In a word: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am posting the article that from 109 We Come From the Future. Amazing. As in, my desktop background has the Manga adaptation of a Song of Ice and Fire.
126 more days to go!!!
Winter is coming!
Game of Thrones Manga Adaptation
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, MangaLoTR vs GoT Characters
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Characters, Game of Thrones, George R R Martin, J R R Tolkien, Lord of the RingsOH. MA GAWD!!
AWESOME article about who would win if we all asked the question...."In the two parallel books Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, who would win against whom?"
SO many possibilities to think of!
Aragorn versus Jaime.
Cersei versus Arwen.
Tyrion versus Frodo.
Tywin versus Gandalf.
Jon versus Gimli.
Robb versus Legolas.
Arya versus Eowyn.
Daenyers versus the Witch King.
Eddard versus Boromir. (hee hee hee)
Theon versus Faramir.
Samwell Tarly versus Samwell Gamgee. (c'mon, you all knew I would put the two Sams together)
A White Walker versus Gollum.
Varys versus Galadriel.
Littlefinger versus Wormtongue.
Anyone else??
I NEED That Graphic Novel!
Author: Anonymous / Labels: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, Graphic NovelsYUP!!! Less than 150 days to go, y'all. Went to the local Chapters to purchase the second A Song of Ice and Fire graphic novel and THEY DIDN'T HAVE IT!!!
Whyyyyyyyy?! I came home and my husband promptly told me to "Quit being so dramatic. You just got hired as a full time teacher, you're healthy and you'll be debt free soon enough. You'll get the book in a week or so."
Remind me not to whine in his presence ever again!
PS - I'm not letting him have any of my Game of Thrones cake, once the Season Premiere rolls around in March 2013! Hmph! Lol.