Yes, it's been a while.
A LOOOOOONG while. I've been a bit busy with work and such. But I remain devoted to Game of Thrones and all the awesome tidbits of information out there.
Yes, the Internet has been a dark place, full of plot season spoilers. Not gonna say if I have been given some hints or not. There's one picture I've seen floating around of a gorgeous guy, blong hair and all...
Apparently this is the guy that is rumoured to have been cast as Rhaegar Targaryen. And there's supposed to be some additional flashback sequences!!! Lyanna and Rhaegar's secret wedding?!?!
Who else is super STOKED???? We're less than seven months away.
So, there's this Picture.....
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Game of Thrones, June 2017, Lyanna Stark, Rhaegar Targaryen, Season 7Rhaegar & Lyanna Casting Ideas?
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Feast for Crows, Game of Thrones, HBO, House Stark, House Targaryen, Lyanna Stark, Rhaegar TargaryenWhile I was working over the weekend, the subject of Rhaegar and Lyanna came up.
An important question was posed to me: "Who would you like to see cast as Rhaegar and Lyanna?"
I thought about this for some time. I know that in "A Feast for Crows" there is a lot of reference to Rhaegar and Lyanna.
My husband chimed in with his suggestion - "Monica Belucci for Lyanna Stark. Just pop on some blue contacts and presto! Hotness, guaranteed." (typical man, although I have to agree, Monica Belucci is gorgeous and I am sure that a lot of men would tune in to see her on A Game of Thrones)
I thought of Charlize Theron. I read a while back that she is a huge Game of Thrones fan and would absolutely love the opportunity to get a part, even if it was a small part, on the show. If you've seen Aeon Flux, you'll know she can carry off having dark hair. She certainly is attractive enough! For those of you who've read the fourth book, you'll know that Cersei always had a jealous streak to her and didn't appreciate that the late Lyanna Stark was held to be one of the most "beautiful women in Westeros." I think Cersei was very threatened, because Lyanna was well liked and respected, stunning and came from a noble household.
The fact that Robert Baratheon was in love with her AND Rhaegar presented her with the rose wreath at one of the tournaments says something. Two men, from equally famous houses are in love with this woman? I also think that they need someone who can pull off the flashbacks, in terms of age and looks. Charlize Theron is 36, I believe. Not that she looks 36. She could easily pass for 28 or 29.
Now, in terms of who I'd like to see cast in flashbacks, as Rhaegar, the first person that came to mind was Tom Hardy. He's built, has blue eyes, can carry a melancholy disposition and is gorgeous. I mean, hello?! If you don't believe me, just look him up on Internet Movie Database and check out his roster of movies. I think he could carry it off. I'd LIKE to see him cast! Many women would thank me for my suggestion in the long run. Another actor that came to mind was Jack Huston, also known as Richard Harrow, on Boardwalk Empire. He has an impressive body of work and I think he could carry the part off rather well.
Who would you like to see cast as Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, if A Feast for Crows gets green lit and they incorporate flashback sequences? Suggestions, anyone?
"R" is for Rhaegar, Rangers and Robb
Author: Anonymous / Labels: Jon Snow, Lady Talisa Migear, Lord Walder Frey, Qhorin Halfhand, Rangers, Rhaegar Targaryen, Robb, Robert Baratheon, The WallI'm kind of squeezing in a few juicy topics into the letter "R."
Rhaegar: who was he? What did he mean to Lyanna Stark? Why was he so melancholy? Why did Robert have to kill him at the battle of the Trident? These are just a few questions that I have concerning the mysterious Rhaegar Targaryen. Poor guy. From what I have read and what threads have said, the guy was rather depressed. He was married to Elia Martell. That didn't end well, either. His two children were murdered. The woman he loved died under mysterious circumstances. And yet, Ned seemed to have remembered him fondly, not a bad word said about him.
I wonder, do you suppose at some point that HBO may cast someone to portray Rhaegar in flashback sequences? That would be pretty cool. My curiosity has been piqued ever since reading "A Feast for Crows." If any of you have read that far, you'll understand why I find his character so intriguing!
Rangers. Hey, we all have our calling in life. Jon Snow seems to have found his. Mind you, by virtue of his birth and circumstances, what else would he have been permitted to do? He started off as a steward (not his choice) but by the second season, he volunteered to go with Qhorin Halfhand as a ranger. Samwell, being the thoughtful and intelligent friend he was, volunteered to take over Jon's duties while Jon was away. I think being a ranger is a damned tough job and Jon is just beginning to find out just how difficult it is. Especially since venturing into Wildling territory and being far north of the Wall, where the cold is so merciless, it numbs your fingers and feet within seconds. If you don't have your wits about you, anything could kill you up there. I have a feeling Jon will fare just fine, albeit a few skirmishes here and there.
Robb Stark, the King in the North. That's what his banner men call him. He showed real promise in the form of military strength and tactic during the end of the first season. Of course, he also endured a heavy loss - his father was executed. He had the Kingslayer imprisoned - a major coup. He was also forced into a betrothal - which he agreed to - to one of Walder Frey's granddaughters, once Stark banner men had received permission to cross the Twins.
The apple of Robb's eye is not a Frey, it just happens to be a very beautiful field nurse named Lady Talisa Migear, who comes from Volantis. Awkward. This is the kind of impediment that collapses an empire. That brings discord and dishonour to the various Houses in Westeros. Do you think King Robb listened to the advice of his lady mother in the second season? No! So what does he do? He goes full steam ahead and marries Lady Talisa in secret, thus breaking his oath with Lord Walder Frey.
Smooth move, Robb. I think we all know how this is going to end. Scratch another Stark off of your list.