There's been a few moments that I just have to acknowledge.
We've had some comedic relief from Tyrion and Davos. But Olenna had delivered some pretty awesome lines this season.
The line about Arya making pies - "One or two."
Tyrion: "I would never do you."
Tyrion: "Does Sansa miss me?"
Davos: "This is Jon Snow."
Olenna: "That's very nice my dear. How do you plan on taking it? By asking nicely?"
Varys: "Good. If you don't mind my saying, I don't think you should return." (can you tell he really doesn't like Melisandre?)
Everything that came out of Sandor's mouth while riding with the Brotherhood.
Any other stellar lines stand out?
Assorted Musings & Giggles
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: fantasy genre, funny, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBOI Know Nothing
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, Lady Stoneheart, The HoundOkay, seriously. With Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, pics of sets and actors/actresses can be uploaded in seconds.
So, if anyone thinks that Jon Snow is still dead, well, you might want to check out any Game of Thrones fan website.
In other news, now that the filming is taking place in Spain, Ireland and parts of Croatia and Macedonia, fans are scrambling for pictures of costumes, sets and which actors and actresses are on location.
Lots of buzz about certain storylines (Jaime and the Tyrells) and a certain dead character coming back to life (Lady Stoneheart). I wouldn't mind if LSH made an appearance.
Confirmed character come back is the Hound. Rory McCann has been spotted way too many times in Ireland for it to be a coincidence. Lots of friends and family members keep asking me what's going to happen in Season 6. This is the first time that I can honestly say, "I don't know."
Makes me feel like Jon Snow. Because in truth, the 6th book isn't out yet; we only have posted chapters from GRRM's blog to by and massive fan speculation.
I know nothing.
Excellent Emmys
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Emmys, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, Peter Dinklage, Tyrion LannisterHow fortuitous......the Emmy's just happened to fall on GRRM's birthday (September 20).
And what a birthday present he got! Game of Thrones won in several areas, most notably being Peter Dinklage winning his second Emmy award.
He is awesome, his wit razor sharp and his political savvy a blessing. No wonder why Peter Dinklage won the Emmy - Tyrion Lannister is not only a fan favourite, but every time fans are fortunate enough to see Tyrion on screen, we know something interesting, dynamic or shocking is about to happen.
Happy birthday, GRRM. So, a birthday present for your fans....any chance that The Winds of Winter will be coming out winter of 2016??
September Squeals
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Funko, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, Jaqen H'garMore Game of Thrones Funko Pop figures have been ordered.
Yes. I know. I already have 24 in my collection.
But.....but....I just want to order a "few more" in 8. LOL
I am STILL WAITING for my Jaqen H'gar Funko doll!!!!
Happy 2015
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Feast for Crows, April, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, March, Season premiere, Season VHappy New Year's to all the fans in the realm!
I just saw an article on 109 We Come from the Future and it's really exciting! On February 8, there will be a short behind the scenes glimpse on Game of Thrones.
Speculation is high: will it be a behind the scenes of Season 5? The new characters joining for the upcoming Season? Will it be something to do with how the show is diverging from the books? Who knows? For now, us fans must simply be content with the fact that it is now officially 100 days until Season 5. Hopefully all the news leaks on the internet were correct and that April 5 is the premiere date.
Although, I was thinking about it for a bit and well, maybe it will be a week earlier? If memory serves correct, Game of Thrones season premiere in 2014 took place on April 6. So maybe.....just maybe it will be the last Sunday in March (March 29th). There'll be no quarrel from me or my friends and family members, that's for sure!!
A Complete History of A Song of Ice and Fire
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Books, Elio and Linda, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, History, Westeros, Westeros.orgJUST YES!!!!
What arrived at my door today? After days of anxiously awaiting the package, it finally came!
I ordered 3 copies of the new book, "The World of Ice and Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones."
Two of them came today and one is on its' way as a gift for someone special: my mother.
