Give Him the Second Emmy

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , ,

After watching May 14's episode, and sitting on the edge of my seat seeing Peter Dinklage unleash fury and vitriol on the court masses of King's Landing, all I have to say is:


As an aside, I am starting to get a little annoyed with the Meereen and Daeneyrs storyline.

Mad respect to Ser Davos. He got the gold!

Littlefinger & Lysa: A Match Made in...

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,


Those two are just so evil, and they totally deserve each other! Fans finally find out just exactly who murdered poor Jon Arryn.....his darling, devoted wife, Lysa Arryn. And how she basically started the lies and the machine that created hostilities between House Stark and Lannister.

Can we say 'green eyed monster?' Not for a second did I believe anything that came out of her mouth when she was speaking to Sansa, who will be going by Alayne. How convenient that Lysa and Petyr are together now, and we find out that long ago, they had been intimate with each other. Except that Lysa is a poor substitute for Catelyn and (ew) Sansa. And HOW creepy was it to watch Lysa flip out on Sansa?! Jealous, much? Controlling and insecure, hmm that sounds like the Lady of the Vale. Although, I have to say that I am finally starting to warm up to Sansa. She is learning the value of deception. If she can continue to lie and put on one heck of a performance, then perhaps she will start to develop a love of intrigue. And get good at it.

And how about Cersei, sucking up to Margaery, Tywin and....Oberyn (!). It doesn't take much to realize why....because she wants Tyrion dead and also because (gasp!) House Lannister NEEDS House Tyrell on their side. Something about the Iron Bank of Braavos. I wouldn't want to be in debt to them, that's for sure.

They sound pretty omninous.

Dany staying behind makes sense, as she needs to rule those she means to liberate and show that she can and will develop good leadership and diplomatic skills. You have to wonder how it is that the folks in King's Landing are made aware of her every, perhaps there is a spy in her midst?

Hopefully Tommen and Margaery get married REAL soon. As for Arya, loved the water dance sequence but totally disliked the Hound for smacking her. I have a feeling that the next batch of episodes are going to get really interesting....

Oath Keeper!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

Well, while I enjoyed some aspects of last night's episode....I was rather confused.

As in, I went back to my book to see if I had forgotten any minor plots.

Nope, it looks like I didn't. So, last night's episode had a lot of changes. To be honest, I didn't mind some of them (the scene between Margaery and Olenna really cracked me up, I howled with laughter). I loved the Bronn, Jaime and Tyrion scenes.

Again, some of the other changes....well, I don't know why they were made. I'm guessing for the time constraints and having to shave off a lot of material.

I am STILL waiting for something major to happen....hinting at a female character.

I get that change can be a good thing. But, what if some of these changes confuse book readers?!

On that note, I am totally looking forward to next week's episode.

REALLY hoping that Margaery wipes that smug look off Cersei's face!




The Sept Scene

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

Once again, the good folks over at HBO have decided to court controversy.

The scene in the Sept was highly uncomfortable. Fans who watch the show think that's the gospel truth. The reality is in the books, that scene is consensual, with Cersei coaxing Jaime on, even though they are inside a holy place, with their dead son only a few feet away.

Anyway you slice this scene, it's still gross.

Many women were up in arms about the scene. A lot of book readers were, too.

My opinion is this: I wish they would show more about Cersei's power hungry and immoral behavior. Book readers know that in A Storm of Swords, Cersei sleeps with the Kettleblack brothers, as well as Lancel, and couldn't care less about staying faithful to her brother/lover, Jaime.

I do not condone assault on any level. But I can't feel sorry for Cersei, even in the scene. Why, you ask?!

Let me do a recap of what she has done over the years (*potential spoilers*)

- had an incestuous relationship with her twin for years;
- killed one of her childhood friends over the prophecy that was told to her when she was a teen;
- killed her first born child by Robert Baratheon;
- went out of her way to have three children by her brother and passed them off as her husband's during her reign as Queen;
- cultivated a sociopath for a son, whose cruel and vindictive behavior caused so much uproar in the Seven Kingdoms;
- cheated on her brother/lover with her cousin (I guess she knows how to "keep it in the family");
- continually plotted against her enemies, real or imagined;
- continually at odds with her younger brother Tyrion, because he calls her out on her behavior and has the guts to stand up to her;
- felt no remorse at a young child being thrown out the window;
- chastised her late husband for drinking and whoring...and yet, look at what she's started to do the last two seasons;
- has become mentally unstable;
- goes out of her way to try and undermine Margaery Tyrell (and to some degree, Lady Olenna)
- tries to intervene when Margaery and Tommen get married by getting the Kettleblack brothers to spy on her and seduce her, thus catching Margaery in an act of treason.

