Getting Back to ADwD

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

Now that the holidays are upon us (and I have two glorious weeks off of work), I am going to start reading "A Dance With Dragons." (I read about 155 pages....but have been sidetracked with professional development and two jobs)

I can't wait to curl up and start that book!

99 days left until Game of Thrones Season III premiere!

Happy holidays & Merry Christmas! :)

Musical Game of Thrones Albums

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , ,

How AWESOME is this post from 109 We Come from the Future?

I think it's pure genius!

111 days left to go, Game of Thrones fans! Yay!

Funko GoT Vinyl Figures!!!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,


I've let y'all know that I contribute to HBO Watch, a group of talented and dedicated fans/writers of all things HBO.

Just checked my Google+  discussion and saw that I hadn't been on it for a while. There were a lot of updates and exciting events. I was extremely elated to see that Jacob Klein, the founder of HBO Watch, has rewarded my many Game of Thrones character articles with one of those awesome Funko Game of Thrones figures.'s a toss up to see which one I end up receiving. There's the Khal Drogo one, the White Walker one and the Tyrion Lannister one. There are two other HBO Watch writers being rewarded as well, both guys. Something tells me that I may end up with Khal Drogo, because I wrote about him in one of my articles. Then again, I also wrote about the White Walker at the end of Season II looking like Willie Nelson, just frozen. Or maybe I'll end up with Tyrion because I named him my sexiest man in Westeros.

Maybe I think too much.  Maybe.

Game of Thrones Manga Adaptation

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , ,

In a word: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am posting the article that from 109 We Come From the Future. Amazing. As in, my desktop background has the Manga adaptation of a Song of Ice and Fire.

126 more days to go!!!

Winter is coming!

LoTR vs GoT Characters

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , ,


AWESOME article about who would win if we all asked the question...."In the two parallel books Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, who would win against whom?"

SO many possibilities to think of!

Aragorn versus Jaime.

Cersei versus Arwen.

Tyrion versus  Frodo.

Tywin versus Gandalf.

Jon versus Gimli.

Robb versus Legolas.

Arya versus Eowyn.

Daenyers versus the Witch King.

Eddard versus Boromir. (hee hee hee)

Theon versus Faramir.

Samwell Tarly versus Samwell Gamgee. (c'mon, you all knew I would put the two Sams together)

A White Walker versus Gollum.

Varys versus Galadriel.

Littlefinger versus Wormtongue.

Anyone else??

I NEED That Graphic Novel!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , ,

YUP!!!  Less than 150 days to go, y'all.  Went to the local Chapters to purchase the second A Song of Ice and Fire graphic novel and THEY DIDN'T HAVE IT!!!

Whyyyyyyyy?!  I came home and my husband promptly told me to "Quit being so dramatic. You just got hired as a full time teacher, you're healthy and you'll be debt free soon enough. You'll get the book in a week or so."

Remind me not to whine in his presence ever again!

PS - I'm not letting him have any of my Game of Thrones cake, once the Season Premiere rolls around in March 2013! Hmph! Lol.

Lands of Fire & Ice Book!

Author: Anonymous /


I will be purchasing the Lands of Fire & Ice map book that will be coming out tomorrow!

Super duper stoked. After all, it's still around the 150 days left to go mark and I need something to help me through the winter!

I also got a full time job, so I apologize if there seems to be long gaps between posts. When new and exciting news pops up, I'll be back blogging!


Rhaegar & Lyanna Casting Ideas?

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , ,

While I was working over the weekend, the subject of Rhaegar and Lyanna came up.

An important question was posed to me: "Who would you like to see cast as Rhaegar and Lyanna?"

I thought about this for some time. I know that in "A Feast for Crows" there is a lot of reference to Rhaegar and Lyanna.

My husband chimed in with his suggestion - "Monica Belucci for Lyanna Stark. Just pop on some blue contacts and presto! Hotness, guaranteed." (typical man, although I have to agree, Monica Belucci is gorgeous and I am sure that a lot of men would tune in to see her on A Game of Thrones)

I thought of Charlize Theron. I read a while back that she is a huge Game of Thrones fan and would absolutely love the opportunity to get a part, even if it was a small part, on the show. If you've seen Aeon Flux, you'll know she can carry off having dark hair. She certainly is attractive enough! For those of you who've read the fourth book, you'll know that Cersei always had a jealous streak to her and didn't appreciate that the late Lyanna Stark was held to be one of the most "beautiful women in Westeros." I think Cersei was very threatened, because Lyanna was well liked and respected, stunning and came from a noble household.