I got her into A Song of Ice and Fire books about two years ago. I guess after hearing me rant and rave about the books and the HBO series at how many family gatherings and get togethers, curiosity got the better of her.
I haven't opened my books yet but boy, oh boy is it a beauty! It's a large book, with an appealing burnt orange slash brown colour to it and they are individually sealed.
I can't wait to open it up and start reading the contents. But with Halloween around the corner and my full time occupation of teaching wee little ones, this week is just way too busy to crack the book open.
Friday night, however, is another story!
The Children
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, Arya Stark, Braavos, Bran Stark, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, Jon Snow, Mance Rayder, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, VarysWell. I just don't know what to say. As a book reader, there were many things that were left out of the finale and because of that, I was frustrated and disappointed.
I don't know? Maybe it's me? I'm a book purist at heart? I actually went with some people to watch it in a movie theatre. It was jam packed, too. However, next year, if HBO decides to have the season finale in a theatre, I am going to forego it.
I am really hoping that Dan and David include a few MAJOR THINGS in the next season because the more I think about it...the more disappointed I am. Loose ends weren't tied. Certain things that took place in the finale DID NOT take place in the books...which leaves fans bewildered.
I am hoping that The Winds of Winter will come out sometime next year as a consolation.
The Purple Wedding
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, House Lannister, House Martell, House Tyrell, the Purple WeddingLong live the King!
King Tommen, first of his name! In case you didn't already think of this, Tommen is next in line and the only living son left. The BIG difference between Joffrey and Tommen, is that Tommen has no evil bone or thought in his body. We all know how Joffrey was.
So many feelings associated with the epic Purple Wedding. Who killed Joffrey? What was the motive? Who will gain from it? And how well did everyone sleep after knowing that King Joffrey, the sick, sociopath and malevolent King was now dead?
So many things that went on this episode and you can read my episode review of The Lion and The Rose on the HBO Watch website.
A lot of speculation as to who killed Joffrey. Interesting to note that Joffrey went out of his way to deliberately insult so many people at his wedding feast, including his own uncle, his aunt through marriage, his brother in law, his own wife and others.
Wicked respect to Prince Oberyn Martell and his equally sensuous paramour, Ellaria Sand, who boldly put Tywin AND Cersei in the dirt with their pointed remarks. Well played, Oberyn.
The smug sense of satisfaction that I felt in knowing that we wouldn't have to put up with that depraved jerk ever again kept me grinning from ear to ear.
We still have Cersei and Ramsay Snow to put up with. Patience is a virtue. And Karma always comes back.
Single digits and Other Musings
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Cakes, Entertainment Weekly, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, Vanity FairWe are officially down to single digits.
On that note, it's been a very long winter and even worse, a longer wait for this season.
However, the time is almost upon us. Preparations for a season premiere party have been made. Invitations have been issued. Food is going to be prepared. A cake has been ordered to celebrate this occasion.
I've also bought the Vanity Fair and Entertainment Weekly magazines that came out this week, with new pictures and behind the scenes musings about Game of Thrones, D B Weiss, David Benioff and of course, George RR Martin himself.
I bought 2 copies of the Vanity Fair magazine. One for my possession and the other for my friends and family to look at. Yes, it's a peculiar habit I have, but oh well. Deal with it! LOL
NYC Event GoT Live!!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBOAs if HBO's Game of Thrones marketing blitz couldn't get any cooler, they decided to have a live event streamed from NYC on Facebook!
Awesome! Lots of pictures have been posted, lots of posts have been to added to many famous blogs.
As well, Entertainment Weekly magazine and Vanity Fair have published Game of Thrones articles and spreads of the actors and actresses. This means I must purchase 2 copies of each. One copy that I tuck away and the spare copy, in case people want to read the articles, they can peruse through that one.
I also got the third graphic novel delivered to my door. So all in all, it's been a very good week!