I don't care for Cersei at all and she deserves whatever happens to her. A woman in her position could use power for good.

She has only EVER USED IT for BAD.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Winds of Westeros

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Happy 2nd birthday to my blog! :)

I can't believe it's been two years since I started this. Initially, this was a suggestion from my second cousin, as she joking said that I should channel all of my energy into some sort of blog to entertain the masses.

Thank you, Daniela, for planting the seed.

I am looking forward to tonight's episode and see the fall out from the Purple Wedding!

The Purple Wedding

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

Long live the King!

King Tommen, first of his name! In case you didn't already think of this, Tommen is next in line and the only living son left. The BIG difference between Joffrey and Tommen, is that Tommen has no evil bone or thought in his body. We all know how Joffrey was.

So many feelings associated with the epic Purple Wedding. Who killed Joffrey? What was the motive? Who will gain from it? And how well did everyone sleep after knowing that King Joffrey, the sick, sociopath and malevolent King was now dead?

So many things that went on this episode and you can read my episode review of The Lion and The Rose on the HBO Watch website.

A lot of speculation as to who killed Joffrey. Interesting to note that Joffrey went out of his way to deliberately insult so many people at his wedding feast, including his own uncle, his aunt through marriage, his brother in law, his own wife and others.

Wicked respect to Prince Oberyn Martell and his equally sensuous paramour, Ellaria Sand, who boldly put Tywin AND Cersei in the dirt with their pointed remarks. Well played, Oberyn.

The smug sense of satisfaction that I felt in knowing that we wouldn't have to put up with that depraved jerk ever again kept me grinning from ear to ear.

We still have Cersei and Ramsay Snow to put up with. Patience is a virtue. And Karma always comes back.


SEASON IV Premiere

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

April 6 arrived.

Season IV, episode I "Two Swords" premiered.

It was 59 minutes in length.


While not every single character was showcased, we have to remember that you can only have so many people featured. Highlights included meeting Prince Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand. They are HOT with a capital "H."

Tyrion is excellent; showing us the nature of sympathy and empathy as he tries so hard to be kind to Sansa and all she does is cry and recoil from him. Yes, I get it - she is grieving for what happened to her mother, sister in law and brother. However, Tyrion did not know about it and did NOT give the command. He is the best Lannister, in my opinion.

Jaime and Cersei seem to have become alienated, which is a good thing: hopefully Jaime will realize his twin sister has not been quite so faithful and he'll grow distant from her. She is a malevolent influence on him.

Tywin melting down House Stark's sword "Ice" was symbolic: it shows the fact that House Lannister has crushed House Stark. Or have they?

All sorts of spies abait in King's Landing: Shae longs for Tyrion and doesn't realize that the other handmaid is a spy. Qyburn is the maester of preference, at least with Cersei. I don't blame her in that respect.

Can we say that grandmother Olenna has got major swag? Sending out all the little handmaids of House Tyrell to get the best jewellery was a sly move on her part: House Tyrell will have the best of the best jewels for the Purple Wedding and everyone else will be in the shade. Love that woman. Love Brienne, too, for speaking with Olenna and Margaery. And for holding Jaime responsible to his vow about protecting both Stark girls.

Speaking of which, can we get totally frenzied over Arya and The Hound?!

WHAT UPPPP Hound! The man is a BEAST. He just happens to be 'mentoring' Arya, even if he doesn't consciously realize it. And ARYA!!!!! OMG!!!!

She got her horse AND got Needle back. So, the episode started with two swords: both from House Stark. Will Arya be the Stark that rises from the ashes?

One can only cling to hope.

Game of Thrones cake

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Another fabulous cake, made by The Vanilla Bean for tomorrow night's premiere party.

Awesome indeed. Tyrion Lannister would approve.

Less than 30 hours to go!


Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Alright, Ladies and sers!

Two more days! So many articles being posted on the Internet. Not that I'm complaining!


Game of Thrones Marathon

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

Well, that does it! There's going to be a 60 hour Game of Thrones marathon, starting on Friday.