The fact that Robert Baratheon was in love with her AND Rhaegar presented her with the rose wreath at one of the tournaments says something. Two men, from equally famous houses are in love with this woman? I also think that they need someone who can pull off the flashbacks, in terms of age and looks. Charlize Theron is 36, I believe. Not that she looks 36. She could easily pass for 28 or 29.

Now, in terms of who I'd like to see cast in flashbacks, as Rhaegar, the first person that came to mind was Tom Hardy. He's built, has blue eyes, can carry a melancholy disposition and is gorgeous. I mean, hello?! If you don't believe me, just look him up on Internet Movie Database and check out his roster of movies. I think he could carry it off. I'd LIKE to see him cast! Many women would thank me for my suggestion in the long run. Another actor that came to mind was Jack Huston, also known as Richard Harrow, on Boardwalk Empire. He has an impressive body of work and I think he could carry the part off rather well.

Who would you like to see cast as Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, if A Feast for Crows gets green lit and they incorporate flashback sequences? Suggestions, anyone?

Number Nine

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

We are now down to 165 days and counting. I've read a lot of articles about the filming of the infamous 'Red Wedding' scene. There's been all sorts of pictures of set designs and productions over in Croatia. I can't wait!!

I also read that the Red Wedding is going to be episode 9 in the first half of A Storm of Swords next year.

If memory serves correct....episode 9 in Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings were really intense and action packed. Is it just me, or does George R R Martin like the number 9?

I was born of the ninth of April. So of course, you know I'm not biased! Right?! (*wink wink nudge nudge*)

I love weddings and all....but this is one that I would've skipped...had I been invited! Yikes!

Bran Stark: The Broken Wolf

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , ,

HBOWatch has published another one of my character pieces. Bran Stark is close to my heart. Why?

I have worked with students with special needs in the last decade and I have found that there is something special about those kids. I am drawn to them like a lodestone. I am looking forward to Season III and seeing how the writers are going to fit in several major events for Bran.

I think this young wolf pup is going to have several challenges ahead of him BUT I think he's going to persevere!


Happy Name Day Lena Headey!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , ,

Happy name day to the only woman who could so convincingly portray the steely cold, equally calculating Cersei Lannister.

I can't stand the character, because she is evil personified (same with Joffrey). But I do appreciate the time when she said how awful it was to have such high intellect but have to suffer all because you are a woman.

I like to think that Cersei Lannister, in some very backward weird way, is a feminist. I appreciate her frustration in the sense where she feels trapped by her gender. All major decision are made by either her son, her father or the small council. It's just a formal courtesy that they let her sit on the privy council.

It must have totally sucked to be a woman back in Westeros. The positions of womanhood vary quite sharply: you are either a lady, a prostitute, an indentured servant, a nun, an outcast, a pawn, a sister, a mother or a daughter. You can't outright be a powerful woman, otherwise you are regarded as a threat. Cersei has, quite possibly, the most powerful title that a woman can obtain in the Seven Kingdoms. Yet, for all the wealth and privilege, she is downright miserable.

I'm glad I live in today's society.

Under 200

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Well the good news for us fans is that we only have 185 days left to go until Season III premieres and rocks us all!

Of course, fandimonium will kick into high gear once we are at the 100 days left mark. Then, once we get down to the 31 days left mark, we'll all be feeding off the high octane energy! And we'll turn into zombies when we all see the new Season III trailers! Hopefully we'll see some teaser trailers around January 2013!!

Happy Birthday George R R

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Happy birthday! Or should I say, happy name day, George R R Martin!

Maybe I'll celebrate with a cupcake in his honour.

I also missed a few of the Game of Thrones actors and actresses' birthdays in the summer months! I apologize for that, so happy belated name days to all I missed!

Only 193 more days until the premiere of Season III. But who's counting?!

Happiness Is HBO Watch & HBO

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

And just like that, happiness is when HBO Watch publishes another one of my Game of Thrones related articles.

Happiness is HBO. Only 199 days left to go until the Season Premiere in March 2013.

But hey, who's counting?!

Hubster installed some kind of awesome sub woofer speaker system. When I watch Game of Thrones now...the quality of the sound makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a movie theatre!


My Top 10 for Season III

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I have 10 good reasons as to why I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to March 31, 2013.

Y'all know, the season premiere of Game of Thrones third season?!

10. The Hound. A scarred warrior. A tremendous fighting machine. A man who told the King where to go and how to go about doing it. I have a new found respect for him, despite his past transgressions.

9. The Blackfish, Brynden Tully. Being introduced to the Blackfish of House Tully will help explain the family's origins, motives and military allegiances.

