There's been a few moments that I just have to acknowledge.
We've had some comedic relief from Tyrion and Davos. But Olenna had delivered some pretty awesome lines this season.
The line about Arya making pies - "One or two."
Tyrion: "I would never do you."
Tyrion: "Does Sansa miss me?"
Davos: "This is Jon Snow."
Olenna: "That's very nice my dear. How do you plan on taking it? By asking nicely?"
Varys: "Good. If you don't mind my saying, I don't think you should return." (can you tell he really doesn't like Melisandre?)
Everything that came out of Sandor's mouth while riding with the Brotherhood.
Any other stellar lines stand out?
Assorted Musings & Giggles
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: fantasy genre, funny, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, HBOThe Queen's Justice
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: Bran Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Dragons, Game of Thrones, HBO, House Greyjoy, House Lannister. House Stark, House Tarly, Iron Bank of Braavos, Lady Olenna Redwyne, Littlefinger, Samwell TarlyOH MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
This episode - tempers flaring, fighting, armies, Cersei being a total hag, forces being wiped out, hope fading, many where do I even begin?!
The meeting of Ice and Fire took place and it was chilly, to say the least. Dany got all arrogant and condescending towards Jon and Davos. Loved how Tyrion was trying to do his best at damage control and how Davos more or less gave one of the best speeches - 'If we don't set our enmities aside, then it won't matter who's skeleton sits on the Iron Throne' - the man has a point. So Dany wants Jon to bend the knee, Jon is not going to do so and they are at an impasse. However, I rather got the impression that they were sizing each other up and quite frankly, checking each other out.
Cersei gets her gifts from Euron: Ellaria and Tyene Sand. Yara stands there, bloodied, beaten and chained. The mob in the throne room jeer and taunt the Snakes. Cersei's face is a mask of hatred. Euron Greyjoy makes it very clear what he wants from Cersei Lannister and even makes lewd remarks to Jaime about it. What's worse is the revenge she exacts on Ellaria: she taunts her in the dungeon then kisses Tyene, poison laced on her lips. The horror knowing that Ellaria is powerless to stop the poison from working on Tyene must be a mother's nightmare. She's forced to watch her daughter die a terrible, slow death. Personally, I was more disgusted with the scene right after with the Lannister twins. Ugh!
The Iron Bank is in town to collect their money. Wouldn't you just know, Cersei is acting all like she Tywin or something. Whatever, Cersei. You're nowhere NEAR the intellect of your late father. You're egotistical, mentally depraved and power hungry. You make rash decisions instead of waiting and biding your time, replenishing your resources. She promises the Iron Bank their money within two weeks' time. We all know Lannisters pay their debts but I'm kind of hoping that there's going to be a serious kink in Cersei's plans because this monster has to go down and she needs to be stripped of her power, her wealth and all her resources. BIG TIME.
Bran returns to Winterfell. It's a bittersweet reunion - Bran is no longer Bran, but the Three Eyed Raven and Sansa has great difficulty understanding the full meaning of his role. Of course, count on Littlefinger, who's ever present, to try and stir shit up. He tries to counsel Sansa and she is shutting him down at every opportunity. Finally! Bran reveals that he now has visions - he can see things that have passed - both pleasant and disturbing.
Plans to take Highgarden are in full force. Randyl Tarly and his army take the castle along with Jaime Lannister. The Unsullied get a hollow victory by taking Casterly Rock but unfortunately, more of their ships are damaged or burned by Euron's forces. Damn it! Dany has suffered some pretty bad losses. With the Lannister forces approaching, Olenna looks out her window and knows the end is near. All I'm going to say is that at the very end, Lady Olenna Tyrell basically made Jaime look like a chump. She insulted him over and over again and he sat there and took it. She chugged that poisoned wine LIKE A CHAMP.
Who else wins at death? Nobody - Lady Olenna made death her bitch. She also made Jaime her bitch. Insulting Cersei, calling her a disease and that Jaime is a fool. Oh yeah, let's not forget that she saved the best for last. Who else gets to drop a bomb - "I killed your son. Tell Cersei it was me" - and goes out LIKE A BOSS?! You don't get to being in your 80s in Westeros by being a fool or weak willed.
RIP Lady Olenna Boss Ass Bitch Tyrell, the OG of Westeros.
Hoping to see Sandor, the Brotherhood or Bronn soon!
Storm Born
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: Daenerys Targaryen, Direwolf, Dragons, Game of Thrones, HBO, House Stark, House Targaryen, Nymeria, Queen of Thorns, Samwell Tarly, Season 7So, we're all over the place with this season. With budget constraints and a time line to follow, plots are amping up at warp speed. Dany and Company discuss where to go, how to go about it and plans are set in motion.