For those of you who want to get into the series, now is your chance.

I'm going to go off the grid this weekend. Between cleaning my house for Sunday night's party and going through this marathon, I don't want to be disturbed.

I'll check in either Sunday morning or Monday afternoon.


Single digits and Other Musings

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

We are officially down to single digits.

On that note, it's been a very long winter and even worse, a longer wait for this season.

However, the time is almost upon us. Preparations for a season premiere party have been made. Invitations have been issued. Food is going to be prepared. A cake has been ordered to celebrate this occasion.

I've also bought the Vanity Fair and Entertainment Weekly magazines that came out this week, with new pictures and behind the scenes musings about Game of Thrones, D B Weiss, David Benioff and of course, George RR Martin himself.

I bought 2 copies of the Vanity Fair magazine. One for my possession and the other for my friends and family to look at. Yes, it's a peculiar habit I have, but oh well. Deal with it! LOL

More Trailers!!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Yes yes yes!!! The feels!  The epic wins! Fans of the realm, rejoice!

Several artisan trailers and more teaser trailers for all to enjoy!

NYC Event GoT Live!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

As if HBO's Game of Thrones marketing blitz couldn't get any cooler, they decided to have a live event streamed from NYC on Facebook!

Awesome! Lots of pictures have been posted, lots of posts have been to added to many famous blogs.

As well, Entertainment Weekly magazine and Vanity Fair have published Game of Thrones articles and spreads of the actors and actresses. This means I must purchase 2 copies of each. One copy that I tuck away and the spare copy, in case people want to read the articles, they can peruse through that one.

I also got the third graphic novel delivered to my door. So all in all, it's been a very good week!

Game of Thrones Rap Tracks

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

At first, I was skeptical.

But then, I was like, "Okay, I just heard three tracks - 'Arya's Prayer,' 'The Ladder,' and 'The Mother of Dragons.'

And I was like, "Damn! Some of those tracks are pretty tight!" You must hand it to the savvy folks over at HBO. This is a different genre to be linked to Game of Thrones. A very clever marketing strategy, because you expose two different genres of pop media (fantasy/sci-fi and rap). Thus, doubling your audience.

The result: is AWESOME.

More Funko Dolls!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , ,

Guess what arrived in the mail today?? I came home to a big box and I just KNEW what it was about!

Now, I have a total of 20 Game of Thrones Funko Vinyl dolls.

Next on my wishlist: the Dragon Egg plushies and the Stark Direwolves plushies.

Did I mention that I had only $100 left on my Visa?!

Oh well. So much for being debt free at this point in time!

Under 40!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

No, I'm not referring to my age.

We are now under 40 days left to go until Game of Thrones Season IV premieres! I don't know about you, but winter here in Ontario has been absolutely wretched, to say the least. Copious amounts of snow and horrible windchills have made this one of the worst winters, ever.

Not exaggerating. Just Google Toronto Ice Storm 2013 and you'll know I am not exaggerating.

38 days left in the realm. The intensity is building up. The excitement is raging through our veins.

HBO just put out little teaser trailers and posters.

It's right around the corner.

Valar Dohaeris!

Funko Funko FUNKO!!!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , ,

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will be arriving really really soon!!!!

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I so don't want to see my Visa bill. I paid it off. I was a good girl. But then, I saw that Funko made the next series of Game of Thrones vinyl Pop figures. What's a girl to do?

I also pre-ordered the 3rd graphic novel that comes out this March. Totally stoked to get that delivered. And of course, I ordered a few Game of Thrones accompanying essay type books.

My husband gave me a Valentine's Day note last night that sums it up perfectly:

"I love it freak out over anything GAME OF THRONES."

Oh, bless his heart. It takes a patient man to put up with the stubborn, sassy likes of me!

50 days, fan of the realm!!!

Game of Thrones: A Foreshadowing

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , ,

A preview designed to give fans of the realm a little taste of what is coming in April did not disappoint! Love the sets, the costumes and the behind the scenes questions and answers with the actors and actresses.

We are now officially under the 2 month mark. Which is a good thing, because the winter has been long. Too much frigid arctic air masses and not enough sunshine.

So stoked for April 6! :)

New Season IV Game of Thrones Pictures

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

More eye candy to admire!

New faces!

New storylines! Amazing locations and gorgeous costumes.

61 days, people. 61.