Game of Thrones Rap Tracks
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, fantasy genre, George R R Martin, HBO, rapAt first, I was skeptical.
But then, I was like, "Okay, I just heard three tracks - 'Arya's Prayer,' 'The Ladder,' and 'The Mother of Dragons.'
And I was like, "Damn! Some of those tracks are pretty tight!" You must hand it to the savvy folks over at HBO. This is a different genre to be linked to Game of Thrones. A very clever marketing strategy, because you expose two different genres of pop media (fantasy/sci-fi and rap). Thus, doubling your audience.
The result: is AWESOME.
Under 40!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, A Storm of Swords, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBONo, I'm not referring to my age.
We are now under 40 days left to go until Game of Thrones Season IV premieres! I don't know about you, but winter here in Ontario has been absolutely wretched, to say the least. Copious amounts of snow and horrible windchills have made this one of the worst winters, ever.
Not exaggerating. Just Google Toronto Ice Storm 2013 and you'll know I am not exaggerating.
38 days left in the realm. The intensity is building up. The excitement is raging through our veins.
HBO just put out little teaser trailers and posters.
It's right around the corner.
Valar Dohaeris!
Funko Funko FUNKO!!!!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, Funko, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, Graphic Novels, HBOYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will be arriving really really soon!!!!
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I so don't want to see my Visa bill. I paid it off. I was a good girl. But then, I saw that Funko made the next series of Game of Thrones vinyl Pop figures. What's a girl to do?
I also pre-ordered the 3rd graphic novel that comes out this March. Totally stoked to get that delivered. And of course, I ordered a few Game of Thrones accompanying essay type books.
My husband gave me a Valentine's Day note last night that sums it up perfectly:
"I love it freak out over anything GAME OF THRONES."
Oh, bless his heart. It takes a patient man to put up with the stubborn, sassy likes of me!
50 days, fan of the realm!!!
Season IV Trailer is OUT
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, Arya Stark, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, House Baratheon, House Greyjoy, House Lannister, House Stark, House Targaryen, House TyrellOH YEAH!
TEARS OF JOY (okay, perhaps that is a wee bit of an exaggeration on my part...or is it?)
Let the speculation begin! It'll be interesting to see how closely they follow the latter half of the book.
I could see clips of Jon, Arya, Sansa, the Hound, Margaery and Joffrey at their wedding. Tywin and Jaime with a new sword, Jaime getting fitted for a new hand, Tyrion in a bit of a pickle, Tyrion talking to Oberyn Martell (who, by the way, looks like a total badass), the Wildlings, Yara, Brandon and Hodor near a Weirwood tree, etc etc.
April 6 is officially 82 days away!
Did I mention that Arya looks awesome and one has to wonder, is that Needle in her hands??!! Hope so!
Season IV Premiere Date Confirmed
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, April, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, HBO WatchAPRIL 6, 2014.
9 PM.
It's so awesome, that it's CRAZY INSANE how hyper I am at this moment.
I put it all over my Facebook page and Twitter accounts.
Oh man. While I wanted it to be in March (7 less days of waiting), I think fans in the realm can now breathe a sigh of relief, as we now know for sure that April 6 is THE date.
And y'all know I already called my cake lady for the cake, like last month, right?!
Heh heh heh!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Arya Stark, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, House StarkDo you know what is SO awesome?!
Arya Stark memes.
Do you want to know what could possible top that?
A Tumblr account about #AryaStarkMemes.
SO awesome! Posting the link in the Game of Thrones link section!
Dangerous Women
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Books, Dragons, Funko, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, Graphic Novels, Map, Vinyl FiguresI have been thinking lately of all the times when I used to make fun of my older brothers. They were and still are huge Stark Trek and Star Wars fans. While I totally loved Star Wars, I couldn't get into the Trekkie thing. Both of my brothers collected the toys, figurines, magazines - anything with the Star Trek crew.
