Thank you, George R R!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: ,

I first came to know "A Game of Thrones" back in the late 1990s. It wasn't until many years later that I actually read the first book. I literally picked it up, started reading it and found I could not put it down.

After that, I was hooked. I quickly purchased the next two books in the series: "A Clash of Kings" and "A Storm of Swords." Problem with that is no sooner had I purchased the books, I pretty much finished them.

A surprising thing happened in winter 2011 (how fitting, considering House Stark's motto is 'Winter is Coming'): I saw a fleeting trailer for this action packed, medieval drama.....and yes, it was Game of Thrones!

I counted the weeks and days down until it's debut. Not to be conceited or rude, but I found it completely awesome that HBO decided to choose April to premiere this series. April is the month of my wedding anniversary and birthday. A fitting present for me, indeed!

I shut my phone off, I told family and friends NOT TO BOTHER ME on April 17, 2011. Sorry folks....but leave me alone to my HBO series. And it did NOT DISAPPOINT. I was enraptured. I wanted more. I didn't want to wait every single Sunday evening to watch it.

Then I thought of the old adage, 'patience is a virtue.' Surely I was not the only fan who became excited and couldn't wait for the next episode. I quickly joined Twitter's Game of Thrones group, not to mention find the Game of Thrones page on Facebook. There, I found thousands of fans, just like me.

Fast forward a year later. Yes, Game of Thrones debuted - once again - in April. I had the opportunity to meet George R. R. Martin at a book signing in March 2012. I was like a little girl, giggling. Or to be more accurate, like a teenage fan for the Jonas Brothers or Zac Efron. I waited for 3 hours and it was worth it. I had four out of five of my Game of Thrones books signed.

And so, I just wanted to say a humble "thank you" to the great George R. R. Martin. You have provided me with countless hours of reading pleasure. Meeting you was fantastic! I can't wait to keep posting more blog entries on the books, the plot lines and HBO series!


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