Showing posts with label Castle Black. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Castle Black. Show all posts


Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,


Now this is more like it! Yes, I was disappointed with the season premiere, but I have to say that the second and third episodes have really picked up the pace.

Which is great because there is so much turmoil going on in King's Landing at the moment, that I really can't wait to see the outcome.

Anyone else feel a smug sense of satisfaction when Lady Olenna throws some MAD SHADE towards Cersei? Oh MY GOD. They don't call her the "Queen of Thorns" for nothing!! Uncle Kevan Lannister can barely conceal his contempt for his niece. Well, I kind of don't blame him.

Margaery and Loras are still in a pickle. Theon is slowly shedding his Reek persona and starting to remember what it was like to be Theon Greyjoy, before he made so many mistakes. I think going through all that trauma has really made him see the light; let's hope that Theon will remember to be true to himself and remember that his adopted sister Sansa is alive and well. And Dany is just lingering around in Vaes Dothrak, with the other widowed Khaleesi's. We know she is not suited to that life, but she is just biding her time.

As for Arya Stark, or as she is now known as, No One, I REALLY want to see her mad ninja Rocky Balboa Jedi assassin skills come in handy. Like, as in NOW. I want her to beat the Waif so bad that the Waif will NEVER lay a hand on her again.

And can we just say YOUNG NED, tho?! Holy ^%$##@!!!!! These flashbacks are frickin' awesome. D & D should have incorporated them starting in season 3. Let's be honest, they have more than enough material that they could've started years ago. Oh well. I suppose as a massive fan, I will just have to be content with what is presented. And how about that Ser Arthur Dayne? And that fight sequence? And Howland Reed.....that dude is LOYAL.

And OF COURSE.......Ser Davos and Melisandre find Jon has risen from the DEAD. BOOM MF's!

The Watchers on the Wall

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

A lot of people were lamenting about why an entire episode was devoted to a big fight.

If you're a book reader, you understand how important that event was and what happens next. If you are not a book reader, well, all I can say to you is that you don't have the whole picture and are missing out on a lot of detail.

Read the books. Don't ask book readers for spoilers. There is simply too much detail that goes on and it would either confuse you or maybe it would bore you. The point is that an entire episode needed to be aired strictly about the attack on Castle Black and just how beleaguered the Night's Watch is because you have to look at it from a few perspectives: Mance, Jon, Sam and the Wildlings and just how fierce the attack was going to be.

My personal opinion is that the series should have 12 episodes instead of 10. There is more than enough material to use and it would actually be a good thing; certain plot lines and character arcs would be explained in more detail. Not to mention the added bonus of having 2 more episodes to watch.

The battle was hard fought and hard won, but the Brothers of the Night's Watch barely made it. They incurred some serious damage and unfortunately, Jon's good friends Pip and Grenn were killed by some of the Wildings. That just stinks but then again, they have to make it so that way the audience feels more pity, sympathy and anger for both Sam and Jon.

And to think, this was just the first round of attacks. If the Brothers think that they've won the war against the Wildlings, that was only the first round. There is plenty more coming their way.

"W" is for White Walkers!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

There are things that go bump in the night.

There's a feeling of impending doom...and an evil presence stirs from its' slumber.

The first time you see them, you notice the piercing blue colour of their eyes. Their skin is discoloured, bordering between white and grey. They don't speak. They omit an eerie set of wails and howls.

These aren't the grumpkins and snarks that your nanny warned you about. The threat is real, not imagined. And the people of Westeros are going to find out the hard way, come Season III.

The two Brothers of the Night's Watch found out the hard way in the very first season premiere. The third Brother ran faster then lightning, south beyond the Wall, only to be caught and be branded a deserter. But he saw what he saw. He was no mad man. Too bad the late Eddard Stark and company didn't pay attention to what this poor ranger was trying to warn them about.

The next people to encounter the White Walkers are Green, Dolores Edd and Samwell. Well, I should point out that in the second season series finale, the three of them heard the horn blow three times. The first two fled the scene, with the wind and snow whipping around them, thus making visibility extremely poor.

Samwell, terrified and trying to escape, runs to seek shelter by a jagged rock. It doesn't matter, you can't outrun an army of them. Their blue eyes glow with evil intent, their bodies rotting and torn, wander aimlessly about. Once you are killed by a wight, you become infected and turn into a White Walker. You are no longer human, but a monster who sleeps for hundreds or thousands of years until it is time to wake up. When the White Walkers wake from their wintry nap, they have but one task: to roam and conquer anything that befalls their path.

Only two things seem to be an effective defence: fire and obsidian. We saw how Jon Snow burnt one by tossing the oil lamp, thus saving himself and Lord Commander Mormont from being killed.

Samwell, being well versed in Castle Black's military defence and history, had indicated that the bodies that they had found earlier be burnt as an added precaution. Lesson learned!

Which makes fans wonder: who did the black cloak and shield belong to? Where did Benjen Stark disappear to? And will Samwell survive his encounter with the army of White Walkers?!