Showing posts with label Nymeria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nymeria. Show all posts

Storm Born

Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: , , , , , , , , , ,

So, we're all over the place with this season. With budget constraints and a time line to follow, plots are amping up at warp speed. Dany and Company discuss where to go, how to go about it and plans are set in motion.

Now, even though Tyrion is a fan fave and I adore him (he's my fave character, tied with Arya) - he's a political guy and great at reading people and sniffing out plots BUT he doesn't really have the military training. I know that Jaime has the upper hand here.

Now, interesting because I think seeing Sam operate on Jorah, that's going to set two wheels into motion: Sam is going to be successful in curing Jorah and Jorah will make his way to Dany. A win win if you ask me. And of course, we are treated to Missandei and Grey Worm as they consummate their relationship. And I am all for the portrayal of two characters in love. This is, after all, Game of Thrones: people die at any given moment and war rages at every possible corner of Westeros. Seeing a little happiness is a good thing and should be embraced.

Now, we see the Sand Snakes, Lady Olenna and the Greyjoys supporting Dany in her quest to take King's Landing - but Dany is counselled not to go straight for the kill, but utilize a more subtle approach: the Dothraki and Unsullied will go to Casterly Rock and take it while the Tyrell army and the Greyjoy fleet take King's Landing and lay siege to the city. But it's the sage advice from Lady Olenna to Dany - 'Are you a sheep? No. You're a dragon. BE a dragon,' that sets up some pretty serious foreshadowing.

Jon receives two missives from Sam (about the huge amount of Dragon glass on Dragonstone Island) and Tyrion (asking that he come to see Dany and possibly align himself with her). Jon is going, and much tot he chagrin of his bannermen and Sansa, he decides to head to Dragonstone with Ser Davos in tow. Sansa is left in charge of Winterfell in her absence.

Arya meets Hotpie at the Inn at the Crossroads and after scarfing down some pie and ale (a nod to the Hound if you ask me) she finds out that House Bolton is dead and Winterfell is back under the rule of House Stark. The look on her face when Hotpie was telling her all this good news was one of shock. No more going to King's Landing - she turns left and heads north. Along the way, she encounters a pack of direwolves, and one in particular, has grown to three times its' size. The heart breaking reunion between Arya and Nymeria is fleeting BUT I for one am happy that Nymeria is alive, well and leading her own pack of what looked like about 8 direwolves. She's on the prowl for Frey or Lannisters in the Riverlands. Nymeria and Arya have both spent so much time apart that they both recognize they are wild and free - nothing will change that. Nymeria just can't be a pet to Arya. Arya can't be a little lady doing needle point. "That's not you." An homage to Season One, to the time when her father had that famous chat about what Arya will do when she grows up. Nymeria and Arya part and the sounds of hearts breaking was collectively felt around the world.

It sounded good BUT......we all knew Dany wouldn't be able to take King's Landing or take over the Seven Kingdoms that easily. We need to see Dany and Co. go through some horrendous losses, to see Cersei score one victory after another, in order for fans to built to a fever pitch to the point where we're all losing out minds over it.

Euron completely obliterates Yara, Theon, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes. Two of them are killed ruthlessly and Yara taken prisoner. Theon is caught between a rock and a hard place. No matter what he did, he was screwed. No reinforcements, nobody to help him, under experienced, ships burning all around him and watching in horror as Euron's men are slitting the throats, cutting out teeth and tongues of the dying soldiers from Yara's and Theon's crew. He jumps overboard, after having a bad attack of PTSD.

He lives today, he has the chance to get back to Dany, Tyrion and Varys in order to regroup and plan another attack. Enough with all the Theon hate already.

I shut down about four people on Instagram with some very well thought out, eloquently written responses. Live today, fight for tomorrow!

Arya Stark: Warrior Princess

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

Yes, I used the word 'princess' and the word 'Arya' in the same sentence.

Make no mistake, I use it with the greatest respect, in the sense that Arya is a fierce little princess, capable of holding her own against the big boys, in fact, anyone who crosses her path. I don't mean princess in the way everyone thinks of - long gowns, sweeping hairstyles, jewels, fine needle point and an air of genteel breeding.

Hell, no! I mean a young girl who is suddenly thrust into the vicious Game of Thrones, who is able to read people's intentions, train with a sword, learn a few ancient and noble languages, defend her House's honour, stand up and fight for herself and take off in order to survive, study other people, what they say and what they try to hide, accept her growing power as a warg and ultimately, learn how to become one of the most skilled assassins in Westeros. THAT is the type of princess I'm talking about - armed with chain mail, daggers, Needle, shape shifting powers, be multilingual and above all - conquer her fears and take down her enemies.

Arya always knew that she was different from other girls her age. She knew she would never be like her older sister and somehow, that did not disappoint her. She knew it, felt it and accepted it. She was surprised and shocked to learn and understand from her father that she was just like her late aunt, Lyanna Stark. Shocking because Lyanna was considered to be a great beauty in the Seven Kingdoms and surprised because Lyanna had the same spirit and had a rebellious streak in her. It's as if the ghost of Lyanna has come back to guide her niece. And this is a notion that I want to believe in.