Game of Thrones Exhibition 2014!!!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Oh yeah! Once again, Toronto is on the list for another HBO Game of Thrones exhibit.

I went to the first one (March 2012)at the Bell TIFF Lightbox, downtown Toronto. As an extremely enthusiastic Game of Thrones fan, I felt it was rather bare.

Fast forward to March 2013. The second HBO Game of Thrones exhibit was held at the Design Exchange, downtown Toronto. This one did not disappoint! I took so many pictures - 500, to be exact!

Hopefully, the third time is a charm! For all the fans in the realm, the third one will be held back at the Bell TIFF Lightbox May 14 to 18. Again, it's a free event and sure to be sold out within minutes of the ticket box office opening.

I plan on getting mine as soon as the box office opens. Maybe even get a few more this time around!



Chivas Regal Presents...

Author: Anonymous / Labels: ,

Okay, you have to watch this Chivas Regal commercial.

My dad drinks this. So does my husband.

But what makes it so suave and super cool is the narrative. It's by Charles Dance.

And it is absolutely PERFECT! I've posted the YouTube link under my Game of Thrones links.


Sansa Courts Controversy

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , ,

Sansa Stark and the word controversy really don't belong in the same sentence.

The reason why I write this blog post is because I posted a link in which George RR Martin has stated that in his future book, 'The Winds of Winter,' apparently there is going to be a really shocking chapter. As in awful. Controversial. And it has to do with Sansa Stark.

Here is my take on what the controversy could be:

Theory #1 - Sansa, using courtesy as her armor, is so scared and fearful for her life that she leans on and completely trusts Petyr Baelish and ends up marrying him and having a child. Of course, she is known as 'Alayne Stone' - his supposed illegitimate daughter but Petyr being the crafty scumbag that he is - will find a way to say something to the effect of, "Well, I only had her interests at heart, because there could have been attempts made on her life or someone may have wished to kidnap a wealthy heiress."

I don't like this theory, but it is controversial in the sense that Sansa is still a maiden and she will end up marrying a man, who though much back stabbing and scheming, betrayed her family and tore them apart.

Theory #2 - Sansa will become a ruthless and cruel woman, exactly like Cersei Lannister. She will become vindictive and hateful, not caring who she hurts and what her actions do, down the line to other people. She will become so hateful that the only thing that'll keep her going is the thought of going back to Winterfell. If she's still with Petyr Baelish, she could turn out to become a mastermind just like him: a liar, ruthless and cunning, except that nobody would think she was capable, because she is this sweet, proper young lady.

For Sansa to become ruthless and strike out at people would mean that she would have to develop a backbone and very thick skin. Not sure I am liking this theory, either.

Theory #3 - Sansa will play the sweet, head in the clouds young lady that she was brought up to be. She will fool everyone and play her party so well that nobody would even think that she had a seed of hatred in her heart. Until the time was right and she reveals who she is and ends up murdering Petyr Baelish, gaining the loyalty of the people of the Vale of Arryn and heads back to the ruins of Winterfell to try and live out the rest of her life, in peace, but heavily guarded. She will trust no one and go to great lengths to make sure that Winterfell is rebuilt and that the northern banner men protect her, for the rest of her life. She will never marry, after what she has gone through.

Well, this theory would be ideal, if Sansa could find the audacity to go through with getting rid of Petyr Baelish. Besides, nobody would miss him!

Theory #4 - Almost like #3 except Petyr finds out what she does and before she has a chance to get rid of him permanently, he assaults her. She manages to fight him off, but not before some serious damage is done. She escapes with her life and turns to the Maester and Septa of the Eyrie to help her recover. She decides to go back to Winterfell after being traumatized. On her travels north, Arya senses that Sansa was going through something terrible and warged into Nymeria to confirm this. Arya, almost completely initiated into the Faceless Men, decides it's time to travel back to help save her sister. They run into each other and head back to Winterfell together, trying to rebuild a semblance of a life. When Sansa tells Arya what happens, Arya makes it a point to go back and exact her revenge on Petyr Baelish. She does so with careful consideration. She stalks his brothels and plants poison in a few of them. Many of the prostitutes die. Many of the clients die mysterious deaths, too. It's all made to make sure that Petyr's brothels begin to suffer and business starts to decline sharply. To make matters better, Arya finds out where she can locate a Brother from the Iron Bank of Braavos and tell him that Petyr Baelish is skimming his accounts and not paying any and all interest owed to the Iron Bank. To further complicate matters, Arya somehow, someway makes it back to the Vale and speaks with the remaining banner men of Jon Arryn and the late Lysa Tully Arryn and tells them everything that Little finger had done: that he murdered Lysa, framed the singer and murdered Robyn Arryn, all so he could gain titles, lands and a greater link in an attempt to lay claim to Winterfell. Then, she tells the banner men of the Vale of Arryn the heinous crime of what Littlefinger did - that he raped her sister. For this, the crime is death. Outraged, the banner men swear allegiance to the young wolf pup of Winterfell.

