According to a few press junkets and rumours.....Ian McShae may have accidentally let something out of the bag. A certain character, who we all thought was dead....will be making an appearance. And he said in an interview, "It's either Jon Snow or The Hound. It's not the former, it's the latter." BOOM!!!!
Sophie Turner revealed at the Oscars that her character is still very much alive in Season 6, which we are all thankful for because if one more Stark dies, I am going to seriously lose my %#@^&&!!!!!
And HBO will NOT be releasing any episodes to the press for prior viewing, in an attempt to squash down the extreme pirating that has been going on.
Listen, I wouldn't be upset if the first 4 episodes leaked like last year.
YES. I said that. Do what you will with that.
I Know Nothing
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, Lady Stoneheart, The HoundOkay, seriously. With Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, pics of sets and actors/actresses can be uploaded in seconds.
So, if anyone thinks that Jon Snow is still dead, well, you might want to check out any Game of Thrones fan website.
In other news, now that the filming is taking place in Spain, Ireland and parts of Croatia and Macedonia, fans are scrambling for pictures of costumes, sets and which actors and actresses are on location.
Lots of buzz about certain storylines (Jaime and the Tyrells) and a certain dead character coming back to life (Lady Stoneheart). I wouldn't mind if LSH made an appearance.
Confirmed character come back is the Hound. Rory McCann has been spotted way too many times in Ireland for it to be a coincidence. Lots of friends and family members keep asking me what's going to happen in Season 6. This is the first time that I can honestly say, "I don't know."
Makes me feel like Jon Snow. Because in truth, the 6th book isn't out yet; we only have posted chapters from GRRM's blog to by and massive fan speculation.
I know nothing.
285 days to go?
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, Brienne, Game of Thrones, Lady Stoneheart, The HoundGood grief!
280 odd days to go until Season V.
So many rumours about locations being scouted in Spain. I think it's for Dorne. And what better locale than Spain?
I'm going through some pretty severe withdrawal. So are hundreds of thousands of fans.
I'm still a little bit ticked about the fact that there was no important dialogue between Jaime and Tyrion in the dungeons.
And of course.....the HUGE question on a lot of people's minds was: WTH was up with the fight between Brienne and the Hound?
And where on earth was Lady Stoneheart?!
Good grief!!
Game of Thrones Season Finale
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, Arya Stark, Hodor, Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly, Sandor Clegane, The Hound, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin LannisterWell, we have to wait another 290 days or so until Season IV, which begins March 2014. Man, is it going to be a very long winter.
I want to state that I am a HUGE Game of Thrones fan, as evidence of my blog, my articles for HBO Watch and my memorabilia are all proof. :)
I have to say that I was slightly disappointed with the season finale. To be more specific: the ending. I really thought that ending it off with Dany - once again - was a let down and totally burst my balloon.
I was left yelling at the television after the credits had started to roll. As in, "Give me a break already! What the hell is this?! The Dany Targaryen show?! Last time I looked, the title of the episode was called "Mysha." Yes, Dany is the 'Mother of Dragons' but there are other mothers in the Game of Thrones series.
You have every one's favourite wicked witch of Casterly Rock, Cersei.
Of course, we can't forget the totally awesome grandmother, Olenna Tyrell, who with a look, could freeze a person in their tracks and run roughshod over the strongest or sliest person. After all - you're talking about a woman who had the balls to stand up to Tywin. And live to tell the tale, too! Grandma got game!
Gilly the Wilding is starting to come out of her shell since escaping her cruel and depraved father.
There was mother to be Talisa Stark. May she rest in peace.
What about Catelyn Stark?! Now, there's a woman and a mother who had been thoroughly robbed of her purpose to live! There could have been a spectacular (or spooky way) of ending the season finale with her...
I loved everything in the season finale except the final scene.
Highlights: Tywin and Tyrion. And how Tywin totally intimidated Joffrey. Jaime and Brienne coming back to King's Landing. Davos risking his life to free Gendry. Bran and company meeting with Sam and Gilly. That was bittersweet. Hodor being Hodor. Yara standing up to her father and suiting up to go get Theon back and (hopefully) whipping Ramsay Snow to death. Sam being reunited with Jon! Arya and The Hound. ARYA!!!!!
Lows: Walder Frey and Roose Bolton gloating in the aftermath of the Red Wedding. SHAME ON YOU BOTH! They are MONSTERS!! Ygritte crying after shooting Jon with a few arrows. Really, Ygritte?! Ramsay Snow taunting Theon. Gross! C'mon, you knew he would flee! Showing Dany as the saviour of yet another city, Yunkai. While I am happy that she is finally acquiring some girl power and trying to right a few wrongs in a tough, unforgiving world, this ending was a huge let down. I can't recall a time where I was so unbelievably frustrated that I actually had a fandimonium tantrum!!!