8. What's going to happen to Tyrion Lannister! He's the best one of the bunch! Need I say more on the subject?!

7. The Reed siblings. This should be interesting and as a fan, I am hoping that certain historical elements will be revealed to Bran and Rickon, especially about how their late father rescued their late aunt Lyanna, right before she died. Could unlock one of the greatest mysteries about why Lyanna was alone and what the cause of her death was.

6. The White Walkers!! Holy crap! What is going to go down at the Fist of First Men? And what will happen to Samwell Tarly?

5. Ygritte and Jon Snow. C'mon, I'm just going to say it like it is: we ALL can't wait to see what Ygritte is going to 'teach' Jon up in the frigid lands north of the Wall. She's a redhead, she's fiery and she calls Jon on his ignorance and naivete. I have a feeling that Jon Snow is going to be quite the apt pupil. If you catch my drift.

4. Bran and Rickon Stark. I have a tender spot in my heart for these two young Stark children, forced to grow up, to deal with their father's death, their mother's separation and the shocking execution of Ser Rodrick Cassel and having to say goodbye to their beloved Maester Luwin. I am looking forward to the dreams and the transformation of wolf and man. Dreams and visions are pretty powerful things, and Bran must come to terms with this new found ability.

3. Lady Olenna Redwyne. I've been looking forward to seeing who would be cast for this role. Yes, she's an old lady but grandma's got game! She's wise, cunning and quietly dominates her family. Sure, she lets her son think he rules the Tyrell roost. But come on, now. WE all know that the quiet power behind the Tyrell family sigil of "Growing Strong" isn't a male: it's Olenna. And with her sharp eyes and cutting wit, she is molding and shaping one far more beautiful as her protegee: her granddaughter, Margaery. Margaery Tyrell: shrewd, seductive, survivor. I can't wait to see what the writers have in store. Margaery isn't just another pretty face. You GO GIRLS!

2. Arya Stark. Let's see the mercenary skills begin to emerge. She's sassy enough to dress like a boy. She's got the basic fundamental sword and fencing skills down pat. She's made an important ally: Jaqen H'gar. Valar Morghulis, anyone?

1. Mance Raydar, King Beyond the Wall. CIARAN HINDS. That's my rationale. Does a woman need to say anything else?

Musical Chairs in Westeros

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

As promised....I am coming up with some musical selections for some of the Houses in Westeros.

Not only will I do my best to pick a fitting piece of music per House, I'm also going to try and select the most appropriate piece of music for some of our favourite Game of Thrones characters, too!

Take into consideration that this is going to be a pretty big endeavour. I just got the 'green light' from Jacob at HBO Watch, so the finished product(s) will be published to the HBO Watch website.

So far, I have several songs from Led Zeppelin, Metallica, The Doors, The Cult, Madonna, Pink, Pink Floyd and LMFAO, to name a few!

You'll have to log on to if you want to read the polished pieces of writing. I hope to do this particular piece justice. If there are any suggestions in terms of songs, please readers, feel free to leave me some commentary!

Time to cut a rug!

Musical Selections

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

So, I was on a brief road trip with my husband to Niagara County, Ontario and we were listening to the Classic Vinyl and Classic Rewind stations on my Sirius XM radio when a wave of inspiration hit me: there are so many amazing songs out there, that perhaps I could blog about many of them, but that they should be classified according to their appropriate House.

There are, of course, many songs in different musical genres, so this provides me with an outstanding variety of songs to choose from.

Are there any songs out there, that you, my blog visitors, can think of for any of the Houses in Westeros? Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

I'm going to go through all of my MP3 files and Cd's to see what songs would be appropriate.

Now that I think about it, Florence and the Machine's "Seven Devils" was such an appropriate choice for one of the Season II trailers....that I often wonder what they'll do for the Season III trailers that will be out for spring 2013?

Game of Thrones Cake Flavours

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , ,

Well, I asked my cake lady if she could make me 2 Game of Thrones themed cakes for the season premiere next year. Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you like, but she gets incredibly busy and I like to book her in advance.

So, obviously I will have a House Stark and a House Lannister cake. I was thinking, they should definitely reflect the geographic areas of Westeros. What flavours? What colours?

Hubster says that the House Lannister cake has to be red and gold. Okay, I suppose that's a given. He also said that a nice combination of flavours would be lemon sponge cake with strawberry filling or raspberry filling. So that means one cake is going to be light and fruity. The lemon sponge cake, as he pointed out to me, would be very rich, just like the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. I told him to calm down and if anyone is going to come up with those awesome ideas, it was going to be me!