With a considerable amount of man power behind her, Arya now travels to Riverrun, and meets up with her great Uncle, Brendyn Tully. He joins forces with her and rallies men to her cause. Dispatches to the Brotherhood with Banners come calling and join her. The northern banner men of Winterfell leave an armed garrison behind to safely protect Sansa and the rebuilt castle and community of Winterfell. Arya marches south. She finds the scum, Petyr, at King's Landing, as he was making an attempt to hide out and eventually get into the good graces of Queen Margaery. Due to the might and strength of her army, and the fact that Margaery is now Queen, they arrest Petyr on charges of murder, unlawful seduction, rape, embezzlement, fraud and fraudulent funds. Justice is swift - Arya decides that he will die, but a quick death is not suitable for him. Arya personally delivers the sentence and sees to it that he suffers. He is hung, drawn and quartered and his head is eventually placed on a spike at King's Landing, for all to see.

Queen Margaery is very pleased with Arya Stark and offers her a place at court. Arya respectfully declines but suggests a few loyal, northern banner men stay at court to guarantee safety and security. Queen Margaery and King Tommen write a peace treaty with Houses Stark, Arryn and Tully and they develop a lasting friendship. Queen Margaery asks Arya  about Sansa and inquires after her health. In time, Sansa recovers from her traumatic ordeal and the Queen goes to visit her. They become close and a future betrothal between Ser Wilas Tyrell is successfully proposed. Sansa moves to Highgarden and marries Ser Wilas, but remains quite close to her little sister.

As for Arya, well, a strange howling is heard now and then in the distance. It is when the full moon rises high above the towers of Winterfell, that Nymeria finally sees Arya. And the two kindred spirits are reunited. Nymeria, it seems, has brought a guest with her.

Aegon looks upon the young wolf pup to see how lovely she has grown and falls in love with her on the spot. Through a lot of bitterness and heartache, the Stark girls are finally given the happy endings they deserve.

Theory #4 - I am all in favor! This would be controversial, due to the awful event that Sansa has to go through. However, what Littlefinger reaps, he finally ends up paying for.(okay, yes, I made this whole theory up but that is what dedicated fans do these days)

Now Recruiting!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , ,

I have successfully recruited three colleagues to the realm.

I know.

Either I'm awesome or I am kind of borderline obsessed/crazy.

I prefer to think of it as having an extreme level of enthusiasm.


PS - I am totally liking Oberyn Martell.

I'm going to Dorne!

Season IV Trailer is OUT

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , ,



TEARS OF JOY (okay, perhaps that is a wee bit of an exaggeration on my part...or is it?)

Let the speculation begin! It'll be interesting to see how closely they follow the latter half of the book.

I could see clips of Jon, Arya, Sansa, the Hound, Margaery and Joffrey at their wedding. Tywin and Jaime with a new sword, Jaime getting fitted for a new hand, Tyrion in a bit of a pickle, Tyrion talking to Oberyn Martell (who, by the way, looks like a total badass), the Wildlings, Yara, Brandon and Hodor near a Weirwood tree, etc etc.

April 6 is officially 82 days away!

Did I mention that Arya looks awesome and one has to wonder, is that Needle in her hands??!! Hope so!

Season IV Premiere Date Confirmed

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , ,

APRIL 6, 2014.

9 PM.


It's so awesome, that it's CRAZY INSANE how hyper I am at this moment.

I put it all over my Facebook page and Twitter accounts.

Oh man. While I wanted it to be in March (7 less days of waiting), I think fans in the realm can now breathe a sigh of relief, as we now know for sure that April 6 is THE date.

And y'all know I already called my cake lady for the cake, like last month, right?!

Heh heh heh!