Now, even though Tyrion is a fan fave and I adore him (he's my fave character, tied with Arya) - he's a political guy and great at reading people and sniffing out plots BUT he doesn't really have the military training. I know that Jaime has the upper hand here.
Now, interesting because I think seeing Sam operate on Jorah, that's going to set two wheels into motion: Sam is going to be successful in curing Jorah and Jorah will make his way to Dany. A win win if you ask me. And of course, we are treated to Missandei and Grey Worm as they consummate their relationship. And I am all for the portrayal of two characters in love. This is, after all, Game of Thrones: people die at any given moment and war rages at every possible corner of Westeros. Seeing a little happiness is a good thing and should be embraced.
Now, we see the Sand Snakes, Lady Olenna and the Greyjoys supporting Dany in her quest to take King's Landing - but Dany is counselled not to go straight for the kill, but utilize a more subtle approach: the Dothraki and Unsullied will go to Casterly Rock and take it while the Tyrell army and the Greyjoy fleet take King's Landing and lay siege to the city. But it's the sage advice from Lady Olenna to Dany - 'Are you a sheep? No. You're a dragon. BE a dragon,' that sets up some pretty serious foreshadowing.
Jon receives two missives from Sam (about the huge amount of Dragon glass on Dragonstone Island) and Tyrion (asking that he come to see Dany and possibly align himself with her). Jon is going, and much tot he chagrin of his bannermen and Sansa, he decides to head to Dragonstone with Ser Davos in tow. Sansa is left in charge of Winterfell in her absence.
Arya meets Hotpie at the Inn at the Crossroads and after scarfing down some pie and ale (a nod to the Hound if you ask me) she finds out that House Bolton is dead and Winterfell is back under the rule of House Stark. The look on her face when Hotpie was telling her all this good news was one of shock. No more going to King's Landing - she turns left and heads north. Along the way, she encounters a pack of direwolves, and one in particular, has grown to three times its' size. The heart breaking reunion between Arya and Nymeria is fleeting BUT I for one am happy that Nymeria is alive, well and leading her own pack of what looked like about 8 direwolves. She's on the prowl for Frey or Lannisters in the Riverlands. Nymeria and Arya have both spent so much time apart that they both recognize they are wild and free - nothing will change that. Nymeria just can't be a pet to Arya. Arya can't be a little lady doing needle point. "That's not you." An homage to Season One, to the time when her father had that famous chat about what Arya will do when she grows up. Nymeria and Arya part and the sounds of hearts breaking was collectively felt around the world.
It sounded good BUT......we all knew Dany wouldn't be able to take King's Landing or take over the Seven Kingdoms that easily. We need to see Dany and Co. go through some horrendous losses, to see Cersei score one victory after another, in order for fans to built to a fever pitch to the point where we're all losing out minds over it.
Euron completely obliterates Yara, Theon, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes. Two of them are killed ruthlessly and Yara taken prisoner. Theon is caught between a rock and a hard place. No matter what he did, he was screwed. No reinforcements, nobody to help him, under experienced, ships burning all around him and watching in horror as Euron's men are slitting the throats, cutting out teeth and tongues of the dying soldiers from Yara's and Theon's crew. He jumps overboard, after having a bad attack of PTSD.
He lives today, he has the chance to get back to Dany, Tyrion and Varys in order to regroup and plan another attack. Enough with all the Theon hate already.
I shut down about four people on Instagram with some very well thought out, eloquently written responses. Live today, fight for tomorrow!
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: Game of Thrones, HBO, House Stark, House Targaryen, Season 7Okay, that opening sequence was off the charts!
Arya has also helped to avenge the Red Wedding. I am so pleased that House Frey is nothing, dirt in the ground, thanks to Arya's assassin skills. Listen, to all the haters out there who are constantly prattling on about the time travel and how the time it takes to cover certain ground, how some characters have access to horses, armies, ships etc. - let's just enjoy the season while we can.
Bran is back at Castle Black with Meera. Poor Meera, can you imagine how hard that's been to push and pull Bran around in the northern landscape? All the while being scared because you're left open and vulnerable to attack? Edd and the Brothers bring the two of them in, with Edd looking off in the distance....we know what's out there and so does he.
We caught a glimpse of the army of the dead right before Bran and Meera make their arrival at Castle Black. The army of the dead has gotten HUGE. And.....3 giants?! OMG.
Good to see Jon doing things a little bit different in the North. Yes, Sansa - please challenge your brother in front of all the bannermen; because creating inner tension in a public place is what will solidify the North together. Hello?! You're not quite as smart as scumbag Littlefinger and Cersei. You've survived and endured horrible things (mental, physical and sexual abuse) and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But come on, if you have something to say to your brother, please do it in private and be respectful about it. ALL HAIL LADY LYANNA MORMONT, for continuing to be a little badass and a champion of girls and women's rights in the North. #yes #ladymormont
Cersei and Jaime continue to be disgusting - she's paranoid, mentally unstable and clearly needs her head checked. You're the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?! Yeah, okay, let me know how that works out for you. Keep drinking and rambling on about how your son betrayed you, Olenna betrayed you, Sansa is a murderer, etc etc. You're gonna get yours, and not soon enough!
