Alrighty! The second game came out on Wednesday (for PS3 players).
I've been a bit busy with my job. However, the weekend is HERE! Going to play it today, as it is a very cold and blustery day outside. Too much snow and not enough sunshine!
However, it's winter and in Canada, this is what we expect. Tomorrow, HBO will release their HBO A Day in the Life short on the behind the scenes production. Yay!
Tell Tale Games - Game #2
Author: Anonymous / Labels: February, House Forrester, Jon Snow, Lady Margaery Tyrell, Tell Tale Games, Tyrion LannisterFebruary is literally around the corner. With it are thoughts of Valentine's Day cards, flowers, dinner reservations and other equally romantic things to do.
Everybody be like, "Oh Valentine's Day is getting closer" and I'm here, like - "Tell Tale Games is releasing their second Game of Thrones game on February 5th!!!!!!!!!"
Whehoooooo!!! Clapping and lots of wolf whistles ensue!!!
OKAY!!!! husband purchases the Tell Tale game, Iron From Ice, for me. I also bought another Funko figure for myself - well, okay, I bought the White Walker and Jaime Lannister one, too. I was totally stoked and prepared to do some serious gaming.
Guess what happens?!
My Playstation 3, for some unknown reason, decides to power down and off. Nothing wrong with it. It worked just fine and it's not like I use it on a regular basis. You can just imagine my disappointment at having the game, having the remotes completely charged and the unit just shuts down on me, no rhyme and no reason.
Such is life. My husband took it to get repaired. We'll see if I can get it back for the following weekend. All the reviews have been great and I really do want to play it!
Game of Thrones GAME!!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Game of Thrones, HBO, House Forrester, Tell Tale Games, The War of the Five KingsTell Tale Games in partnership with HBO is going to release a new Game of Thrones animated game. It looks incredible! It's going to be a six episode game and will focus on a backstory, but still related to the War of the Five Kings.
I've posted the link to the article. I just have to make sure that I have the right game console before I preorder this game.
It's called "Iron from Ice" - with the game being centered around House Forrester, who are loyal banner men to House Stark. I can't wait for this game to come out. So far, four actors/actresses have already been attached to this project. You'll recognize Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Margaery Tyrell and Ramsay Snow in it.
BOOM. Bring it!