A Man Without Honour

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

After watching (and rewatching) last night's episode....you had to wonder, who in Westeros truly has honour?

I believe that Ned Stark did, as did Bariston Selmy. I believe that the old bear, Lord Commander Mormont does and Jon Snow possesses it, too. King Robb Stark is also a man with honour, as in evidence by the way he talks to his troops, the way he cares for them and how he listens to his bannermen's counsel. (He really should've listened to his mother's, regarding the Greyjoy's).

I was sad to see Ser Rodrick Cassel die. That upset me. However, it creates the sort of dramatic tension in order to keep the audience riveted to the screen and also instill a fierce loyalty to the remaining Stark crew. Brandon has forced to become a man in such a short span of time, even though he is only a teen.

And Tyrion has his own sense of honour, given who his brother, sister and father are. He truly cares for his niece Myrcella and nephew Tommen, but as for the rest of them, he knows they don't truly respect him because of his "imp" status. And Ayra....how amazing are her scenes with the great Tywin? Even though they are on duelling paths and he (apparently) has no knowledge that she is a Stark, you have to love their banter back and forth. He likes that fact that she is quick to sum up a situation. She likes that she can have a conversation, it is her way of being savvy at gathering information for future use. Also love how Tywin sees through what she says but he enjoys her company.

"You're a sharp little thing, aren't you?"


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