Under 200

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Well the good news for us fans is that we only have 185 days left to go until Season III premieres and rocks us all!

Of course, fandimonium will kick into high gear once we are at the 100 days left mark. Then, once we get down to the 31 days left mark, we'll all be feeding off the high octane energy! And we'll turn into zombies when we all see the new Season III trailers! Hopefully we'll see some teaser trailers around January 2013!!

Happy Birthday George R R

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Happy birthday! Or should I say, happy name day, George R R Martin!

Maybe I'll celebrate with a cupcake in his honour.

I also missed a few of the Game of Thrones actors and actresses' birthdays in the summer months! I apologize for that, so happy belated name days to all I missed!

Only 193 more days until the premiere of Season III. But who's counting?!

Happiness Is HBO Watch & HBO

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

And just like that, happiness is when HBO Watch publishes another one of my Game of Thrones related articles.

Happiness is HBO. Only 199 days left to go until the Season Premiere in March 2013.

But hey, who's counting?!

Hubster installed some kind of awesome sub woofer speaker system. When I watch Game of Thrones now...the quality of the sound makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a movie theatre!


My Top 10 for Season III

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I have 10 good reasons as to why I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to March 31, 2013.

Y'all know, the season premiere of Game of Thrones third season?!

10. The Hound. A scarred warrior. A tremendous fighting machine. A man who told the King where to go and how to go about doing it. I have a new found respect for him, despite his past transgressions.

9. The Blackfish, Brynden Tully. Being introduced to the Blackfish of House Tully will help explain the family's origins, motives and military allegiances.

8. What's going to happen to Tyrion Lannister! He's the best one of the bunch! Need I say more on the subject?!

7. The Reed siblings. This should be interesting and as a fan, I am hoping that certain historical elements will be revealed to Bran and Rickon, especially about how their late father rescued their late aunt Lyanna, right before she died. Could unlock one of the greatest mysteries about why Lyanna was alone and what the cause of her death was.

6. The White Walkers!! Holy crap! What is going to go down at the Fist of First Men? And what will happen to Samwell Tarly?

5. Ygritte and Jon Snow. C'mon, I'm just going to say it like it is: we ALL can't wait to see what Ygritte is going to 'teach' Jon up in the frigid lands north of the Wall. She's a redhead, she's fiery and she calls Jon on his ignorance and naivete. I have a feeling that Jon Snow is going to be quite the apt pupil. If you catch my drift.

4. Bran and Rickon Stark. I have a tender spot in my heart for these two young Stark children, forced to grow up, to deal with their father's death, their mother's separation and the shocking execution of Ser Rodrick Cassel and having to say goodbye to their beloved Maester Luwin. I am looking forward to the dreams and the transformation of wolf and man. Dreams and visions are pretty powerful things, and Bran must come to terms with this new found ability.

3. Lady Olenna Redwyne. I've been looking forward to seeing who would be cast for this role. Yes, she's an old lady but grandma's got game! She's wise, cunning and quietly dominates her family. Sure, she lets her son think he rules the Tyrell roost. But come on, now. WE all know that the quiet power behind the Tyrell family sigil of "Growing Strong" isn't a male: it's Olenna. And with her sharp eyes and cutting wit, she is molding and shaping one far more beautiful as her protegee: her granddaughter, Margaery. Margaery Tyrell: shrewd, seductive, survivor. I can't wait to see what the writers have in store. Margaery isn't just another pretty face. You GO GIRLS!

2. Arya Stark. Let's see the mercenary skills begin to emerge. She's sassy enough to dress like a boy. She's got the basic fundamental sword and fencing skills down pat. She's made an important ally: Jaqen H'gar. Valar Morghulis, anyone?

1. Mance Raydar, King Beyond the Wall. CIARAN HINDS. That's my rationale. Does a woman need to say anything else?

Musical Chairs in Westeros

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

As promised....I am coming up with some musical selections for some of the Houses in Westeros.

Not only will I do my best to pick a fitting piece of music per House, I'm also going to try and select the most appropriate piece of music for some of our favourite Game of Thrones characters, too!

Take into consideration that this is going to be a pretty big endeavour. I just got the 'green light' from Jacob at HBO Watch, so the finished product(s) will be published to the HBO Watch website.

So far, I have several songs from Led Zeppelin, Metallica, The Doors, The Cult, Madonna, Pink, Pink Floyd and LMFAO, to name a few!

You'll have to log on to http://hbowatch.com if you want to read the polished pieces of writing. I hope to do this particular piece justice. If there are any suggestions in terms of songs, please readers, feel free to leave me some commentary!

Time to cut a rug!

Musical Selections

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

So, I was on a brief road trip with my husband to Niagara County, Ontario and we were listening to the Classic Vinyl and Classic Rewind stations on my Sirius XM radio when a wave of inspiration hit me: there are so many amazing songs out there, that perhaps I could blog about many of them, but that they should be classified according to their appropriate House.

There are, of course, many songs in different musical genres, so this provides me with an outstanding variety of songs to choose from.

Are there any songs out there, that you, my blog visitors, can think of for any of the Houses in Westeros? Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

I'm going to go through all of my MP3 files and Cd's to see what songs would be appropriate.

Now that I think about it, Florence and the Machine's "Seven Devils" was such an appropriate choice for one of the Season II trailers....that I often wonder what they'll do for the Season III trailers that will be out for spring 2013?