. She finally returns to find the warlocks of Pree with her dragons, chained to the middle of the room. Dany is not going without a fight. They picked the wrong woman. "Drakaris." With that one word, her dragons are able to breathe fire towards the warlocks and through her, the flames increase with such heat and intensity, that the warlocks are destroyed. Treachery is found - her handmaiden and Xaro are proven to be frauds and locked in that big old empty vault, forever.  Dany and crew take what gold and jewels they can and decide it is time to purchase horses and ships.

Jon Snow and Qhoren Halfhand are making their way to Mance Rayder, along with a group of wildlings and the Lord of Bones. Qhoren antagonizes Jon and forces him to fight. The Lord of Bones decides to let the two rangers fight each other. Qhoren wants Jon to infiltrate Mance's army. In the end, Jon kills Qhoren and you can see he is clearly conflicted with what he had to do in order to survive. Before Qhoren died, he leaned into Jon and spoke of the Brothers of the Night's Watch: "We are brothers, until the end." He sacrificed himself so Jon could go on. Ygritte tells the rest of the wildings, "You can tell Mance that this was the man to take down Qhoren Halfhand." They all look at Jon with awe, perhaps respect, now that he has shown fierce fighting skills and bravery. Jon looks at Ygritte, sorrow and shock in his eyes. She takes him towards a cliff and says that it is time for him to meet Mance Rayder. Below them is a huge valley and in that valley look to be like thousands of cottages or houses. Mance Rayder is building an army, but for what purpose? When will they strike? Whom will they fight?

Theon Greyjoy: I just cannot stand this character. He is a liar and a traitor.  Trapped in Winterfell, surrounded by 500 of Ramsay Bolton's men, he has no choice but to surrender. He refuses to do so, as he is iron born. Maester Luwin informs him that should he run, he could always go to the Wall, where a man's past transgressions no longer count. He advises Theon that there are secret passages below Winterfell and he could slip out at night and make it north to freedom. What happens next is another round of betrayal. He gives a rousing speech to his Iron Island comrades, only to be knocked on conscious and be taken out of Winterfell. Unfortunately, his first lieutenant stabs Maester Luwin with a sharp spear, knocking the old man to his knees. They all leave and Maester Luwin falls over, bleeding heavily. Osha, Hodor and the two boys with their dire wolves come out sometime later to discover that Winterfell has been sacked and is burning. Worse, the wolves find Maester Luwin in the Godswood, in a semi-sitting position, but extremely weak, due to blood loss. The boys burst into tears, as they do not want to leave him. Bran wants to get him his medicine. What Maester Luwin says next made me burst into tears - "They didn't burn you. I pulled both of you out into this world and I have spent nearly every single day with you. And for that I am glad." Rickon is openly sobbing. Maester Luwin pleads with Osha - he tells her that the boys must be taken north because there are too many enemies in the south. He advises them all to go back and get as much food as possible, to put on extra clothing and make it quick because at any moment, someone could show up and kill them all. As Hodor takes the boys and wolves to get the supplies, Maester Luwin refuses Osha's suggestion of milk of the poppy. Instead he looks at her dagger with meaning. She delivers him a quick death and puts him out of pain for good.  They are last seen fleeing from Winterfell and headed north.

Grenn, Samwell and Dolores are out on patrol, collecting dung, as it burns for many hours when making a fire. Sam, in his usual fashion, talks about Gilly. He talks about how she is optimistic, even though she suffered abuse at the hands of her father and thinks that life is still worth living. Grenn and Dolores respond one way or another when they hear the horn blowing. Sam, hearing one blow, is happy....because he thinks Jon and Qhoren have returned. A second horn sounds. Grenn and Dolores pull out their swords. And then the worst sound ever: a third blow of the horn. WHITE WALKERS. Grenn and Dolores run off in one direction. Samwell, his face frozen with shock, sees a snow storm approaching. Only it isn't just snow. He starts to see figures. He can't quite make out what they are yet. Only that he is scared and makes a feeble attempt to run in the same direction as his two companions but at this point, visibility becomes very poor. He hides behind a rock and shakes uncontrollably.  Figures start to come out of the snowy mist. You start to see the blue eyes penetrate the snow. The White Walkers. For thousands of years, everyone south of the Wall scoffed at the notion that they even existed. The Brothers of the Night's Watch knew differently.  As Samwell realizes that this could be the end for him, he hears a noise and looks to his right. He sees a zombie like horse with red eyes and a dead White Walker on top. Only he is not alone. Hundreds of them are wandering, with a dead, glazed look to them. Their eyes are glowing a piercing blue colour. When the camera pans to a wide screen zoom, all of a sudden you see more then hundreds, quite possibly thousands of them are walking along, towards the Wall. Another look at them and you'll notice that they were all dressed differently. Some had the Wildlings garb on. Others looked as if they were from the forests. Some of the White Walkers were former Brothers of the Night's Watch. Samwell is petrified, trapped and surrounded by them. He closes his eyes and begins to cry in earnest, as they all walk past him. He is all alone, no weapons, no army and no obsidian.