Sam - having a good time at the Citadel yet? Poor guy - he wants to go there to get a higher education, only to find himself the lowest man on the totem pole. I suspect all the incognito things he does (swiping keys, getting access to forbidden books) will help out in the long run. After all, Jorah Mormont being there - with the grey scale spreading, no less - well, Sam is going to take care of it. I know he is going to find some sort of medicine, come up with an antidote or will have to do a surgery on Jorah himself - but he's going to prove very versatile.
The Brotherhood without Banners continues to travel north in the freezing weather along with Sandor Clegane. Sandor is still telling it like it is - blunt and without apologies. They stop at an abandoned house and Sandor is distinctly uncomfortable. Turns out it was the farm house he went to with Arya a couple of years ago (Season Four). We get a glimpse at the Hound's humanity - he shows remorse about the man and his daughter starving to death. We see him looking into the flames at Thoros' behest. Sandor can actually see a chilling picture of death, ice and an army of dead soldiers in the North. Creepy as hell.
And then we see Dany, Tyrion & Co. make their way to Dragonstone and land. FINALLY!
"Shall we begin?"
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: Clegane Bowl Hype Train, Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones, HBO, House Greyjoy, House Lannister, House Mormont, House Stark, House TargaryenJUNE!!!
Less than a month away!!
Trailers and leaks are dropping like crazy! Fans are going nuts! Can't wait!
Official Season Seven Trailer Drops
Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: Game of Thrones, Official trailer, Season 7YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
The official Season Seven trailer just dropped!
OMG!!! Hearing Cersei speak just makes me angry all over again.
Ser Davos has got the best line - "if we don't put aside our enmities, and band together, we will die. And then it doesn't matter who's skeleton sits on the Iron Throne."
The costumes! The drama! The armies! The dragons!!! And the Dothraki - on top of horses, charging through the field.....remember what Robert Baratheon said in Season One? "Only a fool would meet the Dothraki in a open field."
All the dark images - flashes of ships, armies, giant maps, people walking, soldiers running, castles, etc.
Enemies to the East. (perhaps the Unsullied army)
Enemies to the West. (the Iron Islands)
Enemies to the South. (who's the person sharpening the dagger/sword?)
Enemies to the North. (could be a number of people - as the North is huge)
So, the teaser trailer offered us a small glimpse into what could potentially happen in Westeros.
Does Jon truly want to sit on a throne?
Will Dany reclaim what is rightfully hers, even though she has not lived in Westeros for many, many years?
And what is up with Cersei? Taking that throne because all of her children are dead? Setting fire to the Sept and blowing everyone and everything in it to the high heavens? Well, that's one way of getting rid of your competition. Not the best way, but for Cersei, the most dastardly and effective.
Lots of fan threads going crazy with regards to the characters' clothing, the thrones they respectively sit on and what this all means for the Seven Kingdoms.
Anyone, but Cersei, should sit on the Iron Throne.
She'll be worse than the Mad King.
It's been a long, painful wait for fans.
The good news is that we've been getting all kinds of updates with regards to plots, pictures and potential new characters.
The bad news is that we still have to wait until the summer to start watching Season Seven.
We are now at 107 days to go, if that's any consolation!
The official teaser trailer dropped yesterday, offering us a good look at three potential contenders for the Iron Throne: Dany, Jon and Cersei. the end of the trailer, Cersei takes a deep breath in, exhales and then....fade to black, then blue and you see the eye of a White Walker.
HBO - Possibility of a Prequel to Game of Thrones?!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, HBO, House Baratheon, House Lannister, House Stark, House Targaryen, prequel, The Tale of Dunk and Egg, WesterosOkay. How freaking AMAZING would it be if Game of Thrones were to continue.....yes, I know. Fans are only getting eight seasons. I will be crying when that day sadly arrives (2018, wah wah wah).
However, I've read several articles that have given me....dare I say? A little trickle of hope? There's been some talk at HBO and apparently the producers and folks at HBO are open and interested, along with GRRM, in the possibility of doing a prequel story line.
You know, A Tale of Dunk and Egg? For those of you who don't know, Google it or order the graphic novels. It's an amazing collection of prehistory before all of the junk about Robert's Rebellion going down.
I would be pretty damned happy with seeing this come to fruition. Yes, it wouldn't be Game of Thrones, but it would be the history of certain events and it would give us a lot better insight to the way the Seven Kingdoms ran politically, economically and socially.
I'm okay with this!!