As for the House Stark cake, I am inclined to go with blue and white, reflecting on the northern climate of Winterfell. I was thinking about a dark chocolate cake with fudge filling. Hubster totally disagreed with that option (um....should I remind him who is paying for set cakes?!). He said I should go with a nice vanilla cake and blueberries/strawberries/blackberries for the filling. I don't know. I'm not too crazy about the idea of doing a fruit medley for the House Stark cake.

I like the idea of a chocolate and vanilla swirl with chocolate icing and maybe some blueberries in there somewhere, in order to include blue as a colour, to give it that wintry feel. Besides, seeing as how he made suggestions for House Lannister's cake, I feel it only fair that I get what I want and have a chocolate fudgey ooey gooey kind of cake to eat.

Oh wait. I have to share it with my guests. Winter is coming, indeed!!!

My Game of Thrones Obsession

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , ,

Like everyone else out there who enjoys reading the "A Song of Ice and Fire" books by George R R Martin, I consider myself enamoured of the series - the books and the HBO show.

So, what to do during these long seven months to get by?

Well, I have A Dance with Dragons and have just started it. I also have Pearson Moore's Season One Game of Thrones Essays to read, as well. Something else that will keep me occupied is getting my hands of the Tales of Dunk and Egg. That's a compilation of three books to keep me busy. The second Game of Thrones graphic novel comes out  in November, so you know that will end up on my bookshelf.

I also have this blog. I also have character pieces to write for HBO Watch. Maybe throw in a Comic Con in one day! My Pinterest board will be updated every month. At last count, I had 2346 pins on my "A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones" board. Apparently, I have something like 44 followers because of that board. That's pretty flattering.

I can also have Season I and II viewing marathons. Of course, I do not share the burden alone. Millions of fans eagerly await what Season III has in store for us.

At least we can all surf on the Internet and read the latest press releases about the upcoming season.

I need a job! For real! Full time employment would definitely keep me preoccupied. That way I won't endlessly drone on and on friends and family. Not that I drone on, but if someone brings up Game of Thrones, well, naturally I get a little enthusiastic about the topic.

Well, wouldn't you?! :)

A Storm of Swords Party

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,


I actually had the nerve to email a few of my friends on Facebook and invite them to a little get together that I'll be having on March 31, 2013. (imagine planning things way in advance!)

Oh, wait. What's so special about that date? It's seven and a half months away!

In case you haven't read my blog, followed me on Pinterest, haven't read my character profiles on HBO Watch or don't have me as a Facebook friend, then you've been living under a rock! (just joking). I am a HUGE Game of Thrones fan. March 31, 2013 kicks off the season premiere of the third season, known to us all as "Game of Thrones: A Storm of Swords."

I've invited six people so far. Five are coming. I am going to order two cakes from my fantastic cake lady to commemorate the auspicious occasion! One will be a blue and white cake with the Stark dire wolf sigil on it. I'm thinking chocolate vanilla swirl for the House Stark cake (I always order chocolate from my cake lady for my cake flavours so I'll be bold and try something different). As for the second cake, it will be red and gold, as it will represent House Lannister. Flavour? Hm. Strawberry might be a good choice. Lemon is always a crowd pleaser, too.

And NO, I won't be dressing up as Arya, as someone had previously teased me about. Although one day I will go to a Comic Con and I will dress up in a Game of Thrones costume. I've see legions of dedicated fans do it countless times and who says you can only dress up in costumes on Halloween?!

Of course, it goes without saying that the guests I've invited were told to watch Season II before coming by for the Game of Thrones get together (I actually got one of my friends hooked on the series and he totally thanked me for it).

HBO Watch - Check It Out!

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , ,

Ladies and Gentlemen of Westeros and Pentos: I'd like to just send a HUGE shout out to the good folks at HBO Watch.

This is a small website that grew out of love for the many high quality HBO series on television. There are several members and they all contribute to the website by means of HBO character profiles for their favourite series, editorials, updates or "this just in" news flashes. It's all entertaining to read and I HIGHLY recommend visitors to click on the HBO Watch link on the sidebar to the right.

I am both pleased and humbled that Jacob and crew have published six of my character profiles! Jacob also published one of my humorous articles about the most attractive men in Westeros (now ladies, remember, I'm entitled to my opinion, as you are yours!) and it garnered a lot of feedback on the HBOWatch website and on Facebook.

I knew that somehow, someday, my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Medieval History and Medieval & Fantasy English Literature would pay off!

Thank you Jacob, for taking a chance on this Canuck gal from north of Toronto, Ontario! I am stoked to know that there are many new characters that will be introduced for Season III's A Storm of Swords. This means more character pieces! Yay!