The turn of the tide has come full circle - as I look back on the past few years and look at the incredible amount of A Song of Ice and Fire collectibles that I have purchased. I have spent a small fortune on books, magazines, graphic novels, exhibition tickets, drinking steins, magazines, detailed map books, Funko Vinyl figures mugs, shot glasses, hats, graphic prints, framed portraits, essay books and plushie dolls.
If that wasn't bad enough, I read last night on 109 We Come from the Future an article about GRRM and hos he weaves yet another compelling tale about the politics of war and how much dragons play a part in his newest novella, "Dangerous Women."
My poor husband. I already told him that he has to order the third round of Funko Dolls for Valentine's Day next year. Now this.
Dangerous, indeed, for a woman like me!
Less is More!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Storm of Swords, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBOAlright, I admit that math is not my strong suit but apparently, there's less than 134 days left to go!
How sweet is that??
E's Game of Thrones, by the Numbers!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Direwolf, Dragons, Elio and Linda, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, GoT Exhibition, Graphic Novels, HBO Exhibits, HBO Watch, Pinterest, plush toysJust a breakdown:
1 subscription to HBO so I can watch my favourite show!
1 Pinterest board - "A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones" board with almost 4,000 pins.
5 "A Song of Ice and Fire" books.
4 of them signed by the man himself, GRRM!!!!!! (nobody is allowed to touch them but
1 extra set of "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels for my mother. :)
1 extra set of "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels that people can ask to borrow from me.
2 "A Song of Ice and Fire" graphic novels.
9 Funko Vinyl dolls.
2 Rolling Stone magazines with Peter Dinklage on the cover.
2 Entertainment Weekly magazines with the Lannisters and Jon/Dany on the covers.
10+ articles on HBO Watch (most of them pertaining to Game of Thrones).
1 Hand of the King pin.
2 Game of Thrones drinking steins (House Lannister and House Baratheon).
1 Winds of Westeros BlogSpot.
1 Twitter account with lots of links to HBO Watch and Game of Thrones events, news and updates.
2 Seasons of Game of Thrones on regular DVDs.
2 Season of Game of Thrones on Blu-ray DVDs.
1 Season III of Game of Thrones Blu-ray special edition pending order.
1 USB stick full of gawd knows how many Game of Thrones things.
1 e-mail to the makers of Trivial Pursuit and 1 response that "at this time, they are not currently looking into making an edition especially for Game of Thrones." (from 2011)
1 e-mail to Crayola with the idea to make "Game of Thrones" Crayola crayons (from 2011).
2 "The Wit and Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister" books impending order.
3 Game of Thrones calendars.
2 tickets from 2012 and 2013's HBO's Game of Thrones Toronto exhibitions.
4 Game of Thrones shot glasses.
3 Game of Thrones essay style books.
1 on-line membership to "" - the friggin' PHENOMENAL on-line community built by Elio and Linda!
Too many pics from the March 13, 2012 meet George RR Martin book signing downtown at Indigo.
3 Game of Thrones styled cakes (one for birthday and wedding anniversary - April 2012 and 2 for season premiere party 2013, with countless more to go for 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017).
3 Plushie Dragon Eggs on order.
6 Plushie Direwolves on order.
I don't even want to think of what my next Visa bill is going to look like or how thick the envelope is going to be!
Tyrion, How do I Love Thee? Let me Count the Ways...
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, House Lannister, Tyrion LannisterIf I thought I could get away with it, I would name my future son Tyrion.
My husband does not approve of the name. He says it is best to leave it where it belongs, on HBO and for GRRM's awesome hero, Tyrion Lannister.
I heard that the book, "The Wit & Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister" will be released to Britain in October, so you all know that I have already ordered two copies.
In the meantime, I found this article and thought it was just brilliant! A compilation of Tyrion Lannister quotes we can all enjoy.
And then, there's a bonus scene at the end of the article.
One I think we all love to watch over and over and over....