Okay, end rant. I just wanted to get that off my chest! I respectfully state my opinion and that I totally respect other people's opinions about the story lines and endings.
Author: Anonymous / Labels: House Bolton, House Frey, House Lannister, House Stark, Jon Snow, Red Wedding, The HoundI don't know how else to say this: but I am truly distraught.
Last night's episode just broke my spirit. I feel for House Stark, I really do. How much suffering can one House endure?!
I am NOT happy with House Frey or House Bolton at the moment and hope in time, that they find themselves in less than kind circumstances. As in fall on VERY hard times.
Ah, Arya. My heart just breaks for you. Ironically enough, your only source of comfort is the presence of the Hound.
Bran and Rickon: you must seperate to stay safe. It's going to be a hard journey.
Sansa, your husband will be bringing you bad news in next week's episode, I am sure.
I have to remember, this is Game of Thrones. Don't show weakness. Don't drop your guard.
You win or die. :(
Musical Game of Thrones Albums
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Arya Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones, Hodor, House Greyjoy, House Stark, House Tyrell, Jaime, Melisandre, Night's Watch, The HoundHow AWESOME is this post from 109 We Come from the Future?
I think it's pure genius!
111 days left to go, Game of Thrones fans! Yay!
My Top 10 for Season III
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Lady Margaery Tyrell, Lady Olenna Redwyne, Lyanna Stark, Mance Rayder, Sandor Clegane, The Hound, The Reeds, Tyrion Lannister, Valar Morghulis, White Walkers, YgritteI have 10 good reasons as to why I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to March 31, 2013.
Y'all know, the season premiere of Game of Thrones third season?!
10. The Hound. A scarred warrior. A tremendous fighting machine. A man who told the King where to go and how to go about doing it. I have a new found respect for him, despite his past transgressions.
9. The Blackfish, Brynden Tully. Being introduced to the Blackfish of House Tully will help explain the family's origins, motives and military allegiances.
8. What's going to happen to Tyrion Lannister! He's the best one of the bunch! Need I say more on the subject?!
7. The Reed siblings. This should be interesting and as a fan, I am hoping that certain historical elements will be revealed to Bran and Rickon, especially about how their late father rescued their late aunt Lyanna, right before she died. Could unlock one of the greatest mysteries about why Lyanna was alone and what the cause of her death was.
6. The White Walkers!! Holy crap! What is going to go down at the Fist of First Men? And what will happen to Samwell Tarly?
5. Ygritte and Jon Snow. C'mon, I'm just going to say it like it is: we ALL can't wait to see what Ygritte is going to 'teach' Jon up in the frigid lands north of the Wall. She's a redhead, she's fiery and she calls Jon on his ignorance and naivete. I have a feeling that Jon Snow is going to be quite the apt pupil. If you catch my drift.
4. Bran and Rickon Stark. I have a tender spot in my heart for these two young Stark children, forced to grow up, to deal with their father's death, their mother's separation and the shocking execution of Ser Rodrick Cassel and having to say goodbye to their beloved Maester Luwin. I am looking forward to the dreams and the transformation of wolf and man. Dreams and visions are pretty powerful things, and Bran must come to terms with this new found ability.
3. Lady Olenna Redwyne. I've been looking forward to seeing who would be cast for this role. Yes, she's an old lady but grandma's got game! She's wise, cunning and quietly dominates her family. Sure, she lets her son think he rules the Tyrell roost. But come on, now. WE all know that the quiet power behind the Tyrell family sigil of "Growing Strong" isn't a male: it's Olenna. And with her sharp eyes and cutting wit, she is molding and shaping one far more beautiful as her protegee: her granddaughter, Margaery. Margaery Tyrell: shrewd, seductive, survivor. I can't wait to see what the writers have in store. Margaery isn't just another pretty face. You GO GIRLS!
2. Arya Stark. Let's see the mercenary skills begin to emerge. She's sassy enough to dress like a boy. She's got the basic fundamental sword and fencing skills down pat. She's made an important ally: Jaqen H'gar. Valar Morghulis, anyone?
1. Mance Raydar, King Beyond the Wall. CIARAN HINDS. That's my rationale. Does a woman need to say anything else?
The Hound. What more can I say?
He's tall, he's tough and he takes no prisoners. This man is raw and edgy. He goes into battle and always emerges the victor. He stands over 6'5. The man has a helmet that would frighten away most children. His face is burnt and scarred on one side.
This is not a man that you go running to for a hug. Don't expect him to feel sorry for you either. In fact, one could argue that the Hound feels nothing. He is a killer. He is a soldier. He guards Prince Joffrey. Don't make assumptions about him, though. In the books and in the HBO series, I always got the impression that he really resented his position in the Lannister household. After all, guarding Prince Joffrey seems like such a waste of his time. And Joffrey is no picnic.
