Assorted Musings & Giggles

Author: GrrmGirl / Labels: , , , ,

There's been a few moments that I just have to acknowledge.

We've had some comedic relief from Tyrion and Davos. But Olenna had delivered some pretty awesome lines this season.

The line about Arya making pies - "One or two."

Tyrion: "I would never do you."

Tyrion: "Does Sansa miss me?"

Davos: "This is Jon Snow."

Olenna: "That's very nice my dear. How do you plan on taking it? By asking nicely?"

Varys: "Good. If you don't mind my saying, I don't think you should return." (can you tell he really doesn't like Melisandre?)

Everything that came out of Sandor's mouth while riding with the Brotherhood.

Any other stellar lines stand out?