I adore Arya Stark - she wants to believe in justice and equality and yet is canny enough, at a young age, to know that Westeros is made up of very dangerous men and women who will lie, cheat, steal and kill to get what they want. We all know that power is an aphrodisiac. Arya doesn't seem to be tainted by it, say the way that Joffrey and Cersei are. No, she knows that anyone can be killed and that you have to be very careful and play the game well and make allegiances with the right sort of people in the Seven Kingdoms. Otherwise, you will find yourself swinging from a rope or have a sword go through your belly.

None of those options are what Arya has in mind for herself. No, not this young wolf pup. She has to go through some very frightening and challenging times in order to grow as a young woman and as an individual, who is trying to survive and learn the skills she needs to - because in time we know what she will use them for.


And it is my feverent hope that Arya Stark not only survives many assassins and outlaws, but that with each passing day, she remembers that she is a survivor. That she is strong minded and tougher than most.

That she is a Stark.

That she is not a victim.

When the time comes to exact her revenge on the world, may the Seven Old Gods and the New have mercy on her enemies.

For I will not.

The North Remembers.

Valar Morgulis ~ Valar Dohaeris.

A Dance with Dragons

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , ,

In light of the fact that the school year is coming to a close and that HBO's Game of Thrones is winding down (*sigh*), I've decided to pick up where I left off from last year.

I have been reading A Dance with Dragons.

And BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it ever a meaty read!

Action! Adventure! Betrayal! Surprise journeys! Power! Crime! Intrigue!

And ONE VERY BIG glitch that I did not see coming.

New characters. Shady pasts. Possible hope for a better future.

A lost, forgotten member of a House.

And that's all I'm going to say right now.

Happy reading to me! :)

"S" is for Stark!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Let's hear it for the Starks of Winterfell!

They're loyal, hearty, disciplined and respected. They are an ancient House in Westeros and they live in the northern part of the continent.

Eddard and Catelyn Stark have five children: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon. Jon Snow is the alleged illegitimate son of Eddard and some woman from a long time ago, but I doubt that theory. However, that is another blog post altogether.

Maester Luwin was their chief tutor, scholar, advisor and counsellor. Ser Rodrik Cassel was their chief defence advisor and weapons trainer.

We all grew to love Ned, as he was steadfast and loyal to all and a friend and good example of what a Warden and Lord should be. Unfortunately, we know he was falsely executed for treason at the end of Season I. His legacy and memory live on. Catelyn does her best to advise and raise her children but it is not an easy time, nor an easy thing to be a woman in Westeros. Robb is now stationed as King of the North, with a few military successes to his credit. The Young Wolf seems to be following in his late father's footsteps.

Sansa was the dutiful daughter. However, look where duty has gotten her: stranded in King's Landing with nothing but enemies around her. We all hope that her situation changes. Arya had the gumption to pose as a boy, was stationed at Harrenhal and became Tywin Lannister's cup bearer. Talk about getting the best access to war plans and military sieges. She also begins to show a prowess and cunning skill, when it comes to getting rid of her enemies. I like her!

Bran and Rickon are the two youngest Stark children and have not fared so well. Bran became paralyzed after being thrown from a tower window. Upon waking, many modifications had to be put into place, in order to allow him to move about. Rickon is the youngest and has had a difficult time processing all the events going on. The lack of parental involvement has taken its' toll on both the boys. Maester Luwin and Ser Rodrik Cassel were the last two paternal figures they had, and unfortunately, we all know what fates those two men meet.

The dire wolves are a huge part of House Stark. After all, the sigil is the dire wolf and the motto for House Stark is "Winter is coming."

So far, Grey Wind is with King Robb. Lady was put down, by Ned himself, that way she did not suffer an even crueler fate by being butchered by some Lannister halfwit. Nymeria is somewhere out the wilderness, grazing, search and travelling with a pack. Summer and Shaggywolf are constantly by Bran and Rickon's side, protecting the little Lords.

It pains me to see such a noble house suffer such injustice. I know that George R R Martin writes with purpose and intellect, but it just gets my blood boiling whenever a good character is torn asunder, betrayed or abandoned. Hence, the success of the books and series!

Damn you, George! (joking....well, sort of)

"N" is for Nymeria!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

This post is dedicated to Nymeria, the direwolf that belonged to our favourite future assassin in training, Arya Stark. Nymeria - like Arya - is fierce, loyal and somewhat of an outcast. We all know Arya doesn't want to fulfil traditional gender roles at Winterfell. Nymeria is well suited to Arya, as she can be impulsive.

Just look at how she attacked Joffrey. He totally deserved it, especially seeing what an abusive jerk he turned out to be! In order to save Nymeria from being executed, Arya took her out to the forest and made her flee from Winterfell.

In my heart of hearts, I really hope Nymeria is alive and well. And that she has the much needed reunion with her owner! Us die hard Game of Thrones fans wish it, will it and desperately want it! I've read four of the books so far and every once in a while....there was the fleeting sensation that Arya sensed Nymeria's presence. Please....let there be a reunion of these two lost souls!