I love to write about the multi-faceted characters of Westeros. When it comes to Game of Thrones, I have plenty to say!

Rome Comes to Westeros (well, sort of)

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

I am totally stoked that one of my favourite actors (not to mention older man crushes) is going to be a part of Season III: A Storm of Swords!! Ciaran Hinds is joining the Game of Thrones cast for Season III as Mance Rayder, King Beyond the Wall.

If you are not familiar with who Ciaran Hinds is: go to Internet Movie Database. You'll see that he has a long history of stage and theatrical productions, not to mention he's been in a lot of motion pictures. I watched Rome a few years back and thought he was brilliant as Julius Caesar.

That tall stature, that handsome face, the deep voice that delivered lines laced with authority or a quiet menace: what's not to like about Ciaran Hinds? If you've read the novels, as I have, you've probably come to understand that Mance's character is a bit younger. At least that is what I've read on many Game of Thrones related websites. I like the fact that the good folks at HBO cast Ciaran in the role of Mance Rayder. I think it takes a certain amount of wisdom and experience to become the King Beyond the Wall, to once be a Brother of the Night's Watch and turn your nose up at it all and head North to seek freedom, to rally people - Wildlings - to your vision and sick to it.

Not only that, but you are living in frigid, winter like conditions all year round. Would you rather have your freedom and live as you please or would you rather be down South, in one of the many cities in Westeros, where treachery and betrayal are a part of everyday living?

It'll be interesting when Ygritte takes Jon Snow to meet Mance Rayder. So far, I was very interested in meeting Lady Olenna Redwyne and Ser Brynden Tully, the Blackfish of Riverrun, in Season III. Add one more intriguing character to the list! 

The Hedge Knight

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

The next book which will eventually grace my bookshelf will be "The Hedge Knight."

Of course, I'm actually trying to convince my husband that spending almost $300 on the first novel, especially seeing that it's hardcover and in 'very good condition, like new' is an investment.

Somehow, I don't think he's going to buy my line.

So, before I get really upset with him, I have to stop - he DID pre-order the next Game of Thrones graphic novel, which is due out this November. I am pretty impressed that he actually preordered it for, to tell you the truth.

Alas, I will order the next two novels in George R R martin's "The Hedge Knight" series. I can order them brand new or used from Amazon Canada.

Still thinking how to order "The Hedge Knight" without raising suspicion. After all, I need to have something in my possession before reading "A Dance with Dragons." The problem is this: whenever I have a fantastic novel to read, I start, then plow right through it. I don't know why, but I believe that personally, whipping though a novel is a sign of its' success. I must learn to slow down and appreciate the novels, because it's not a race!

Maybe I'll ask my mom and dad....for Christmas...I want a book. Not just ANY book....but...

The Ice Dragon

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Recently, I ordered two books from Amazon Canada. The first one was "Season One Essays from Game of Thrones" by Pearson Moore. I've already  read a few chapters. Pretty impressed with that book, but it is "The Ice Dragon" by George R R Martin that really got me going.

As in, this is a children's book he wrote in 1980 (I was a wee little thing) and a 2006 edition has been produced, complete with beautiful pictures by Yvonne Gilbert.

Yes, it is a children's storybook but approach with caution: this is George R R Martin we're talking about; therefore there is bound to be some heartache in it somewhere.

I cried. I cried like a little girl. Like the time I watched "Watership Down." I've NEVER had such a visceral reaction to a children's storybook before! Of course, I am drawn to anything that GRRM has written, so it's no surprise that I had to add this children's book to my already growing collection.

Oh Adara, your Ice Dragon will always be with you!

"Z" is for....Zest? Zeal?

Author: Anonymous / Labels: , , ,

Well, I made it through 25 successful Game of Thrones blogs posts. Except, for this particular letter, I truly am stumped.

I can only think of the words "zest" and "zeal" to describe the enthusiasm and passion that the fans have for George R R Martin's fantastic series, "A Song of Fire and Ice."

I am pleased and humbled that people are checking out my humble little Game of Thrones themed blog. I am noticing a particular trend from the countries Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland and Germany!

Feeling a ton of international love. I love to follow anything and everything that is related to Game of Thrones. Hence, my zest and zeal for it! My friends and relatives often joke and comment that I am 'very enthusiastic,' 'borderline obsessed,' and 'if there's ever a contest about Game of Thrones, I want you on my team.'

I also love all the wonderful Game of Thrones fan threads and other amazing websites. I have included many of them on my blog as links and will continue to do so!

Only 226 more days until Season III!