Obsidian. Why would he need obsidian? Stick around until April 6, 2013. Then maybe I'll tell you.



Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,



What is there left to say?!

I was riveted in my seat from the moment the episode "Blackwater Bay" started, right up until the end. I yelled at the television a few times (I have a realllllly big flat screen television). A few times I cheered Tyrion on. At times I insulted Joffrey (what else is new). I had my "Clash of Kings" book beside me. I had my Twitter feed going and could see all the hashtag trending going on, with respect to the Game of Thrones Twitter feed.

Joffrey, you are a moron. The Hound, you have a soft side for Sansa but are loathe to admit it. Besides, you've had it with the Lannisters. Can't say that I blame you, either (with the exception of Tyrion). Tyrion, you had to take over and become the figurehead of support, to instill some bravado in the army, seeing as how Joffrey tuck tailed and ran off like the coward he was.  Stannis, you fool. While I understand that you have a good claim to the Iron Throne, was it necessary to sacrifice so many men, all for the sake of domination? Ser Davos, you're a practical and brave man, but unfortunately, all your years of experience couldn't save your son. Shae, I have to give you credit where it's due. You have a steely exterior, most likely in part of trying to survive your tender years and growing up in Westeros. I kind of have a grudging admiration for you now....but don't forget, I've read almost four books in the series.

Tywin, you clever, sly fox. You have the Tyrells in your midst and have them fighting for you. Hmm. I think you liked Littlefinger's rationale from a few episodes back. I hope Loras has good sense to see in time, he'll end up paying down the road for joining ranks with the Lannisters. Varys, you set a sombre tone. More like ominous. Bronn, you're a pretty tough guy. You and the Hound have unfinished business.

Sansa, you still want to believe that people have good intentions. The Hound offered you your freedom. As well as some pretty blunt advice.  Even though you went to pray for everyone and told Tyrion you'd pray for his safe return, c'mon, did you really think the Imp totally believed you? Mind you, the look on Tyrion's face was one of amusement and belief. I think he understands that Sansa has to do and say what she must, to stay alive. And of course, I can't forget to mention that immoral drunk (no, not Robert, because he's dead) Cersei. What a pathetic woman. She has stooped to new lows, even when I thought she couldn't get any lower. Such touching concern she showed for all in Maegor's Keep. My favourite is how she just kept on drinking and telling Sansa what would and could potentially happen, should King's Landing fall. Disgusting. She is the last person that I would keep the faith with!

Tyrion. What can I say? I'm glad that Podrik slew Ser Manden. Of course, what can you expect from Joffrey's personal Kingsguard? Backstabbers!

Hard to believe there is only one more episode left. Then, us fans will have to wait until April 2013 for Season III...


Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

The episode "The Old Gods and the New" had a distinct theme throughout: what one must do in order to survive in the world of Westeros. Robb - wants to head back north to Winterfell to avenge Ser Rodrick's death and take care of Theon Greyjoy.

Brandon - desires to save the people of Winterfell but not wanting any harm coming to them.

Theon - still trying to prove what a man he is to everyone around him - often - with fatal results.

Osha - doing what it takes to survive in order to escape.

Arya - trying to be as stealthy as she can in order to gain inside information while using magic to get rid of her enemies.

Sansa - who comes to the realization that the world is not all fairy tales and perfect romances.

Tyrion - who is desperately trying to prevent open war and rebellion while at the same time trying to outmanouevre his cunning sister, Cersei AND trying very hard not to beat the living tar out of his stupid nephew, Joffrey.

Daneyers - trying to claim back the Iron Throne from a world away, with no ships, no armies and worst of all - no dragons (they've been abducted).