We are officially down to single digits.
On that note, it's been a very long winter and even worse, a longer wait for this season.
However, the time is almost upon us. Preparations for a season premiere party have been made. Invitations have been issued. Food is going to be prepared. A cake has been ordered to celebrate this occasion.
I've also bought the Vanity Fair and Entertainment Weekly magazines that came out this week, with new pictures and behind the scenes musings about Game of Thrones, D B Weiss, David Benioff and of course, George RR Martin himself.
I bought 2 copies of the Vanity Fair magazine. One for my possession and the other for my friends and family to look at. Yes, it's a peculiar habit I have, but oh well. Deal with it! LOL
Single digits and Other Musings
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Cakes, Entertainment Weekly, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBO, Vanity FairMore Trailers!!!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, A Storm of Swords, Game of Thrones, HBOYes yes yes!!! The feels! The epic wins! Fans of the realm, rejoice!
Several artisan trailers and more teaser trailers for all to enjoy!
NYC Event GoT Live!!!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBOAs if HBO's Game of Thrones marketing blitz couldn't get any cooler, they decided to have a live event streamed from NYC on Facebook!
Awesome! Lots of pictures have been posted, lots of posts have been to added to many famous blogs.
As well, Entertainment Weekly magazine and Vanity Fair have published Game of Thrones articles and spreads of the actors and actresses. This means I must purchase 2 copies of each. One copy that I tuck away and the spare copy, in case people want to read the articles, they can peruse through that one.
I also got the third graphic novel delivered to my door. So all in all, it's been a very good week!
Game of Thrones Rap Tracks
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, fantasy genre, George R R Martin, HBO, rapAt first, I was skeptical.
But then, I was like, "Okay, I just heard three tracks - 'Arya's Prayer,' 'The Ladder,' and 'The Mother of Dragons.'
And I was like, "Damn! Some of those tracks are pretty tight!" You must hand it to the savvy folks over at HBO. This is a different genre to be linked to Game of Thrones. A very clever marketing strategy, because you expose two different genres of pop media (fantasy/sci-fi and rap). Thus, doubling your audience.
The result: is AWESOME.
Guess what arrived in the mail today?? I came home to a big box and I just KNEW what it was about!
Now, I have a total of 20 Game of Thrones Funko Vinyl dolls.
Next on my wishlist: the Dragon Egg plushies and the Stark Direwolves plushies.
Did I mention that I had only $100 left on my Visa?!
Oh well. So much for being debt free at this point in time!