I think beneath that hardened surface lies a man who feels, who thinks and who longs to be more then what he already is. I think that he is a very shrewd man, but that nobody gives him proper credit. He is just defined by his role as a blood thirsty killer who belongs to the Kings guard.
Actor Rory McCann is perfect for the role in every way possible: his dark visage, his height, the dark eyes that see right through a person and his voice - just watch his audition on YouTube and you'll know what I mean. The man can wear heavy armor, charge into battle and still stand straight. I do love his helmet, as it lends a sense of foreboding to his persona.
I think the Hound is tired of being around the Lannisters. He sees them as bullies, albeit powerful ones. He hates his older brother - Gregor Clegane, who is known as "The Mountain Who Rides." To add insult to injury, Gregor is known as "Ser" Gregor Clegane, with a keep and lands. Sandor Clegane is the younger brother, untitled and personal guard of Prince Joffrey Baratheon.
He sees how Joffrey treats Sansa in Season I. Season II gets a lot more gritty and violent and the Hound tells the truth to Sansa: - "We're all killers. Your father was a killer. Your brother is a killer. Your future sons will be killers." Not exactly what a 14 year old teenage girl wants to hear, but the Hound has a funny way of making sense, especially in a time where common sense is lacking big time in Westeros.
I look forward to seeing more the Hound in Season III. I've read four of the books so far...and let's just say that the Hound isn't the monster that I made him out to be a while back.
As for HBO, well, let's just say that this Canadian gal is super duper happy that Game of Thrones became a series, all thanks to a few savvy producers, writers and a certain author. Without the talents and hard work of so many people, this fantastic series would not have become a reality! There is also a satellite website called HBO Watch and this site is dedicated to bringing fans news about all the wonderful developments of HBO shows by providing articles, character profiles and point of view essays and opinions. (**Shameless self promotion warning: I have written several character profiles for HBO Watch**)
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Blackwater Bay, Bronn, Podrik, Sansa, Stannis, The Hound, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, WildfireOk.
What is there left to say?!
I was riveted in my seat from the moment the episode "Blackwater Bay" started, right up until the end. I yelled at the television a few times (I have a realllllly big flat screen television). A few times I cheered Tyrion on. At times I insulted Joffrey (what else is new). I had my "Clash of Kings" book beside me. I had my Twitter feed going and could see all the hashtag trending going on, with respect to the Game of Thrones Twitter feed.
Joffrey, you are a moron. The Hound, you have a soft side for Sansa but are loathe to admit it. Besides, you've had it with the Lannisters. Can't say that I blame you, either (with the exception of Tyrion). Tyrion, you had to take over and become the figurehead of support, to instill some bravado in the army, seeing as how Joffrey tuck tailed and ran off like the coward he was. Stannis, you fool. While I understand that you have a good claim to the Iron Throne, was it necessary to sacrifice so many men, all for the sake of domination? Ser Davos, you're a practical and brave man, but unfortunately, all your years of experience couldn't save your son. Shae, I have to give you credit where it's due. You have a steely exterior, most likely in part of trying to survive your tender years and growing up in Westeros. I kind of have a grudging admiration for you now....but don't forget, I've read almost four books in the series.
Tywin, you clever, sly fox. You have the Tyrells in your midst and have them fighting for you. Hmm. I think you liked Littlefinger's rationale from a few episodes back. I hope Loras has good sense to see in time, he'll end up paying down the road for joining ranks with the Lannisters. Varys, you set a sombre tone. More like ominous. Bronn, you're a pretty tough guy. You and the Hound have unfinished business.
Sansa, you still want to believe that people have good intentions. The Hound offered you your freedom. As well as some pretty blunt advice. Even though you went to pray for everyone and told Tyrion you'd pray for his safe return, c'mon, did you really think the Imp totally believed you? Mind you, the look on Tyrion's face was one of amusement and belief. I think he understands that Sansa has to do and say what she must, to stay alive. And of course, I can't forget to mention that immoral drunk (no, not Robert, because he's dead) Cersei. What a pathetic woman. She has stooped to new lows, even when I thought she couldn't get any lower. Such touching concern she showed for all in Maegor's Keep. My favourite is how she just kept on drinking and telling Sansa what would and could potentially happen, should King's Landing fall. Disgusting. She is the last person that I would keep the faith with!
Tyrion. What can I say? I'm glad that Podrik slew Ser Manden. Of course, what can you expect from Joffrey's personal Kingsguard? Backstabbers!
Hard to believe there is only one more episode left. Then, us fans will have to wait until April 2013 for Season III...